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RPlog:Cantina Fun
High noon. It's the busiest time at the Cantina, so many beings seeking to hide from the heat of day. It's dry, bright and hot outside. Inside, it's stagnant, sour and uncomfortably warm, but at least it's cooler than outside. Most ignore it as they drink, it could be worse. Ariana walks in behind her Captain, her eyes taking in the sights as she moves around. She frowns, "I hate this planet," she idly murmurs as she continues to follow in the wake of her Captain, her DeathHammers hanging comfortably at her side. "Give her assistance." Eson orders. Lazure 12:59, 12 March 2009 (UTC)At the ship
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Cantina Fun
The crew of the 'Bloody Harlot' steps into Chalumn's for a cool drink, some relaxation, and seeking informtion on friends in danger. Perhaps they should be more worried about themselves...
Chalumn's Catina, Mos Eisly & Docking Bay 94, Mos Eisley
High noon. It's the busiest time at the Cantina, so many beings seeking to hide from the heat of day. It's dry, bright and hot outside. Inside, it's stagnant, sour and uncomfortably warm, but at least it's cooler than outside. Most ignore it as they drink, it could be worse. The mercenary captain strides into the bar, her armour on, using it to keep the heat off of her skin. The breather keeping the air that enters her lungs humid, just like her lungs like it. She doesn't go for the bar; she moves to sit at one of the vacant alcoves, stalking, like a man through the crowd. She was tall enough to be a human male, and she enjoyed taking advantage of it. It's shaping up to be a rough day for the Firrerreo. It's too hot, and she's waiting for too much to happen. She's at a table by herself, scowling at some Gamorreans arguing nearby. Her only armour is a blast vest, but she also wears a heavy blaster on the left side of her belt. Her right knee is bouncing under the table, giving her an agitated air. She's got a big glass full of something dark and bubbly in front of her, which she sips from at regular intervals. Ariana walks in behind her Captain, her eyes taking in the sights as she moves around. She frowns, "I hate this planet," she idly murmurs as she continues to follow in the wake of her Captain, her DeathHammers hanging comfortably at her side. "You hate this planet?" Ash inquires in her low voice that is similar to a whisper, yet audible even with the noise of the cantina. "At least you are human," she chuckles darkly, her goggled eyes focus on the Firrerreo. Green and red hair isn't that common, "You should smile, it looks better," she leans down to whisper to Creirwy, but doesn't stop till she takes her seat. A waitress moves to the table, Ash is about to wave her off, before considering that Ariana may desire something and motions to the human woman. Ariana nods her head as she continues to walk with Ash, "The only thing good about this planet is that I can have my guns with me," she says. Looking towards the waitress, Ariana waves her off, before she slips into a seat near Ash, eyeing all the aliens in the place. Creirwy glances up, only slightly startled to be addressed, and forces a smile that shows her canines, but it's mirthless. She nods once, and tries to look less grumpy, tries to smooth her expression. She watches the tall woman walk on past with her companion, studying them thoughtfully, curiously. Shaking her head, Ash puts her hands on the table, "You and your guns. Now if you can find me the scum that took the Chiss, I would see that you get some nifty armour." Ash smiles behind her breather. She'll probably have to clean the filters when she gets back to the Harlot. Damn the sand. Ariana looks at Ash for a few moments before she says, "So... saving your ass from the slavers didn't count for anything, hmm," she asks as she sits there, reclining easily in her chair, for the moment, resisting the urge to put her feet on the table. Creirwy watches the relaxed attitude of the armoured person, and his companion, who appears to be female. She glances toward the door, where a black-clad human male has entered. Said male lifts his chin toward Creirwy, and then goes to a different part of the cantina. Cre frowns a bit, pulls out a datapad, and taps at its keys. "Diving out of a perfectly good ship, colliding into a raging Madclaw, and directing the attention of the enemies to me, counts for nothing?" She chuckles quietly, "I sent you an extra power cells for your new pretty." Ash shrugs then leans back. The black armoured figure gets a look over. Ash knows that armour and another smirk plays across her lips. Either he stole it or, the pretty thing with the smile is a member of the government that she used to be apart of. Ash shakes her head, "The scum took a man offering an award to rescue him. His government is offering an award in getting him released and capturing them. Would that get your appetite?" Her voice becoming very low as she speaks. Ariana shrugs her shoulders as she sits there, before she asks, "Depends, would we be able to find any expendable prisoners while we're there?" She hmms as she sits there, before she says, "Don't forget the part where you almost got killed by the two Barabel's behind you either." Ignoring the human in black who orders merely a caf (in this heat?); Creirwy turns her attention again to the pair not far from her. She can't help overhearing the discussion of reward and government. She rather believes she knows what they're talking about, and takes up her drink in her right hand to leave her table. She sidles up to the other two who have her attention, and clears her throat. "Hi," she murmurs. Ash cants her head to Ariana, "Who distracted the man with the big gun? Who blew up the half dozen of slavers who had Distayre pinned? Or even blew up their craft before the cannons fired off?" She shakes her head, slightly annoyed with the bragging. Her whispered tones revealing her annoyance. "If you want to brag, start doing a kill chart." She turns her head to the woman and regards her. Ash stands and looks to her, and motions to her to slide into the alcoved table. "Hello, what can we do you for?" She asks, getting to business, the annoyance gone, replaced by quiet neutrality. Studied indifference is the expression worn on the Firrerreo's face, but she gives a slight smile. "I, ah, couldn't help but overhear you talking about an unpleasant situation involving a non-local government..." Her own voice is quiet enough that most folks at this noisy time of day won't be able to hear her so well, or understand her. She adds, "And a reward." Ash watches as Ariana leaves and shakes her head, the woman was probably going to look for some blood to spill. "Yes, there's plenty of that going on, though," she peers to the one in black, "Somehow I think you know all about that," she returns her attention to the woman before her. "So, I say again, what can I do you for?" The tones are a little friendlier, though the dark goggles reveal nothing. Having made fast friends with Jevis since he saved her ass a while back, Carn walks into the cantina alongside the guy. "So, the order oughta come in any day now. Let's hope they don't leave anything out. If they do, I'll make sure you get something useful." she offers the guy. She's not wearing her armour right now, but still looks about as dangerous as a human -can- look in that casual outfit of hers. Alurra saunters in casually. If she is trying to be a man, she is doing the worst job possible. She almost skips through as she strides gracefully across the entire place to find a seat as far from the door as possible and then slides up on it. She gestures for some service and then waits... Creirwy looks over the armoured, goggled person and nods. "Well, I have some backup...but if you're familiar with these dangerous men, I could use some additional help. Have you got any info to share? Perhaps...we could work together." Ash nods her head, "I know their type. Best way to deal with them is hard and fast." She chuckles, "To give into their demands is to encourage them." She looks towards Carnylla, and the slinky Alurra. "Oi, vod," she calls out. "To encourage them will cause them to get more violent, and demand more. If you noticed, they roughed up your fellow man, though he was a stubborn sithspawn," the head nods. The Firrerreo nods, and murmurs softly, "Can I join you? I have information about them, too. I think cooperation is in order here. I've...dealt with them before. I know how harsh they can be." She glances over at the folks being addressed by the person she's talking to, and looks them over. She' an air of calculation and impatience about her, though she's not directing it toward anyone. Seems she's got something going on today. Having said her piece to Jevis, Carn overheard some of what's said to Ash. She raises a brow and heads to the bar to get a drink that has been rubbing off on her thanks to the Captain... "Bloody Imperial please." she remarks as she sets some creds on the bar. The rough and tumble types of the cantina are torn between watching the pink skinned Zeltron, or the blonde human female. Either or, what bliss right? But one of the guys who slides up next to Carn at the bar opens his mouth only to have her hand flash up, grabbing his chin and closing the mouth for him. She shakes her head at the guy and picks up her drink before turning to walk towards Ash while taking a sip. She walks right up to the table and eyes the person with her Captain while taking another sip of the drink. "She knows enough to help us find these poodoo-eaters?" she asks Ash. Wuher seems frustrated as he suddenly finds himself having a rush of added orders. He pauses to give