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Wanheda (Part 2)/Transcript
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[Clarke spits on her. Clarke is a sudden screaming mass of rage as the Grounders drag her away.] Relax. Save your energy. I got a better idea. I almost got her. Did she say where she was going? All targets secure. [Lincoln wordlessly sticks out his arm.] [Jaha motions for Otan to let her go and he does.] [A man goes searching for the tracker and pulls it off of Monty.] [Roan easily kills the 2 scouts that stayed with him and then shoots the 3rd through the back with an arrow just before he catches Clarke. He lands on her and she grabs his dropped knife just before Roan comes up behind her.] [Bellamy's limping along as Pike, Hannah, Monty, and Kane run up behind him.] War drums. [Luckily, Jackson's around to take care of business.] Good news. I found fresh track. Oh, easy, easy, easy, come on, easy. Why? You don’t know anything about me. Forty-two of us got out alive. We did what we had to. [They do a weird chest bump hand thing.] Thank you, Abby. I knew it. It’s mine. Give it back! We leave no one behind. Lacroix, take the team, rendezvous with the others, get them to Arkadia. [Cut to literally the most beautiful shot of Indra looking disgusted of all time.] Hello, Clarke. The deal was for you to bring her to me unharmed. Your daughter killed him too. We’ll be set for life. Take her. We’re looking for Wanheda. Found it. [Back at the rover with Hannah, Pike, Indra, Bellamy, Monty, and Kane.] Hate to break up your little zen nap but we’re here. Don’t do anything stupid. Hold your fire! Abby, Abby. It’s Nyko. Another inch and I’d be dead. Maybe you’re not the Commander of Death after all. Now she’s quiet. Sixty-three. The rest are camped in the mountains north of here. Grounder killers one and all, am I right? [Lincoln and Nyko Bro-Hand-hold.] Thank you. Good. Emori, get in the boat. Then I guess you’re just going to have to keep an eye on me. Now that’s tech. There’s no need. They’ll understand. [Octavia comes in and quietly sits cross-legged beside him.] Leave us. You heard me. Help her up. I’m sorry. [Roan takes the knife from his throat.] Quiet. Listen. This place just saved his life. You want me to stop? You let her go right now or I’m gonna drown the bitch in the red dress. We should lay low, let the army pass, then we find Clarke. I’ll honor our deal when your Queen honors my coalition. Lock Prince Roan of Azgeda away. Can we talk about this one? We landed with that number too. We’ll take you to her. Bounty hunter. We’re here to help. Jaha. Earth to Jaha, come in Jaha. Azgeda. [Open on Bellamy, Kane, Indra, and Monty in the rover. It's daylight and they're still trapped as of the end of Wanheda Pt. 1.] Yes, sir. [The 2 dead bodies of the men Roan killed are on the ground in front of them.] [Roan drops Clarke's leash and she promptly makes a run for it.] All you have to do is let her go. [Monty and his mom tearfully hug again.] [They wander away on the path of creepy enlightenment.] [Murphy picks up a stick and whacks Gideon over the head with it several times. Gideon could not care less. He turns to Murphy to inform him.] [Bellamy is wearing tracks in the floor of the cave while Kane, Monty, Hannah, Pike and also the 2 dead bodies nonchalantly chill.] Not a believer? So what, we give up? Let him kill her? Indra, this is Charles Pike. He was a teacher on the Ark. This is Indra. She’s leader of the Trikru and a trusted ally. That has nothing to do with me. Honor our deal. [Open on Roan's friend beating up Niylah. She's putting up a good fight, but he clearly had the jump on her and also has quite the strength advantage.] What are you doing? It had to be this way. I had to ensure Wanheda didn’t fall into the hands of the Ice Queen. War is brewing, Clarke. I need you. English! Doubt that. Not for someone who abandoned them. We won. [Roan removes the bag. Instead of the Ice Queen, Lexa is seen.] Damn right you are. Mount up, we’re going back into Hell. Clotting has stopped the flow but he’s lost too much blood. What happened? Okay, what? [Meanwhile, Emori is passing stuff to Gideon but he gets saucy and snatches a weird metal backpack away from her.] The children were playing in it. They were the first to die. Fifteen of them. If not for your father, would’ve