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Supernatural abilities Supernatural Abilities
Supernatural Abilities or Super Powers are extraordinary abilities, whose possibility and exploitation many stories on the Enstupipedia Wiki explore, from The Nemesis T-Type's War Puppies stories, to Gozon 's satirical comedies. These are usually employed by individual beings, whose extraordinary powers are usually explained through some ridiculous or completely implausible methods or stories, ranging from science experiments, togenetical attributes, to concentrated Chi power, and the such. These powers are completely fictional and should not be taken seriously in any form, as they are meant for entertainment purposes only, and the attempt to mimic many of these will probably end with you getting a hernia, looking stupidly constipated, or get you seriously injured. So, please, don't sue us In Church of Scientology doctrine, supernatural or superhuman abilities are a recurring subject, appearing throughout Scientology and Dianetics materials, from the most basic introductory texts to the highest-level Operating Thetan information. Virtually all of these concepts were authored by the church's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, and have not been subjected to testing outside the Church. Creatures of the Supernatural have many abilities and powers that mortal men are not privileged to. Monsters, Demons, Angels, Deities, Ghost, Archangels, Horsemen, and Primordial Beings have cosmic abilities that allow them to go against nature and logic in various ways. These powers range from above average to cosmic devastation and disruption.
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Supernatural Abilities or Super Powers are extraordinary abilities, whose possibility and exploitation many stories on the Enstupipedia Wiki explore, from The Nemesis T-Type's War Puppies stories, to Gozon 's satirical comedies. These are usually employed by individual beings, whose extraordinary powers are usually explained through some ridiculous or completely implausible methods or stories, ranging from science experiments, togenetical attributes, to concentrated Chi power, and the such. These powers are completely fictional and should not be taken seriously in any form, as they are meant for entertainment purposes only, and the attempt to mimic many of these will probably end with you getting a hernia, looking stupidly constipated, or get you seriously injured. So, please, don't sue us because we have the amazing abilities mentioned in our articles and you accidentally kill yourself trying to be as epic as us. It's ok, it's not your fault. It's the way God made you, and no matter what, you're on the right track, 'cause you were born this way. Ha ha. Jokes and uneccesary song references aside, this article will detail the many powers discussed in the articles of the Wiki. Creatures of the Supernatural have many abilities and powers that mortal men are not privileged to. Monsters, Demons, Angels, Deities, Ghost, Archangels, Horsemen, and Primordial Beings have cosmic abilities that allow them to go against nature and logic in various ways. These powers range from above average to cosmic devastation and disruption. In Church of Scientology doctrine, supernatural or superhuman abilities are a recurring subject, appearing throughout Scientology and Dianetics materials, from the most basic introductory texts to the highest-level Operating Thetan information. Virtually all of these concepts were authored by the church's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, and have not been subjected to testing outside the Church.