Carnylla hers before taking a dozen and placing them in front of the Zeltron who hadn't even had a chance to order, triggering a blush that only seems to darken the already rosie coloration of her cheeks. Alurra looks between the drinks and the bartender and finds herself at a loss for what to say before she finally speaks a simple, "What is in each of these?" obviously nervous at some of the more active drinks before her. Creirwy smirks a little at the Zeltron's drink choices, and makes sure there's room for everyone who appears to be joining. Her tone is still low, because it probably wouldn't be a good thing for everyone in the cantina to overhear this conversation, in case there are pirate spies about. She leans in close. "I know where they want the money dropped off. I can get them to deal with me, but...I can't be sure of my own safety in such a dealing. These things never go as planned, of course. But even if they leave the planet, there's a capital ship in orbit waiting for them." Ash nods, "We saw the map. If you know precisely where it is, we can ensure that all parties are dealt with appropriately." She regards the Zeltron, trying to assess if she needs aid or not. Turning back, "You tell us where, we can secure it. Hell, we might be able to ensure that they do not escape." The tone takes on a predatory edge. "If you are willing to play along, that is." "As if it will be -them- coming to collect the cash anyway. If they're smart, they'll have a third, fourth, or even a fifth party collecting it so they can remain hidden and unknown." offers Carn as she sits down by Ash and takes a sip of the Bloody Imperial, "Gah, this drink is rancid... but I suppose anything Imperial can be considered such. As I was saying, if they're smart, they won't be there. If they're stupid, then you might have a chance of catching them that easily. My suggestion is... have someone unknown to them... come along and -steal- the credits from you when you're dropping it off. They have to know that others will be watching the drop site, and they will have it under observation as well. So when their money gets stolen... -they- will have to come after it if they want it." Alurra cringes at the description of all the drinks put before her, "If I didn't know better I'd think the beings that ordered these for me wanted to get me drunk, wasted, or completely passed out." she sighs and the whispers to Wuher who seems shocked at her order, but nods and moves off, "If someone wants to cover my order, I won't complain." smiling broadly, "Of course I warn you, I have expensive tastes in drinks." she then gets up from the end of the bar and heads over to where Ash is seated, strutting the whole way as she waits for her order, leaving the hazardous drink selection on the bar. Nodding to Carnylla's words, "That is possible. We can have our Zeltron beauty there get it." She smiles and turns to Creirwy, "What say you? You did your job and delivered, they either give you back the hostage... You are only freeing Tormen, aren't you?" She shrugs, "Or we make them give the hostages back. Getting the creds is their task. There's plenty of broken warehouses to lay low in." She pauses and looks to Carnylla, "If it's rancid, it ain't made right. It's supposed to be sweet." She moves a hand to take the straw and checks the consistency. "It's too watery..." "And too sweet, that's the problem. A good strong drink needs to be less sweet. But, I suppose I could get used to it." mutters Carnylla as she shakes her head before raising a brow. "As for the stealing of the credit drop... we shouldn't let our new Zeltron be the one who takes it. I don't wanna put the new girl into that sorta position right from the start..." She looks up to Alurra and grins, "No offence. I'm sure you can handle it. It's not my call though, but I thought you might not wanna go into the deep end from the get go. So, for the record....I volunteer." she offers as she reaches to take another sip of the drink, making an odd face as she tries to get used to the flavour. Alurra's drink is brought over, appearing to be a perfectly clear liquid with not the slightest aroma or emanations. She smiles and takes a sip, shivering a bit as it goes down her throat, and seems to giggle as she is told her drink was covered. She looks to Carnylla and shrugs, "As long as I know my back was being watched, I wouldn't mind being the face. Probably safer for me to be a face to stare at, rather then to be trying to take it forcibly. Not disputing your looks, or skill, but there is the whole empathy on my side to let me know when something goes wrong even before the opponent shows their hand. Not that I'd want to fight you for the job, and I'm not going to deny my inexperience should be factored into it, just think all the pros and cons should be measured out before we jump into the choice." Jek walks into the cantina. He hadn't came here with the girls nor even sure that they were here. Though another member of the crew is with him, Kortana. The Echani’s eyes scan the thugs and scum of the bar as he steps down into the bar proper. He looks at the twi'lek, "What you want to drink?" He says turning back to Kortana. Kortana smirks at Jek, and then looks around. "Something light... it’s up to you from there... I am not going to get drunk in a place... like this." She says as already eyes are on her. She checks the pistol on her hip though as she walks with Jek. Following him semi closely. Ash regards Carnylla as the two women talk, "Alurra will be watched, Air isn't the only sharp shooter, and I remember a few warehouses that are useful for an ambush." She grins, "If they want the package delivered, they may have watched a lot of holoflicks and will have our unnamed friend here," indicating Creirwy, "Set the creds down and back away." She moves her breather slightly and slips the straw in. She hurriedly spits the liquids out. "What is this! Bantha waste?!" She growls loudly and stands up. "You!" she points at the bartender, "Are you trying to poison my vod?" Stalking over to the bar Ash slams it down. Planning temporarily forgotten as she growls to the bartender, "Fix up a proper drink..." one hand on the bar, the other playing with one of her guns. Creirwy glances around the table with a troubled expression. "I'm Creirwy, by the way. But...sure, I did my job. I do believe, though, that we're underestimating these men. They're desperate criminals. They won't release their captives until and unless the money is in their hot little hands. And...I'm not a tactician. I'm not sure that any planning _I_ do involving a group...would be at all useful. Honestly? The reason I was chosen, was not because I'm an ESPO...but because I've dealt with these pirates before. They thought I'd have some experience with these men. I do. It’s true. But I'm not sure my experience would help out in the situation beyond...getting their attention. I'm kind of a neutral party in this, though I would prefer to see the Direx released, along with his fellow prisoner. I do believe that if the ransom is stolen...they'd raise the price and be inclined to kill." Shaking her head, Carn mutters, "They got a Direx, and all they're asking for is fifteen grand?" she asks. "I suppose they're asking for a smaller amount simply because they think it's such a low price that it'll be paid without question rather than going for millions." She nods though and adds, "Though, you may be right. Odds are, if the credits are stolen, they may insist -you- recover the money and deliver it to them before they release the prisoner. So we really need to grab 'em... if they're stupid enough to show up in person." Jek makes his way to the bar after looking back at Kortana, "Lum then." He didn't let her get out of his sight in a Cantina like this on Tatooine. He turns back to the bar keep, "Hey two Lum....," He stops at the sight of Ash arguing with the bartender. He calls out, "Hey Cap, The guy giving you trouble?" Kortana walks over to the bar beside Jek, and frowns as she looks over to some guy who is eyeballing her. "Take a picture, it will last longer." Looking back to Jek. "This place is sure something else." She shakes her head and sighs softly, mostly in annoyance of the situation of her being looked at like she is meat. Arguing with the bartender, Ash finally reaches over and grabs one of his lekku. "Taste it," she growls, twisting the lekku. Yes, she knew how sensitive those tendrils are, and she was going to have things go her way. "Yes, he's trying to poison Carnylla," she informs Jek. "Now, be a good little 'tender and make a new Bloody Imperial. Properly," she tosses the lekku, and crosses her arms. Yes the man's voice has lowered a great deal. The 'tender moves quickly to fix the error. Her eyes rolling, Carn remarks... "Captain... I really don't need another. You wanna make it a Starshine Surprise, I might enjoy it more?" She's smirking and giggling a bit as she shakes her head, soooo amused.... and trying not to laugh all out. Watching the interaction between Ash and the bartender, Creirwy shakes her head and waits for any sort of conclusion, or tactical decision. She takes the moment to study the folks who appear to be associated, or acquainted, with the person she's been talking to. Then her eyes spark with an idea. She waits to share it until the person she was speaking with is sitting down again. Jek head quickly turns to look at the person eyeing Kortana. His eyes narrowing at thug next to Kortana. Though as he catches sight of Ash out of the corner of his eye he twitches. Not that he knows what it feels like but having Kortana around he knows Twi’leks are sensitive. He looks over at Kortana, "I think we better join the crew for their