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Tyrant's Legion
In 718.M41, a failed coup on the Hive World of Badab Primaris led to an abortive civil war, and the Astral Claws Chapter stepped in and brutally crushed the conflict. In the aftermath, the elements behind the coup were brought forth to Chapter Master Lufgt Huron for judgement. Mindful of the lesson of Cygnax, the Chapter Master personally took matters into his own hands, swiftly reimposing order once more. This time he employed the Astral Claws much more brutally as they executed much of the planet's ruling class as well as purging those they perceived as morally recidivist. Taking upon himself the mantle of planetary ruler, Lufgt Huron stylised himself the 'Tyrant of Badab', claiming the inhabited worlds in proximity to the hospitable region of the void around the Badab System as his Chap
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In 718.M41, a failed coup on the Hive World of Badab Primaris led to an abortive civil war, and the Astral Claws Chapter stepped in and brutally crushed the conflict. In the aftermath, the elements behind the coup were brought forth to Chapter Master Lufgt Huron for judgement. Mindful of the lesson of Cygnax, the Chapter Master personally took matters into his own hands, swiftly reimposing order once more. This time he employed the Astral Claws much more brutally as they executed much of the planet's ruling class as well as purging those they perceived as morally recidivist. Taking upon himself the mantle of planetary ruler, Lufgt Huron stylised himself the 'Tyrant of Badab', claiming the inhabited worlds in proximity to the hospitable region of the void around the Badab System as his Chapter's fiefdom. Within decades of first assuming the mantle of 'Tyrant', Lufgt Huron began to reorganise and re-forge the Planetary Defence Forces of the systems under his command to his own specifications. This human Auxilia of conscripted men and women would come to be known as the Tyrant's Legion. Huron's concept of the Tyrant's Legion was far from an original one, but had more in common with the armies of Terra during the bygone era of the Great Crusade. A throwback to the days of using a combined force of human conscripts and soldiers directly commanded by and tactically integrated with contingents of Space Marines. Though these ad hoc formations are quite common during the present era during wartime, particularly during lengthy crusades or in isolated warzones bereft of help. The Tyrant sought to formalise this arrangement. By doing so Lufgt Huron willingly broke a long standing tenet that had been largely upheld for millennia since the dark days of the Horus Heresy. This tenet had been enshrined to prevent any one Space Marine commander from wielding absolute power in the Imperium's affairs again. The Tyrant's Legion served to specific strategic purposes, the first of which was territorial occupation and defence. This would enable the Legion's human Auxilia to garrison and impose command on the often perilous and far flung worlds of the Maelstrom Zone, and the Tyrant's Legion would allow a force directly under Huron's control to be in place on every world under the sovereignty of the Tyrant. Most importantly, this force was wholly loyal to Huron alone. They were neither as fractured or near sighted as the scattered network of unequal planetary defence armies that had existed previously in the Maelstrom Zone's Imperial worlds, and were not beholden to the whims of faceless autocrats who could countermand or redeploy a standing Imperial Guard regiment on a whim. Secondly, the Tyrant's Legion also served at first to hide Huron's true intentions for the expansion of his Chapter. Repeatedly denied the reinforcements he had requested to aid him and the Maelstrom Warders in carrying out their tasks, in his arrogance and pride, the Tyrant sought to expand his forces into a force equal to a Space Marine Legion of old. To outside scrutiny, the Tyrant placed Astral Claws detachments within the Tyrant' Legion's ranks before the outbreak of the war as trainers - tasked with the purging and improvement of the mediocre and often corrupt PDF armies of the Badab Sector. But in reality, the Legion's Tribunes were in all cases pass off as the force's commanders. This perfidy succeeded in hiding the true numbers of the Tyrant's growing Chapter numbers from prying eyes and enabled the Astral Claws to disperse these hidden forces all across Huron's domain, hidden within the Tyrant's Legion. The perfidy of the Tyrant and the Astral Claws rapidly became apparent when the Badab War engulfed the Maelstrom Zone, as did the identity of the true commanders of the Tyrant's Legion who willingly followed their master without falter, taking up arms against any who would challenge the Tyrant's domains.
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