been more. He pulled four kids back into the ship. All four alive today. They got him when he went back for the fifth. Your father died a hero, Monty. We’ve been fighting Grounders ever since. [Murphy stoops to drop A.L.I.E. in the water, Jaha jumps.] [Fade in on Jaha back in the real world, on Emori's boat like at the end of Wanheda Pt. 1., with Emori, Jaha, Otan, Murphy, and Gideon.] [Otan shows up, not wearing his head scarf.] [Emori leans in and kisses him on the cheek.] [Indra runs off towards Lexa, Clarke and Roan head off towards the Ice Queen, Bellamy, Kane, Pike, Monty, and Hannah all head towards the very convenient cave.] So was he. Get out of my way! You haven’t told me what happened to Dad. Come, walk with me. I need to know what happened. Whatever’s in there, we’ll split it three ways. You earned that. Why are you hiding from your own people? Good. Because we have reports that put Clarke north of here. We could certainly use your expertise. I’ll get her, kill him. It’s not that simple. Our people, they’ll never see anything but death here. The great Wanheda. Mountain slayer. Our people are wrong, Lincoln. We can change their minds. Places are not evil, brother. People are. [Roan picks Clarke back up and she stabs him in the stomach. They tussle and he ends up with a knife to her throat.] [Inside is some very important looking technical stuff.] What are you doing? Otan, let me go. We were recruited. Look out! Supplies? It’s a nuclear hardened underground city. Hey. You can’t even walk. He’s my friend. Save him. The Ice Nation can be ruthless. Take pride in the number you saved. How you holding up? You better. If the Ice Queen gets she’ll be dead and we’ll be at war. [Lincoln hands Octavia the knife and he notices Nyko wobbling on a horse.] [Bellamy shoots him. Bellamy, Kane, Monty, and Hannah look around aimlessly while Indra looks around with a bit more purpose.] We can’t just let him die, Abby, we’re doctors. Otan ate the damn chip, that’s what’s going on. I understand how much Maya meant to you. Why’d you run away from yours? Oh, crap. Bellamy, what are you doing? You’re obviously not loyal to the Ice Nation, so why are you taking me there? Look, whatever the Ice Queen is giving you, my people will offer you more. Help them. [Jaha and A.L.I.E. are walking through a completely empty modern city.] Hate to cut this short. We’ve got to find Clarke. We collect tech. You can tell it’s Ice Nation from the sound? He’s Ice Nation. Who’s this? I got you. Come on. [Roan and Clarke are in the subway type thing. Clarke's tied to a pole, Roan's lit a fire and is heating a blade.] Outside pole twenty! You shouldn’t have opened that. Partners in crime, huh? Lincoln, be careful. I’ll have to take your word for it. [We're in the City of Light with Otan, A.L.I.E., and Jaha now.] No, from them. Yeah. Lot faster with a motor. Abby. This place, it could do so much good. For our people and theirs. If she’s in the Ice Nation you’re gonna need more than that. Quiet. Ice Nation scouts. Come on, we backtrack, then we go around. I was banished. Nothing like you. You had a choice. And no, I can’t take you home to your people because you’re the way back home to mine. She was here when I fell asleep and gone when I woke up. Guys. There’s a cave. Copy that. Run fast. [He looks through the scope of his rifle and see the blonde hair and Roan.] No. But he did. He said that his partner came back for her. He was Ice Nation. I hope you find her. We can’t lose Clarke. We can’t lose her. [Grounders take Roan away, leaving Lexa, Clarke, Indra, and a random dude.] I can’t go with you. When we have to. We bring it to the island, to him. That’s how we survive. This time, she said they needed a ride. [Monty and his mom embrace, everybody tears up.] You said it was fine. As I recall, last time you helped two of my friends blew up. Their deaths are on you. Easy. I don’t want trouble. Where? You have no idea how good it is to see you. I’m no one. [They kiss.] It’ll get better. Only way to save you. I know you took the coward’s way out. Yes, John? It’s more than just tech. The stupid son of a bitch brought her with him. Yeah, and all we had to do was kill a guy. Jasper, you’re never going to get past this unless you face your feelings head on. Your friend, Finn. He never did that. And it broke him. I don’t want that