protection." His hand reaching out to take hers and leads her toward the others. The lums no longer wanted. The Cantina's patrons are having a field day, not to mention getting a real work out for their necks and eyeballs as they keep looking from the Blond Human, the golden and red haired human, the Blue Twi'lek, and the Pink Zeltron. A Houk who is obviously drunk lumbers over and stares at Kortana'Tai, grinning as he presses partly up against her, "How about you dump the Albino, and have some fun with some Alpha Males." gesturing to his three Houk buddies, he makes no attempts to hide his leering and even starts to reach to caress her Lekku. Meanwhile a Quartet of Weequay approach the table and gesture covetously at the identifiable females, seeming to gesture at the females and then at themselves. Kortana winces, as the Houk gets so close, but as soon as his fingers touch her Lekku, she is swinging. "Get the FRELL away from me you slime sucking son of a..." And from there, it’s all Ryl cursing as she attacks the Houk with her blaster. She didn’t care what the bar room rules were. Someone was going to get shot for the touchy feeling. Ash turns and nods to Carnylla, "Make what the lady wants," the low voice states. Her head snaps to Kortana's loud objections and her eyes move, taking in the picture of the Weequay wanting her female crewmen. She shakes her head. She inhales, and sighs. Get involved or don't? She's got a lead on Isharn. "Carn, aid Jek," she says assuming that Jek will help Kortana. She turns back from the fight, getting Carnylla's new drink. Setting the drink down on the table she regards Creirwy. "Ash," she says simply. A name that can be male or female. "You have a plan?" she inquires looking at the expression on the woman's face. She takes a seat, but ensures that she can watch the growing fight. If it comes her way, she'll deal with it. Creirwy purses her lips as she finishes wording the plan in her mind, as meager as it is. "Well, it's not much. But backup in orbit would help. Some firepower in space could help guide them to the CSA ship, which is waiting to capture them. Though...backup on the ground would help, too. Fact is, I don't know if they'll show up. I'm afraid they'll see the ESPOs behind me, and bug out. Nevertheless, I don't trust them enough to face them alone. They're...not very honourable." On her feet in an instant, Carn skirts around Ash and moves towards Kortana. She knows the bar's rules, but there are times when rules are meant to be broken. It's when she spots two other two moving to back up their buddy. Her left hand moves to her heavy blaster grip and she doesn't draw it, but mutters, "Tut-tut... stay put. This is between the Twi'lek, and your idiot friend." Two of the Weequay move to sort of flank Carnylla while the other pair allow Ash to sit back at the table, but continue gesturing at Creirwy and Alurra. The Houk grumble at Carnylla, and then one of them ignores her warning and rushes forward, seemingly enraged only to have one of the Weequay beside Carnylla start rushing to intercept the Houk. The Leader Houk grunts as he gets attacked by Kortana'Tai, and only seems to grin, "I like your kind with spirit. The feisty ones are always more fun, they always have more staying power and they always put up such a fun struggle." He doesn't seem to understand what the Twi'lek is saying once she switches to her native tongue. Alurra perks up, and scoots away from the Weequay. She looks over to the Houk and Kortana and gulps, then shouts, "Tell him these Weequay are your boyfriends. Houks and Weequay hate one another. If they're fighting one another they're not bugging us." (speaking in Ryl) Blind Rage, or sheer desire to hurt something, either way, Kortana glares at the Houk, and shakes her head as she pushes away from him. "Frell off, my friends here don’t think you belong here." She then looks around to find Jek, as her mind is panicking right now. After all, huge crowds, and lots of people, all swarming around, if she looks sight of Jek all hell is gonna break loose. This is between Kortana and the Houk, like hell. No, We won't be pretending the Weequay is Kortana's boyfriend. That's when Jek steps out of the crowd he'd circles around to the Houk's side. His vibro dagger in his hand. The hum of the blade starts as he moves to stick it in the back of the creature’s neck. "The lady is with me and under my protection." The Echani wasn't in the mood to mess around today. So Carn just shakes her head, "Look. You guys keep this up, I'm going to shoot each and every one of you in the head. So let's all calm down and understand that your friend was an idiot." She has business to do here, and doesn't need the distraction of a brawl. "I'll buy a round for the house." she adds. No matter how much she'd enjoy a brawl, she knows it wouldn't be wise now Kortana looks so surprised. So completely shocked as she looks at Jek. "Jek... Jek?" She then looks down to her stomach and back up at him. "I think I got shot." She then looks over Jek's shoulder, and loses her legs. Her eyes closing slowly, as she passes out. The shot isn’t too horrible, it is a blaster shot, through her center mass. The leader Houk dead, and one of the others already downed by the Weequay, the Weequay suddenly begin taking their own loses as other barroom persons begin entering this brawl, and blaster fire is everywhere zipping to and fro. Cantina brawls are nothing - daily occurrences in Mos Eisley. Twi'lek is not, unless they are on a leash. At least they have not been a common, casual sight for the last few years, after the Twi'lek persecution of the Tatooine Hutts. But the tides are shifting, as the tides of rule and warfare often do. It does not take long for word to reach the Twi'lek crimelord that on of their own has been spotted near the Cantina. It took some time to ride in from the edges of the settlement, but Tyy'sun Eson's land speeder is upgraded and fast - and his personal driver an expert. Black boots step into the dusty sand of the street outside of Chalmun's as Eson steps out of the rear hatch. Several other Twi'lek file out of the vehicle as well, a blue skinned male and a yellow skinned female, both of whom move into the cantina to survey the scene. Stepping between the droid sensor unit near the doorway, the blue and yellow skinned and lekku'd arrivals take an inventory of the scene, the brawl, the Weequay, and in particular, the Twi'lek female standing like a bantha in flood lamps near the center of the fray. They see Jek rushing to grab her, see blaster fire erupting. Drawing their blasters they exchange quick glances and split up, one moving right, and the other left. They keep to the outskirts of the situation for the moment. As blasters come out, Carn rolls her eyes, "ENOUGH!" She shouts in the sort of voice Drill Sergeants have used for millennia to get instantaneous responses from people. Her M434 DeathHammer is drawn off her left hip in the same hand from that side. Her default setting is stun, and she points it -right- at the Houk's harassing Kortana. "Sit... Down... Now..." she commands. Not a request, not a suggestion. Nobody could mistake the commanding tone of voice of a soldier. Jek looks down at the blaster bolt. He was no doctor nor medic. He frowns and picks her up in his arms lovingly. "I'll get you some help." The Echani was on fight or flight at the moment. Sure He'd Then he moves toward the door almost at a run zigging and zagging. A stray blaster bolt firing past him. He looks up at the Twi'lek army shows up. They have an army now? That and he's trying to leave the scene with an injured twi'lek. That would go over well and it's at this time he remembers he's got allies in the room. Other that needed protecting and could help him and Kortana out. Yip Jek just had a panic attack. The Weequay and Houk Lackey are rolling on the floor, trying to kill one another near Carnylla's feet as the other flanking Weequay and the pair of lackeys Carnylla has in her sights watch in silence, though they all do seem to occasionally give gestures of celebration when their respective ally gets the upper hand in the fight. The two by the table near Ash and Alurra are suddenly down by a Chandra-Fan and a Jawa who seem to have gone nuts. Alurra gasps and dives for cover, kicking the table up into a shield as she draws her own blaster, looking to Ash for guidance and leadership. DeathHammer popping out at lightning speed at the same time the ones on the opposing side came out, Carn fired reflexively, taking the one who shot at Kortana in the chest with two stun bolts. She sets to Stun on default. She doesn't care if she kills them now or after the fight, but right now she has more important matters to deal with. She's barely paying attention to the enemies as she charges for the door to make it ahead of Jek and his Twi'lek baggage. "Clear a path!" she cries out as she breaks trail, blaster aimed at the ceiling. She calls into her wrist-comlink, "L'ck, prepare the bacta tank, we got a patient... emergency treatment!" Seated at the table with Alurra and Creirwy, Ash had just set Carnylla's drink down on the table and moved for the blonde to aid Jek. Ash positions herself to keep trouble from Alurra and Creirwy, effectively putting both women under her protection, however as the entire bar starts to fight, Ash's attention doesn't move towards the door, but towards Kortana as the woman falls. She scowls at this and withdraws her ir-5 from underneath the cloak. She'll observe the newcomer later, right now, she has to get her crewman out of danger. "Alure, stay with the civie," she says as the table goes up. She hears the message from Carnylla and the armoured figure moves into assist in the path