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List of Slang Words
Slang that is unique to the series. * Bubby: Manny Heffley's word for brother, Greg Heffley finds it embarrassing and once redirected the nickname to Archie Kelly. * Twick: Scotty Douglas can't say "trick" * Ploopy: An insult invented by Manny when he was angry. Manny cried when Greg called him ploopy in church and then it was banned and Rodrick Heffley teased Greg by taking three days to say "Pl-oo-py!" * Net Kritterz - virtual pet website which Greg (and Manny) play. * Spooky stork - code for a swear word or possibly an insult * Raspberry Plastic Tickle Bear - code for a SERIOUS swear word. * Sweaty - What Rodrick wrote on Sweetie's bowl. * Cheese Touch - a kind of cooties that starts when someone touches a moldy piece of cheese. The way to get rid of it is
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Slang that is unique to the series. * Bubby: Manny Heffley's word for brother, Greg Heffley finds it embarrassing and once redirected the nickname to Archie Kelly. * Twick: Scotty Douglas can't say "trick" * Ploopy: An insult invented by Manny when he was angry. Manny cried when Greg called him ploopy in church and then it was banned and Rodrick Heffley teased Greg by taking three days to say "Pl-oo-py!" * Net Kritterz - virtual pet website which Greg (and Manny) play. * Spooky stork - code for a swear word or possibly an insult * Raspberry Plastic Tickle Bear - code for a SERIOUS swear word. * Sweaty - What Rodrick wrote on Sweetie's bowl. * Cheese Touch - a kind of cooties that starts when someone touches a moldy piece of cheese. The way to get rid of it is touching someone else and then they have it, and to prevent getting it, you need to cross your fingers. * Zoo-Wee-Mama - A comic strip created by Rowley Jefferson, also an exclamation used in the comics when something wacky happens. * Löded Diper: Rodrick's garage band in which he is the drummer and founder. * Free or thwee - Manny's attempts to say "three" * Five named Clive - Nonsense joke by Manny * Bapple and zapple - Manny's attempts to name food that started with the letters B and Z. * Felled- Manny's word for "fell". * Invisible Chirag - A prank where the children pretended Chirag Gupta was invisible and inaudible. * Sowwy - Manny's word for sorry. * Wall of Shame - a wall at Corny's Family-Style Restaurant where ties are placed as ties are not allowed. * Kritters Kash - The money used on Net Kritters. * Cranium Shaker -a ride on the foreshore. * Twisted Wizard-a video game. * Corny's Family-Style Restaurant-a restaurant Greg hates. * Spriggo's-a fancy restaurant. * Thowed-Manny's attempt to say "threw" * Wock-Manny's way of saying "rock" * Drummies!-chicken drumstick-type food objects which Greg feels awkward buying as they have a "really goofy name". * Gutbusters- a game where you read lines and try not to laugh. * Mommy Meal-Susan Heffley's version of McDonald's. * Alphabet Groceries-game where you think of foods beginning with letters of the alphabet. * I Never Told You This Before-game involving revealing secrets. * I Must Confess...-game where people who did things written on cue cards get points (despite the title, the things aren't necessarily bad.) * The Name Game-game where you think up alliterative nicknames. * Guess Who - Game where you guess who a close-up photo is of, this game went a bit wrong at the Lock-In. * Underpants Bandits - Series of crude, comedic books about two kids named Bryce and Brody who go back in time and steal underpants from famous people so they can put the undies in a museum, written by Mik Davies. * Lil' Cutie: Comic strip Greg and Frank Heffley hate about a young boy. * Precious Poochie: Old comic strip about a dog. * The Doggie Dropped It joke: A joke where Greg holds a chocolate bar. Rowley says "Watcha doing?" Greg replies "Eatin' chocolate", Rowley asks "Where did ya get it?" and Greg says, "A doggie dropped it!". This joke was made up to impress Holly. * Neighborhood Tattler: Greg and Rowley's newspaper, the comics are T.G.I.F, Stinky Sebastian and Ned the Napkin and the stories are "Kitten Has a Fun Time", "Masked Hero Revealed", and "Drummies Pricing Scam Exposed!" * Tattle Turtle: a plastic turtle that Greg and Rodrick tattle to after Susan Heffley was fed up of their constant tattling. * V.I.P. Lawn Service/Snow Removal: Greg and Rowley's idea to make money to pay a fruit smoothie bill. * Wacky Dawg: a comic strip by Bryan Little. * Community Follies: comedy play. * Creighton the Cretin: Greg's failed comic strip involving a stupid character named Creighton. Greg gave up on the comic after it was butchered by the school newspaper, most likely by Mr. Ira. * Old-Timey Tobias: the mascot of Old-Timey Ice Cream Parlour. He's meant to entertain the kids, but he usually either scares them or makes them angry. * Silas Scratch: Legendary feral forest-dweller in Hardscrabble Farms, believed to be undead and possessive if you pass his cabin. * Devil Worshipper Woods: a woods near Snake Road. * Old-Timey Ice Cream Parlour- a restaurant that serves ice cream. * The Feeding Trough: a trough full of ice cream at the Old Timey Ice Cream Parlour. * Tingy-a few pieces of wool from a worn-down blue knit blanket, belonging to Manny. It wore because Susan was not allowed to wash it. * See and Talk: A toy where you pull a cord and it says a word. * Spineticklers: A series of scary books. * Spineticklers Junior: Like the Spinetinglers books but less scary so that little kids can read them. * Creighton the Curious Student: the rewritten version of Creighton the Cretin.