happening to you. [She pops the pack open like an oyster with a knife through the slit. Murphy throws up his hands.] Like you’re so different. You’re in disguise, same as me. You’re on the run, same as me. In the wilderness, same as me. We’re losing her. Well, I don’t understand. Can you save him or not? Nyko. I don’t know her name. She comes to us in the flying machine. The mountain? Wait, what’s he talking about. [Murphy and Emori exchange a look.] I’m fine. This was her favorite. Represents the second circle of Hell, which is pretty ironic if you think about it. I told her I liked it, but I don’t know. I miss her. [Abby is re-bandaging Jasper's neck wound.] [Clarke quietly listens to his explanation and then promptly proceeds to scream her head off.] [Bellamy stands up in the turret. Naturally, before he can do anything, a masked figure has a knife to his neck.] [Roan cauterizes his wound with the heated blade and flinches. He walks over to wave the knife in Clarke's face.] Wanheda. A prisoner for our Queen. I told you. I don’t want trouble. [Jasper is frantically digging through the gallery for the painting Maya showed him. He throws and breaks stuff before it falls into his lap. He stands it up and sits in front of it.] There’s still time. We need to think about what happens when the Grounders break that truce, because they will. Ask you a question? Last report we got on the Ark, you were under attack by Grounders. What changed? It’s been three hours. What are they waiting for? Tell me, is your imaginary friend waterproof? Should we find out? He said it was Azgeda. The Ice Nation. 63 We don’t know. This whole helpful guide act. I’m not really buying it. What the hell is going on? [She puts his arm around him and rests her head on his shoulder.] [Bellamy wanders through the army. Azgeda soldier just thinks Bellamy is very confused so he turns him in the right direction. Bellamy follows the direction Clarke and Roan went and sees Roan's blood trail go down the steps. He goes down and sees Clarke tied up. He beams at her and brushes her hair out of her face.] [Monty goes to sit with his mom.] We’ll find her, Okay, we will figure something out, I promise. But this isn’t the way. What’s wrong? We’re universal donors. Here, take mine. I say we make a run for it. [Naturally, Emori is not as sneaky as she'd like to be and Gideon picks her up and proceeds to strangle her in mid-air.] All your father wanted was to find you. He loved you. That’s what matters. [Octavia, Jackson, and Lincoln rush in, dragging Nyko.] On your feet. Looks like the great Wanheda is human after all. If you were gonna kill me you would have done it already. Smart move, leaving that guard jacket inside. Even with the light, I don’t see anyone. [Murphy holds the backpack over the water.] [Bellamy's still limping along so Kane stops him.] Took you long enough. Pike? He’s right. Look. No way we get across without being seen. She’s not imaginary. She’s very, very real, and she can help you. All you have to do is say yes. What is it you want to talk about? How dead she still is? [Roan's wobbling through the forest, consulting a map, and dragging Clarke along behind him. They get to the top of the steps of what may have been a subway station.] Kane, it’s time to go. Wanheda, as promised. You want me to bring a grounder into Mt. Weather for a transfusion? They killed thousands of people for that blood, Jackson. Oh please, please don’t. I’ll do anything, I’ll stop fighting. Just please don’t kill him. [Pike, Monty, and Hannah go outside.] No one else has to die today. Recruited by who? You’re Ice Nation. Please. She’s in danger. Bad idea. She give you any indication of where she might go? I’m talking about Mt. Weather. The medical facility in that mountain is state of the art. They relied on blood to survive, it’s still all there. Hey, hey, hey. Woah. That was the Ice Nation. Not all Grounders are the same. The kill order. We have to get you inside the wall. Lincoln. Okay, Bellamy. You get in the turret and you cover us. Once we get to that ridge over there, we’ll cover you. He’s waking up. How’d you know how to do that? He’s here. We told you to wait for the army to move. [Otan closes it and hits a series of buttons to lock it. Murphy jerks it away from him as all 3 stand.] It's Clarke. As soon as Otan gets here we can