clearing. "Rollins get your arse to the cantina, crewman down." She knew the man was in the market place. Taking aiming, she fires at three of the assailants. The blaster isn't set to stun however, they were not using stun on her people. "Rutian.. wounded by the looks of it. They are trying to pull her out." the transmission is brief but relayed outside to the land speeder and Tyy'sun. The crimelord steps forward with intrigue in his eyes. "Give her assistance." Eson orders. The yellow and blue skinned Twi'lek both raise their blasters toward the Weequay and open fire while making their way toward the exit as well. Sentients dive for cover, the band stops playing, the bartender is nowhere in sight, and screams and protests erupt around the room. The crimson Twi'lek just outside the exit door in front of the speeder, with front flood lamps casting the entrance in light. Tyy'sun Eson is somewhat silhouetted where he stands in the path of Carnylla, Jek and the carried and wounded Kortana'Tai. Kortana is down for this count, BUT! The cantina? The cantina is crazy right now. Spacers hooting and hollering as their drunkenness compels them to strike and strike with a lot of blasters, and fists and Lum bottles and everything else they can get in their grubby paws. The only Houk alive drops to the ground with stun bolts to his chest from the gunfighter, and the Weequay left standing look at it each, and cheer for a split second before one catches a blaster round to the forehead, and the other a Lum bottle across the back of his head, and both of them drop. Of course, the first few minutes of a battle is always the easiest. From their people REALLY start to get hurt. Jek looks to Carn. He was holding the woman, he blinks a few times. His eyes on the twi'lek man standing in his way. The silver eyes narrow, "You will be moving out of my way. I have to get her medical attention." It was the sight of Carn at his side. That made the Echani remember his baring. With blasters out, bolts flying, fists crunching, and all kinds of violence, Creirwy squeaks and moves to duck behind the table which has been kicked over. She may look tough, but she sure doesn't act it. She's probably never been in a bar brawl before, either. "The man has a point." offers Carn as she lowers her blaster. She's ahead of Jek, not so much at his side. Her job is to clear the path for her crewmate. "We're going to be borrowing your speeder. It'll be at Docking Bay 94 where you can pick it up with payment for the inconvenience. Jek, put 'er in back. I'll drive." she states as she angles to get in the driver's seat. "Then it is medical attention I offer you, stranger.." says Eson, amplifying his voice. "I speak true when I tell you I can offer the best facilities within 30 light years of this world, and I offer it free of charge to my own kin." Eson's lekku furl around his shoulders and he steps forward.. "But my driver will be taking us. And you will be my guests. This part is non-negotiable." the crimelord has his arms held out at his sides in a peaceful gesture, but his eyes show hardness and capability. He may, or may not be recognizable to those present, depending on their streetwise and knowledge of the corporate world, underworld and the Twi'lek Maffi. Firing a few more shots, Ash peers about. "Damn sun sickness," she mutters darkly. She grabs the Jawa and throws him out of her path. "Cre, Alur, to the door. Rollins?" She gets a missive back, he's almost there. Switching her blaster from deadly to stun, then from single shot to autofire, the looks to the others. She backhands the lil furball that's in her way and keeps herself between Creirwy and the fighting. She hands the IR-5 to the CSA woman, "Just shoot at those not with me." She pulls out her deathhammers and continues to fire. "Carn! The civi!" Alurra was feisty, and Ash has an eye on her, "Keep shooting," she instructs the Zeltron. Alurra follows orders, she sticks close to Crier and only takes shots of opportunity and necessity, conserving her clips. She suddenly gets a somewhat mischievous grin on her face, and takes careful aim at the array of drinks that were set before her earlier, and most still remain in the same place on the bar. With three shots she ignites the ones on the corners, which starts a chain reaction, igniting the rest in a burst of flames, light, sound, fumes, and explosive force, the shockwave of the explosion further triggering bottles to burst and a few other explosions around the room. The bursts are liquor based, so they make a lot of noise and do a lot of quick damage, but thankfully burn out quick. What better distraction then to make it seem like the whole place is going up, even if there is no real chance of that... yet "You're right, it is non-negotiable." says Carn. She looks to the driver and says, "Get out. Conscious or unconscious is your call." Then she notices something else.. another approaching speeder. She moves towards it now, totally ignoring Tyy'sun. Stopping the speeder by stepping in front of it and pointing her blaster at its operator, she basically speederjacks it, -that- driver getting out as she gestures for Jek to get in. "Move move move... We'll return your speeder. This is a medical emergency." Then she glances over her shoulder towards Tyy as she moves to get in. "We have the best Doctor I've ever heard of, and plenty of facilities. If your arrogance and ego lets her die, I will find you." she offers before she climbs in and prepares to whoosh off to the Starport. My My, the cantina is a mess now. Death and destruction all around means that the cantina is gonna make more money than they can count later. After all, looting is legal here. Of course there will be a few less regulars tomorrow but that’s cool. But the cantina dies back slightly, because half of the people are either hiding or dead by this point. But of course, Kortana? Yep, still getting beauty sleeps. "I got my..." But before she can finish, she's accepting a blaster, and aiming it. Sure, she aims it, but she isn't hitting much worth noting. With the mass of fighters in the cantina, though, she's bound to hit something, whether or not it's useful. If any of the fighters are paying attention, it's her wild shots that cause them to take notice and duck, because it looks as though she doesn't have the skill to really use it. Somehow, her shots don't go anywhere near Ash's people. Jek moves to load Kortana into the speeder that Carn just speed jacked. He moves to slide into the vehicle. He looks over at Tyy'sun, "Thanks but no thanks. I can't afford to trust my mate's life in stranger’s hands that I don't know." Pushing Creirwy forward, with Alurra guarding behind, Ash doesn't care if the women hit anything, it's that threat of being hit that keeps people away. Well those that expect to keep their hides. One is foolish and she shoots his rapidly approaching form twice to send him spinning away. "Rollins?" She asks, *Here* says the military cook. He steps in at the door and starts firing to keep his crew safe. Ash nods to him, and pushes for Creirwy then Alurra to get out of the Cantina. "Status!" She wants to know how everyone is. Noting that her armour has a new blast burn, she grumbles and shoots again. The red twi'lek ain't shooting so the armoured male figure doesn't shoot at him. She doesn't dodge expertly, and with all the blaster fire, some folks are bound to get it. Creirwy is one of them, and she yelps, then growls in anger, like an injured pet. She takes aim again, and fires at the one who just hit her, and succeeds in hitting a rowdy Shistavanen in his blaster arm. Being pushed from behind by Ash, she doesn't linger over her handiwork, and darts for the door. Rollins moves to assist the red head with green strapes out of the cantina, while Ash guards, then moves to follow. She peers at the airspeeder's plates and chuckles. Such arrogance. Rollins moves to get Creirwy on his speeder bike to take her back to the ship. The Captain, well, she's good for a walk. Only a blaster burn, nothing major. With strides distinctively not female, she heads back to her ship, leaving behind the chaos of the cantina. Lazure 12:59, 12 March 2009 (UTC)At the ship It comes to pass perhaps less than 30 minutes or so that docking bay 94 sees the arrival of Eson's speeder once more, this time flanked by several swoop riders and another speeder which follows it closely. The procession stays clear of the landed Bloody Harlot, the ID of the ship known now to the crimelord who has heard of the ship's exploits, noticed the crew on the Sith cruise and has a grudging respect for the Harlot's legend. And so the ship is given a wide birth, though Eson does hail the bridge from below to announce his presence and desire to speak with the captain. The twi'lek female was seen being taken aboard the ship by agents on the lookout at the docking bays. And so now Eson steps across the tarmac to stand somewhere in front of the looming vessel's boarding ramp, perhaps 30 meters from it. The other Twi'leks keep to themselves on the sidelines or within the speeders. It is a hefty walk, but hey, that's why the Gods gave folks feet. Ash continues her strides to her ship, thankful for the darkly tinted goggles and the breather. "Gonna have to clean the filters," she mutters to herself. As she just arrives to Docking Bay 94 a communications from the ship informs her that one Tyy'sun Eson was here to see her, she chuckles. *I just arrived, keep scanners operating,* she tells the bridge crew. She continues her walk, "Yeah? You wanted to speak to the captain?" She asks the Twi'lek in her whispered voice. She stands before him, and regards the escort that he has with him. Either he thought this was a sign of respect