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Summary of Bothan Spynet operations
Summary of Bothan Spynet operations, 1 ABY to 36 ABY, condensed. Image:MonMothma.jpg We must obtain the plans to the Death Star, or the Empire will destroy us all. Image:Bothan1.JPG We will bring them to you at any cost, Senator. Image:BothanSpy.JPG Fuck fuck fuck son of a bitch! Our cover's blown! Take the plans! Fuck fuck fuck! Image:MonMothma.jpg Many Bothans died to bring us this information. Image:Bothan1.JPG Well worth it. Image:MonMothma.jpg We must obtain the plans to the second Death Star. Image:Bothan1.JPG Oy. Well, you gotta do what you gotta do. Image:BothanSpy.JPG Fuck fuck not again motherfucker shit son of a bitch! We got the plans again! FUCK!!! Image:MonMothma.jpg Many Bothans died to bring us this information. Image:Bothan1.JPG Ima
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Summary of Bothan Spynet operations, 1 ABY to 36 ABY, condensed. Image:MonMothma.jpg We must obtain the plans to the Death Star, or the Empire will destroy us all. Image:Bothan1.JPG We will bring them to you at any cost, Senator. Image:BothanSpy.JPG Fuck fuck fuck son of a bitch! Our cover's blown! Take the plans! Fuck fuck fuck! Image:MonMothma.jpg Many Bothans died to bring us this information. Image:Bothan1.JPG Well worth it. Image:MonMothma.jpg We must obtain the plans to the second Death Star. Image:Bothan1.JPG Oy. Well, you gotta do what you gotta do. Image:BothanSpy.JPG Fuck fuck not again motherfucker shit son of a bitch! We got the plans again! FUCK!!! Image:MonMothma.jpg Many Bothans died to bring us this information. Image:Bothan1.JPG Image:MonMothma.jpg Now find out Grand Admiral Thrawn's plans. Image:BothanSpy.JPG FUCK! Image:MonMothma.jpg Many Bothans died and so on and so forth. Now we must know the Yuuzhan Vong's next target. Image:BothanSpy.JPG Motherfucking piece of shit!!! Image:MonMothma.jpg Many Bothans blah blah blah. Go find out what's on TV tonight. Image:BothanSpy.JPG Cocksucking shitkicker!!! Image:Bothan2.JPG That's it. Come with us, Senator. We need to have a little talk. Image:MonMothma.jpg What? But you – unhand me! This is outrageous! Image:Officer.JPG Um, ma'am? The New Republic military advisory committee is meeting, and... ma'am? You look different. Image:MonBothma.JPG Who, me? Nonsense. I was just drawing up a plan to deal with the Dark Nest. Many humans may die before we learn more. Image:Officer.JPG