leave. Lincoln, you said to me yesterday that even our supply runs were putting us at risk, they were jeopardizing our peace. How would you advise me now? Are you okay? You all right? You’re in a lot of pain, John. I’ve been there. Losing my son almost killed me. The City of Light unburned me. It made me whole. I can unburden you, John. You just simply return what’s mine. Now come on. Push! Push! You mean steal it. [Otan grabs Emori and puts the knife to his throat.] [Roan nudges her with his shoe a bit and when she doesn't react, shrugs and goes to get water. Wanheda jumps on his back in an attempt to strangle him. Cut to them rolling around in the water. Clarke very nearly drowns him but lets him go too soon. Roan appears to try to drown her just out of spite and then lets her up.] [Roan's got the jump on oblivious Bellamy and has him flat on his back with a knife to his throat.] She didn’t come easy. Start the boat, we’re leaving. Bon voyage, Jaha. [Bellamy has stripped one of the Azgeda scouts and snuck out, all without anyone noticing.] Hey, hey, hey. Okay! Okay! We’re coming out. Don’t hurt him. I’ll type him. RH null. [Roan and Clarke are crouched in something resembling waving fields of grain.] [Pike helps Kane off the ground and they bro-hug.] No, you can’t. RH null can only take RH null. Give me the backpack, John. Monty. I was trying to make the most of our time together, Doc. Please. You mean the drone, yeah, it’s how she found us too. So what do you do for her? Don’t try to be a hero and I’ll leave you on your feet this time. Maybe you should be. It’s perfect. In the City of Light, mankind will finally be of pain and hate and disease. Here, there will be no more suffering. Okay. We landed in the snow. Your father said it absorbed some of the impact. That’s why we survived. The snow looked so beautiful, it- Charles? Because I haven’t told you the best part. You know there’s no pain here. There’s no death in the City of Light, either. That’s the bad news. Too many trees. We have to go on foot. We didn’t think you made it! [Murphy chucks the backpack and it lands in the water about a foot from shore. Jaha and Otan run after it. Murphy jumps onto the boat.] [Hannah walks ahead of Monty.] Where’s Dad? Didn’t have to be this way. Don’t worry about me, just get the blood. I’ll prep him. [Kane opens the door and they're all promptly pinned down]. The boy is right. They can wait longer than we can. How can you be so sure? There is no pain in the City of Light. Generally, a follow-up appointment is about checking the old injury, not treating new ones. Thank you for saving my life. Let me. I’m told your mother’s army marches on Polis. It’s good to see you, sir. Yes, sir No. That’s what they want us to do. Yeah. Yeah, we use it for supplies. We need to get those bodies off the field unless you’re good with them thinking we did this. [Lincoln holds Nyko on the horse while Octavia holds the horse.] Everyone else, I said stand down. Right behind you. We head west towards that rise. [Monty and Bellamy bond over shoving the tree out of the way.] I can’t let you do that. [Gideon is shown to be alive.] [Kane and Pike are discussing what happened.] Where is it? Hey, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Now that’s better. [Monty is still back in the cave with Kane, Pike, Hannah, and Bellamy.] [Abby, Jackson, Lincoln, and Nyko are in the infirmary. Abby goes to Lincoln.] You bitch. You wanted the Commander of Death, you got her. I’ll kill you. No! Mom? You did the right thing. Kill or be killed. So Mt. Weather is ours’ now? They’re here. You coming or what? Shut up, Otan. I’m not listening to that skrish again. Farm station stand down. I have to be. What happened to them? I’m staying with my son. I believe you’re here for a reason, just don’t know what it is yet. It’s all yours, Chancellor. [Monty, Hannah, Pike, Kane, Bellamy, and Indra are hiking through aforementioned fields.] [Roan promptly stabs Bellamy in the leg and then kicks him in the chin.] When? Oh, a hero? And here, I thought you got me. Come on, really, are you about to steal from the people you steal for? We’ll get Clarke. We just got lucky. [Monty comes back in. Presumably, Hannah and Pike are small-talking outside.] I know that Ice Nation scum came back for her. Where is Wanheda? Where is Wanheda? I’m only asking once