or a that she and her crew were dangerous. Ash smiles behind her breather. "May I know what about?" Tyy'sun is standing facing the landed ship when the armoured sentient arrives from the side. At first he remains in that position, obviously expecting the captain from the boarding ramp and not an agent out taking a walk. But after a moment the crimelord turns his head to gaze at the figure. His tattooed lekku unfurl to cascade down the back of his cloak and Eson says, "Are you she?" It is most likely a scout for the Harlot tasked with making first contact. Eson is not interested in parlay with underlings - he will be making more public appearances from now on in the outer rim. The days of shadow play are waning. Then again, he is micromanaging those Family operations that he takes a personal interest in. Interest of the many Twi'lek spread across the Galaxy, and particularly those caught up in the underworld and its shadier components. Eson is at the ready, should the Harlot turn on him in open warfare. He does not expect it - believes the rumours of Maffi's resurgence are beginning to float across lips. Shaking her head, and making a gesture of looking at her body, armoured, appearing male, "Sadly, no. She is busy with injured crew, I would imagine. If you wish to wait for her, I have authorisation to bring you, and just you, in for a conversation." She clasps her hands behind her back, underneath the cloak. If he wanted to parlay, he can wait till she's changed and dressed, with something cold and clean in hand. "I assure you, the lounge is well decorated to many xenos' taste." Tyy'sun is not comfortable stepping foot aboard the starship alone. It would be a danger, and irresponsible considering that the crimelord's head is worth a lot of credits, and there are many players in the Galactic arena who are not thrilled with the idea of sharing the markets they have dominated for the last few years with Maffi again. "The conversation will need to take place out here, you see." says the Twi'lek, his brow and twitch of lek expressing a quiet agitation. "In regards to the wounded crew. My Family comes baring a gift of healing, and enquiries about today's wounded." an obvious reference to Kortana'Tai. Perhaps Ash's head-tailed crew member has attracted the crime Family's interest then. That would perhaps explain their arrival at Bloody Harlot's front door and at the cantina. Nodding, the 'crewman' heads to the gangplank. "I will inform her of your decline of hospitality," she says her whispered voice just managing to keep out the offence of the declining. "I am certain she will be out in a moment or several to see you. Her responsibility is to her crew first and foremost." And with an inclination of her head, she punches in the code, keeping her body between the pad and his view, and then steps in. Once inside: "Zurak, you free?" She moves to the turbolift and starts removing armour. "We have a guest that refuses to come in. Can you see that a table, some shade, a little bit of food and drink make their way out to the Twi'lek while I check on Kortana? Just tell him that I'm seeing to my wounded crewman." He didn't need to know about the guest. She was certain the fewer people that knew about Creirwy's presence on her ship the better. "Oh! He is Mr. Eson, of Zhao and Maffi connections. Do be polite and careful," last thing she needed was dead Rodian. Stripped down, she heads to get ready to see the Maffi Boss. The Rodian was on his way out to the local market to get some fresh grilled rat, which in reality, was about the only thing he found appealing on Tatooine. "Of course" is all that he says, the mention of shady connections no longer raising alarm with Zurak. Although there was no resentment in his voice, on the inside there was. He really wanted some grilled rat, he didn’t know why but it certainly sounded delicious. The hunter pulls a comlink out of a pouch in his jacket, "Jimmy, bring the wait staff, a table, and refreshments for a twi’lek... and the captain." Although not specifically requested, he thought it might be a little awkward for the guest to eat alone. "Almost forgot, some sort of shade."..... "I don’t know just figure it out". Zurak walks quickly down the ramp, outwardly portraying a sense of urgency and respect for the guest that does not exist within. He carries his usual assortment of armament, including a bow in hand. upon arriving, Zurak speaks basic fairly well, although at a slightly slower pace than most species, "Mr. Eson? I'm to see that you are looked after while you wait." The formalities end there, not making the expected, "if there’s anything you need?" remark. The hunter surveys the pad, assessing the situation. Watching the armoured figure leave, Eson ponders the situation. He knows who the captain of Bloody Harlot is. An enigma and a powerful woman known by many callings. The crimelord thought he had her pegged down from the get go, but her dexterity, connections and versatility have kept her constantly on the outskirts of Maffi's network and true understanding.. until her departure from Corporate executive to star mercenary. Eson has long ago abandoned the belief that the woman is directly connected to the Twi'lek persecutions in a meaningful way, and then there is something fresh about the meeting in his mind today. He would see what sort of being she is, and judge for himself if she can be trusted employing one of his race. At the hospitable Zurak makes his appearance, the crimelord only affords the Rodian a dark nod of acknowledgement. As the wait staff arrive with table and chairs, Eson accepts a seat graciously, glad to see that etiquette was being observed, and that he was being received at least neutrally. It is not necessarily his wish for strained relations. Washed up hastily, make up applied, two of the mercenary crew help the Captain get dressed. She needed to look good, after all. She's chatting on the come to the doctor looking after Kortana and once the corset is laced, she's one her way to the medbay, by passing Carnylla and Creirwy to get to the operating room that Kortana is being worked on. She doesn't step in but observes in silence. She places a hand on Jek's shoulder then turns and departs. Kortana was in the best hands known in the Slice. Even if that was only Ash's opinion, she felt it was justified. The long skirt flows around her as she moves and one of her crew tosses her a cloak before she enters the turbolift and makes her way down. She puts that one and then pulls out a pair of sunglasses from an inner pocket. Almost perfectly coifed and decorated, like the Nagai that the Twi'lek surely would remembered, with no markings of her warpaint, she steps out and takes a bottle of blue glowing wine from one of her helots. The crystal glasses are already out the door and down the ramp. "Mister Eson, how good it is to see you again," she says with a friendly smile upon her face. "I hope you haven't been waiting long." She makes her way down and then pulls the cork on the wine bottle, "Wine?" she inquires. Preceding Creirwy down the ramp, Carnylla is chatting with the woman, "It's all good. I can't believe they told you it was a bomb." she mutters, shaking her head as she comes down to the ground level, "You need me to arrange transportation to the other docking bay so you can get to your ship?" she asks before she hears Ash's voice, "Oy Captain!" she calls out, "How... " and then she notices Tyy'sun, "Oh, if it isn't the non negotiable one." she adds. Creirwy doesn't even recognize the Ash from the cantina and this Ash. it isn't until Carnylla calls her "Captain" that she makes the logical leap. "Actually, I'm feeling not too bad right now, and I can probably make it to my ship just fine..." She smiles to the blonde, then to the others. "Thank you for your help and hospitality...Captain, Carnylla." She's given Carnylla her comlink code, and says so. "You can reach me any time. After about eight hours or so. I intend to sleep for a good while. Thank you, again." The Rodian simply watches the whole affair with disdain. The hangar bay seemed relatively safe, all though that did not necessarily mean surprises weren’t lurking in the shadows. Crime syndicates made a business of stabbing others in the back, and in theory, would always be prepared to receive one as well. As little Jimmy scurries about in a panicked, and partially fanatical state Zurak snorts to himself, his ears flicking as well. This was nothing to get worked up about as far as he was concerned, as none of it really mattered. Ultimately this was about advancing each others agendas the hunter deduces, making an improperly placed meal piece as consequential as a bantha pooing on the plains. Zurak notes the arrival of Ash with a nod, "Captain, I took the liberty of assuming you would want this." Inwardly he just wants to walk away from the whole affair, not truly understanding why they just cant talk and be done with all the pleasantries. Tyy'sun notes the departure of several more of the Harlot's crew. He makes a mental note of them; recognizes Carnylla from the cantina - notes Creirwy as the two approach by proxy. As Ash appears on the boarding ramp, Eson's brow raises in recognition. He can immediately sense her proactive nature and commanding stride. She appears as one in control of her destiny, as opposed to those mercenary captains the crimelord knows that are constantly on the slippery slope to destruction, always charging in over their heads. He nods to her with accordance - as a dignitary might formally recognize a colleague at dinner. It is a gesture and sign that for now things are neutral and Eson is pleased with his reception. As Carnylla speaks to Eson, recognizing him from the cantina, the crimelord's stoic expression remains unphased with only the slightest twitch of lek to signify that he even registered the remark. He lets it slide, wisely, knowing he is here for more than a mere demand of respect and territorial submission - but information on the Twi'lek aboard the looming landed ship. "Thank you, Captain." says Eson in response to her, nodding at the offer of wine and also in reference to the reception in general. "It has been some time since we have.." he lets the words linger for a moment, searching for the right word, his blue/grey gaze meeting Ash's strongly, "spoken.." he says, putting it delicately. "I have come to see that your connection to the persecutions is not what I had imagined. It intrigues me to see that you are a far more versatile and adventurous sentient. But are you ready to navigate the slice with conviction - or do you slosh about with impunity?" Ash tosses a glance to Carnylla, a silent warning. She didn't need a repeat of the Sith Ball. Pleasantly, however, "My dear, you are not walking back to your ship when your escort was left at the cantina. Carnylla, ensure that Rollins and a proper escort for our guest are ready to take her to wherever she may wish to go until she meets up with her own people." Ash wasn't going to risk losing a contact in the CSA. Not this early in the game. And, she was curious as to where Creirwy was docked and which ship is hers. Rollins would read between the lines and figure this out for her, even if he had to follow the Firrerreo woman all day. "I bid you safety in your endeavours." Turning her attention to what Zurak had laid out for them, she nods her approval, "Thank you, Zurak." She pours first Tyy'sun's wine, and then her own before handing the bottle to Lil Jimmie to pour into a decanter. A fresh bottle without a broken cork, was selected with intent. She takes a seat and selects a couple of morsels and nibbles a little wondering why he was here. Surely he was sick of her presence aboard the Baleful Edict. She chuckles, "Spoken? Is that what they call it now adays?" She seems bemused, let him have his words, she knows what it was and she refused to bend. "To exist without loss is to mock living, Mr. Eson. I can begin debating with you on the principles of the Slice, but I doubt that you are here for such an undertaking," her words are airy. Allowing a pause to sample the wine, she smiles contently. Always good to have a favoured wine when with unfavoured guests. "So, is the purposes of your visit today to inform me that in your benevolent eyes that I am innocent of the charges you laid, falsely upon me. Or is there another purpose?" She smiles pleasantly, unconcerned by his show of people. Giving a resigned smile to Creirwy, Carn shrugs and says, "You heard the captain. Rollins..." she says to the man, "You -also- heard the Captain. Take Jensen and Markyl as escorts and see that she reaches her ship." That done, she offers a few polite departing words to Cre... and then moves over towards Ash and Tyy. "You are an excellent hostess Captain." she remarks as she finds a place to stand nearby, merely observing for the time being. The golden-skinned Firrerreo blushes, her skin glowing an interesting shade. "Again, thank you," she expresses toward the captain, a smile for Carnylla and her new escorts. She nods politely to everyone else present with Ash, and tries to leave quietly, without further disruption of the Captain's business, or her guests. Zurak takes more time to survey the area around the Harlot, his true interest involving his and the crews safety more than that of games of language and false gestures of good will. At least Carnylla had a frame of mind that more suited his own, keep it simple and do not mask your intentions behind false pretences. Despite this he does have respect for his Captain, as mission after mission they pull through. He takes a spot across the table opposite of Carnylla, remaining silent and listening for subtle cues. Again the words of subtly indignation roll off the crimson crimelord's proverbial shoulders and he raises the glass of wine, swirling the contents ones, placing the lip under his nose and inhaling the aroma before sipping the body. The glass is placed on the table before him and Eson sits quietly for a moment, leaning back comfortably in the chair as though to bask in the shadow off the umbrella or within Ash's hospitality. In the background, a repulsor sled is being piloted past the Maffi speeders and onto the tarmac of Bloody Harlot's landing area. A series of crates are unloaded and abandoned. "Bacta, a sizable shipment. A gift from the Family to augment the reputed medical facilities aboard your ship." Eson smirks slightly, perhaps in an attempt to appear friendly. "And the recovery of your crew." Eson folds his hands across his chest as he leans back, gazing upon the woman before him. "I arrived at the cantina today investigating the reports of a Twi'lek female. Based on what I saw today she is obviously an important trait to the Harlot. The Maffi Family takes the Twi'lek race very seriously, and I would know who she is." There, he had put it on the table, now it will be the Harlot's response that determines Eson's disposition from here on out. Maffi is cracking down on the outterrim, and Tatooine and many areas of the slice against Twi'lek degradation, slavery and sentient trafficking. If Harlot means to sell the female, things will go downhill quickly. Ash remains calm and collected her eyes behind the glasses shifting to the approaching repulsor sled. As many would warn against looking a gift nexu in the mouth, Ash was not above that. She had plenty of reasons, 180, give or take, to look that nexu in the mouth and count its teeth if need be. While Zurak takes his post behind, and Rollins and his group see to Creirwy's safety, Ash inhales. She wanted to search it, and if that's her innate reaction she knows someone else does too. She just gives a simple nod. "I thank you for the gift, but I do hope you understand and sympathise with my hesitance," she says to the one that refused her invitation of hospitality, out of this blasted heat and duo-suns. She mentally bristles as he dares to insinuate her crewman. She smiles, however, pleasantly. "I take the well-being of my crewmen -very- seriously, be the crewman Twi'lek or Baragwin. I am sure if she desired to know you, she would have contacted you. As it is, I am inclined to respect her wishes and deny you that knowledge." She says smoothly recalling a conversation mere weeks after the young woman joined her crew. If the Maffi desired to take the Twi'lek woman against her will, they will be learning just how angry Ash can become in a drop of a hat. Her mind's eye is already moving to possible battle plans, if he decides to push the issue. A couple more crewmen come out, a pair upon the ship herself, using the dorsal hatch. Strangely, most of these members are women. Pushing off the wall even before Ash starts speaking, Carn is heading for the Repulsorsled. "Hope you don't mind if I do a thorough search of the materials myself." she offers as she intend to do that whether they mind or not. She speaks into her comlink on her wrist and murmurs to the Harlot's bridge. "Can we get a focused scan of my position and everything within a few meters of me? Just need to make sure what all we have here." And then she offers a smile to the minions operating the sled as if apologizing for her actions. All of this, over a Twi'lek crew member? Zurak's initial reaction is almost one of complete disbelief, which if one was paying close enough attention to the underling at the side may have noticed the momentary change in his facial expression. The Rodian considers the humour in simply parting without dismissal to fetch the grilled rat he’s been craving recently that is until the captains own response serves to inform that this is more serious than initially perceived. This is why Ash is in command and deals with these groups after all, she notices what goes unseen to the less experienced hunter. He chooses to take another survey of the hangar bay, the grilled rat forgotten for now. The Twi'lek pilot of the repulsor sled shrugs at Carn, having dumped the 6 crates with the automated lift. "All yours." she says, manoeuvring the sled around to head back in the direction that she came. The crates remain where left, able to be scanned, searched, poked and prodded as necessary. Ship scans indicate class 7 containment units designed for long-term voyages containing all the chemicals, components and ingredients of enriched, high quality bacta. No obvious or scanned intruder elements or anything other than what it is supposed to look like. Eson head tilts slightly at Ashes reaction and finds it overly defensive for something that could be so simple and a foundation between Maffi and the Bloody harlot. But her response does tell the crimelord much. The twi'lek is a crewmember, and a valued one. "You say this Twi'lek has specifically asked you to deny /me/ knowledge of her identity?" The thought is mystifying - unless Kortana is a fugitive of the Family. He did not recognize her, however. Although he could not possibly remember every face of Maffi's thousands, he does have a handle on the identities of its relatively few exiles and fugitives. "It matters little. Eson decides allowed. "You can think of it as a business arrangement, Captain. Obviously you have already benefited from treating your Twi'lek crewmember with respect and expending resources to see to her safety. It is in the interest of my company to contribute considerable assets to those organizations it recognizes as being accommodating and fair to it's Twi'lek employees. Likewise we have considerable assets at our disposal toward disencouraging those outfits that treat their Twi'leks with indignity, enslavement or wage gouging." The haste in which Carnylla moves to the crates, pleases Ash. Her Mando sister doing her job that Ash had asked her to do without waiting to be told. She keeps her smile pleasant. The arrival of additional footsteps on the boarding ramp inform her that there is now an audience. Perhaps Little Jimmie went into the ship in a panic. Silly Etti child, she will have to teach him to be calm. "You are just like any other syndicate or government. I protect my crew. If it is her desire to contact you after she is out of surgery and bacta, then she will. If she doesn't desire to contact you that is her choice. I will not make the decision for any one of my crew." She is sitting straight and proud as she delicately picks up the goblet and sip the glowing wine within. Her tones are delicate, yet there's inner strength to the words. One may say subtly defiant. If she was willing to do her damnedest to protect Carnylla from Axel's petty pride and Malign's vindictiveness, she is defiantly willing to safeguard her Twi'lek friend from this one if need be. All looks are deceiving, all gestures have double meaning. "Really now? And what is the price of this generosity?" She inquires, looking underneath the mask, as it were. Perhaps she will hit one of his buttons and provoke a rage. Her tones selected this time are almost innocently curious, as though to prevent offence, or perhaps provoke it, given who she's speaking to. Her eyes move to Distayre by the gifts and she cants her head ever so slightly, before wiping her brow. Not now. She raises a hand, and gently motions towards the gifts. "Use the repulsor lift," she intones before regarding Tyy'sun again. "This gift, I thank you for." A wave off. Drek.. Carn shakes her head in a small jerky motion to indicate that she understands, but really doesn't -want- to comply. However, what she wants to do and what she is ordered to do are two different things. "Aye Captain." she mutters through mildly gritted teeth. Though there's obviously restrained animosity towards Tyy. Such that he likely couldn't -not- feel it from her in waves of frustration and resentment. Not anger so much as the sort of feeling one gets around a known conman who they think is lying to their grandmother to get social security checks. She walks over towards the ship to get the Harlot's repulsorsled and starts loading it up with the help of a few crewmen. It seems she wants to keep her hands busy so she doesn't say or do anything her Captain doesn't want her to do... -this- time. But once it's all loaded and the crew are taking the sled aboard, she moves over to Ash, behind her and to the left, folding her arms over her chest as she mutters softly, "Kaysh mirsh solus" Ultimately, Zurak determines that Twi'lek culture and the Maffi is something that must be inquired about further. He spent most of his life in the forests of his home planet, forbidden from going to the massive shielded cities of his homeworld due to a "crime" he was not alive to even have committed. Rodian bloodline was complicated, as part of their tribal system the crimes of a clan belonged to the clan’s individuals, and their descendants. As a result, the Rodian was a "dishonourable traitor", a brand which was given to his tribe when Navik the Red seized power from the ruling clans. His own clan a lesser clan that supported the ruling party, was spared extermination in exchange for servitude. The scar on the hunters snout serves as a reminder to any Rodian who lays eyes on him, that he is sub-Rodian, a whipping boy to do the menial chores of real Rodians. This harsh reality has deprived him of knowledge, the stories of his Elders proving to have been insufficient to prepare the Rodian for his journey into the galaxy. Despite this there is his unwavering desire to see his clans place in history as one of redemption, not a fading star to be forgotten with time. The path ahead was difficult, and the first step was to understand before making his move. Even if learning Twi'lek culture did not bear fruit then so be it, it may prove useful in other ways. And so it is that Zurak continues to watch the events unfold, hoping to somehow gain enlightenment Maffi is in many ways about the Twi'lek plight. It formed on New Kala'uun under the direction of Twi'leks who knew great suffering and loss at the hands of the ways of the Galaxy, the greed and fallacies inherent in its homeworld culture, and the grievous mistreatment by sentients such as the Hutts abroad. Maffi seeks to undermine the Twi'lek slave ring industry, and establish a Twi'lek-inspired foothold on Galactic society. Members of the ruling council like Tyy'sun Eson do not believe there are legitimate means to these ends without the creative means of criminal operations - operations that brought them to success and wealth from poverty and hopelessness. It first takes a measure of wealth and power to begat more, after all - those without will stay without, unless they take what they are destined for. And so here in the outterrim, where business is once more ripe for the picking, the Maffi will make its resurgence in lockstep with a raise to Twi'lek equality and respect - at the barrel of a blaster if needed. Hutts will be persecuted for their crimes on Tatooine - slaver captains will be gutted over the bows of their freighters - sympathizers will be sponsored and treated with protection and, credits and assets - black markets will be filled with goods and services. As word gets out that Twi'lek's are empowered and that Maffi looks out for its own and that Twi'lek discrimination will not be tolerated, and that they are in fact a rewarding race to conduct business with - then Maffi's overall goal will begin to solidify. Ash's words continue to be something of an enigma. The woman in some ways seems to be missing Eson's point, or does not particularly care to understand it. Eson represents a source of business and wealth for Bloody Harlot - and speaks plainly about his desire to see it's Twi'lek employees treated well. His brow raises and he partakes in another sip of the wine, his lekku furling around his shoulders in the shade. The crimelord's skin is a parched and dried out affair, obviously at home with the hot rays of a beating sun overhead. "As I said, the price is that you will keep your word regarding your care for the Twi'lek under your command. If you are fair, and take care of her - then you will continue to benefit, and I may have many well-paying jobs for you - and many gifts. Normally my Family does not outsource.. but seeing as there are members of our kind aboard your crew, it warms our pocketbooks to do business." Eson's lekku flex slightly at the return of Carnylla. The woman seems to know nothing but animosity toward him by her words, demeanour - and the subtle rivers of palpable resentment which flow from her presence. Silent waves of it caress the crimelord's senses. It could be that Harlot and her entire crew are already disposioned against Maffi. Certainly there have not been particularly good relations in the past with it's Captain. Carnylla is not even afforded a glance, her presence an obvious liability to the course of the discussions. Why feed a fire? If this deal goes sour such things can be dealt with in due course. For now, lets all get to know one another. The Rodian is another intrigue.. the Harlot's reputation proceeds itself and a ship does not make a name for itself without talent and thrust of crew. As the Rodian may consider looking more into Twi'lek culture - so too do the Twi'leks consider the Rodian. Good, Carnylla is exercising her restraint. She smiles softly at it, approving; in time Carnylla may develop a head for politics. Hell, somehow Ash has. The tension in her is very apparent, but Ash doesn't comment or say a thing. She wasn't the type to censor what her crew thought, said or did. All she asks for is some restraint till she can hear their words in private. "Elek," she says in agreement to Carnylla's observations. She smiles, glad to have picked up Carnylla's native tongue in enough bits and pieces to understand it. She watches as the lift moves pass to the bay within. No doubt the first mate, understanding Ash's motions and having heard a few tales about Ash's dealing with this Twi'lek, will be requesting from L'ck's staff a thorough analysis of the content. Comprised bacta wasn't something that he would want to inflict upon his crew. An allergy for the rest of their lives to bacta being the end result. Ash was suspicious of this one. He always had alterior motives. Even the Twi'lek language was twofold, something that she learnt while learning its written and spoken forms. She studies her adversary, for lack of a better word. It wasn't that she was blind and deaf to what he says. It is the fact that he's becoming that which he hates. His first step that she was his coming after her, for the offence of who her chosen lover had been. His hatred almost putting him on par with the xenophobic tendencies of the Imperials. But these thoughts she keeps silent and to herself, hidden under the contemplations of the fine wine with the hot weather. She also listens to Tyy'sun's words. Perhaps a lesson can be learned. She was always good at learning. Ever the Enigma, she be. As her present ship is named for her warlike tendency, her next ship will be named for others' inability to fully understand her. It is by purpose and calculation that she creates the web of illusion. It's takes great skill to maintain it. It was a hobby. Sad but true. Captain Lazure smiles, pleasantly. "I take care of my crew, no matter -what- species they are," her tones carry the subtle hint of offence, but she keeps it low. He was a Twi'lek Imperial. What will he do when there are no more Hutts to slay, slavers to quarter, and oppressors to dismentle. Who will he then turn his attention to? Fanatics. How she despised them. "Outsourcing?" she ponders this, looking at it from many angles. She would not go to bed with the Sith Lord, but she will potentially do work for one. As it is, she has already on a few different occasions. "Business is always good, especially when I can feed my crew," perhaps feed will have a different meaning to him than to her and her ilk, but the meaning is there. She studies the movement of the lekku, perhaps her next step in learning Twi'lek sublties is having the unconscious one teach her the silent language of lekku. His eyes wander, "This is what I call talking," she comments off handedly. So far no capturing by use of a glop nor chasing through a sector of a town. Amazing how two people (using the term loosely) can hate one another so obviously, and yet have such similar hatreds elsewhere too. Dedicated slavers are the sorts that Carn hates with a fanatical passion. Yes, Mandos take slaves, but they don't buy 'em at a market or hire folks to go kidnap kids from their families. Their slaves are taken from the battlefields and such. In her mind, there is a large difference. Her nostrils flare as she just stares at this Twi'lek. How she can get along with one and hate another.. well not hate, but almost pity and resent all at once. Her arms fold over her upper abs, just below (and providing a touch of lift to) her bustline as she just watches silently. After all, she knows that if she opens her mouth at all, it'll be the opening of the floodgates, and she'll have diarrhoea of the mouth, so to speak. . o o O O (Arrogant son of a Hutt really thinks he's any better than the Imperials. I bet he couldn't care less if anyone who wasn’t a Twi'lek was injured on our crew.) Then she smirks as an amused thought flickers through her head. . o o O O (Oh, I bet it's going to bake -his- noodle if Kortie decides not to have any contact with him. He'll probably blame the rest of us for holding her back too... yeah, that one brain cell he has -is- lonely.) But those emotions did flicker briefly to mischievous amusement and then back to resentment. Damned Mandos... Restoring his clans lost honour was an ideal developed at a very young age, much as the ideals of other sentients are before the realities of and bad hands dealt by life take their toll on the individual. As Zurak grew older and started to develop, he became obsessed with the hunt, and trait he developed from watching his clans play writes perform shows at night depicting an art that was losing its way in their culture. Where others saw an entertaining story, the young Rodian saw a chance. He was to train in his spare time and ultimately win the annual hunting tournament on Rodia, a move which in his mind would make up for his clans mistake of being on the wrong side of a civil war. His own youth and inexperience clouded his logic, and it was this failure to accept the truth that resulted in his betrayal. He had claimed the best kill, there was no doubt about it even among the rival contestants. Before he even got to meet the Grand protector, it was learned that a dishonoured tribe member had won. His prize was enslavement instead of praise. He never even saw the ceremonial hall in the hunters’ guild before being subdued and shipped to a slave camp. "You will see the galaxy my friend, you will see it from behind bars and peering out of a mine shaft." Over the next few years he toiled, broken and accepting his fate like a pack mule. It was a dream, in which the ceremony happened the way it was supposed to, and his clan was declared absolved of its crimes. The dream revived his spirit, his renewed vigour hatched a new plan. He would restore honour to his clan, he would restore it and bring down Narik the Red. It would be his clan that bared the marks of shame as he has for so many years. For now that goal brings him here, a part of this crew; a crew which he believes may one day play their role in his destiny. The crimson Twi'lek would wonder, how much of the Galaxy is a destitute from the brightlands of Ryloth really suppose to concern himself with? Eson is a wealthy sentient, powerful, capable of much. But it is all built on the blood of his enemies, the crimelord has played the victim card to justify every bruised knuckle scheme, every underworld execution, and every advantage taken from innocent sentients since his victim birth. For all his inertia of domain, ability to run a crime operation the Twi'lek is weak minded, wrapped around ideas that only feed a circular logist and hatred and anger. Within him, the dark side feeds on this. Many of the Maffi's gestures are rooted in a sense of honour and culture and loyalty - but in many ways Eson's mind is warped by spice, by trauma, and by the Force. But Maffi strength has always been, and continues to be the commonality of that twisted sense of culture and loyalty that Eson demands from his people. Carnylla's nose-flaring posture so near to Eson's place at the table during the exchange begins to wear on the crimelord's patience. It is one thing to have posturing where Harlot is insenced that Eson would deny their hospitality and Eson ignores their caution and thoroughness with the inspection of his gift. It is quite another to have a seething Mandalorian furnace working hard to hold herself back right there. To Ash Eson replies, "Yes.. well, I think you will find I have many sides to me, Captain. It all depends on context." He reaches into his satchel and produces a datachip, sliding it across the table. He does his best to ignore Carnylla for the moment, keeping all focus on Ash. "Please forward this to your Twi'lek crewmate. And rest assured your presence in the system will go smoothly under our watchful eyes." The crimelord begins to gather his affects, as though ready to bring the exchange to a close. Ash doesn't need any special gift to feel the hostilities given off by Carnylla. Ash has spent nearly a year with the woman. And if she can feel it, she knows that her opponent can bath in it. It was the fun thing about gathering intel on someone, hence she keeps her emotions on the back burner, allowing some of the offence that she feels slip by. She has yet to silent her emotions like she has stilled her mind. Taking another piece of food, she chews thoughtfully seeking the annoyance or anger that the Twi'lek must feel from Carnylla's raw emotions. A bemused smile threatens to creep upon her but she doesn't allow it to show. Mantras of the enemy of my enemy while patricianly true is dangerously wrong. Alliances break and shift, shatter and fall and this young woman has proven herself at being a survivor. It was one of her many skills. She laughs. She just cannot help it. "Your watchful eye?" She grins widely finding humour. "Tyy'sun, I am no weakling that needs a shepard watching over me to ensure I do not step into a Hutt's den." Her tone is jovial, as if what he says is a joke, though the truth of it, she finds it offensive that he would dare insinuate that /she/ needed protection. He has seen her when she's been evasive first hand! Was he a fool and underestimated her? Doubtful. He wanted in on her crew. She takes the datachip, no harm there, especially since she'll have her slicers look at it to make sure it wasn't some brain washing mumbo jumbo. "I will see that she gets it," if it's safe, leaving the last three words unspoken, though she's certain he can hear it. She allows him that much in the chaos that her mind has become. Her first priority is the safety of the crew. She wasn't blind, but she was cautious. Slowly the Nagai stands up, her stance squared and proud, no doubt helped by the corset that she's wearing. There was an inner strength to her, and she was still just as stubborn now as she was when he first threw that grenade, perhaps more so. "Until next time," lifting her tone at the end, turning the statement into a quasi-question. Not more than three hours ago, a womprat with a destiny was scurrying about doing whatever it is the womprats do. Suddenly a delightful odour crept into his nose, tantalising the senses and drawing every measurable amount of his processing power. His nose twitched and sniffed feverishly, searching for the source of the aroma. It scurried from mound to mound, searching under this, under that, but to no avail. Where is it?! his mind cried out. He must have it, he must find it before another rat does! Then suddenly, like the clouds parting and a single ray of light illuminating a treasure, he spots the treat in the distance. As the womprat scurries over his mouth begins to water while his nose sniffs ever more ferociously, bringing him closer to his prize. Finally he arrives, and goes to take a bite when out of no where a trap springs and he is caught by the foot, unable to escape. Two hours go by and he has been retrieved and transported to Mos Eisley, the last thing he having seen in his miserable life is a mallet rush towards his head...then darkness. As the meeting winds down Zurak sighs with relief. Lil Jimmy has already begun putting away all the gear and the parties have departed. It is now Zurak remembers that he was hungry, so he bids his farewell and heads out tot he market district where he searches for his favourite vendor. "rat, grilled" he speaks, the torture of the conversation still weighing on him. The vendor returns, credits exchange hands. And the womprats destiny is realised, consumed by a hungry Rodian with nothing better to do than eat. LazureFade to Black