more, and then you lose a hand. Where i- I could’ve done that. Stop! Already? [Murphy and Emori are by the boat. Murphy's trying to break open the backpack.] Wait. two people at twelve o clock. Shh, we have other buyers. Now be quiet. [Murphy digs out the weird pill to compare.] I believe in you, Thelonious. Together, we will save the human race. Pike, find their trail. Lot of people out there right now looking for no one. We needed to see what we had. Check it out. You’re not wearing your scarf. [They round the corner. Octavia hangs around to wisely shout at Jasper.] We established a truce. We need to think about perception. You’ll never make it in time. His pulse is weak, he’s burning up. Easy. I was just trying to help. [Clarke, exhausted, collapses just as they're at a river.] Okay, move the tree. We have to find hope somewhere. No minefield this time. We go around the Dead Zone. [Lexa pulls the gag from Clarke's mouth. It's tender on Lexa's part but you can tell Clarke's fit to spit.] [Octavia wakes up next to Lincoln.] When can we move him? It doesn’t look good for us to be here. Scream again and we’ll both be dead. [Jaha, sensing danger, has appeared over the horizon.] You mean like coming back here? I’ve done my part, now do yours’. Lift my banishment. Bellamy! He’s hurt! I’ll be right back. Fighter approaching! You’re my people. [Lexa wipes the spit from her face and turns to walk out on her balcony.] Kane’s right, son. The army will move soon. You’ll need your strength for what comes next. Monty, let it go! She was here last night. We should go after them. Hey. Welcome back, brother. Okay, let’s open it up. Jackson. How many of you are there? Ok, oh, oh, easy, easy. Come on, hey, big fella, no harm done just put her down. Just put her down, alright? I expect not. Let’s head back. [Murphy jogs after her.] You okay? It’s useless. He knows he’s being followed now. [Emori looks over at Gideon, still peacefully spacing, and gets up to head towards him. Murphy stops her.] [He immediately starts to sprint after her. Pike jumps in front of him.] I’ll fill this place, starting with my people. You have my word. [Abby, Jackson, Lincoln, Jasper, Octavia, and Nyko have all made it to Mt. Weather and have reached the floor they need in the elevator. As they rush Nyko to the infirmary, Jackson inexplicably asks-] Who did this to you? Nyko, who did this to you? You too. [Presumably, everyone else responds.] You’re Skaikru? Turns out we had a common enemy. Hey. You really been to the City of Light? Hey. Everybody out or the boy dies. I got you, now, come on. I am not just a doctor. [Bellamy throws an arm over Monty's shoulder as they turn around.] [This allows Emori enough time to grab a knife and slash Gideon's throat with it. Blood spurts everywhere. Emori grabs the backpack and proceeds to run in the direction opposite of Otan and Jaha.] Ice Nation has crossed the border. They’re marching against my commander, I have to warn her. Clarke Griffin? If only all of my earth skills students were as good as her. Let’s get a move on you two. I want to find her too, but look at your leg. You could die out here. We have no trail. Thank God he’s got somebody else to preach to now, huh? Now give me the pack. They are to me. [Roan leads Clarke into a brightly lit room of the Ice Queen's camp with a bag over her head.] No. Pike, go outside. Take Monty and Hannah, search the perimeter. Make sure he was alone. I still can’t believe how beautiful it is. [Murphy and Emori are collecting wood Gideon and Jaha are zoning out. Otan crouches beside him.] I’ll get you out of here. [There's a very obnoxious shot of the camera zooming in on Roan's brand.] Lacroix, Smith, watch our six. Monty, give them the coordinates to Arkadia. We have a settlement fifty miles south of here. Your people will be safe there. Monty? Yeah. Great, start the rover. Your father didn’t make it. Get him ready for transport. I hope you’re ready to face your feelings. Don’t follow us. Go, hurry. Not here. Doesn't have to be this way, John. Abby. I need Abby.
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n9: n10: n11: Man n14: n18: Guard #1 n19: n20: n21: n22: n23: n24: Scout #2 n26: n28: Bounty Hunter n29: n30: n31: n32: n33: n34: n35: n36: n37: n38: Scout #1 n40: Man #1: n41: n42: n43: n44: n45: Man #1 n46: Guard #2 n47: n50: n51: n52: