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The Blair Witch Project 5 Final Prject
Heather makes it to the parking lot and then to the farry and gets on but an unseen force makes her fly off and Heather runs into the water. The flim then starts off with a old man stopping on Blair Witch Road and then Heather starts beating on the door and falls to the ground. She is taken to the hosiptal with no memory of what happend in the last flim and some blood on her matches to Bree Caplin and Sheriff Dan Hanks his deputy Beth go to the Blair Witch Woods to search for the missing kids. While Beth and her friends are at the church the witch flys at them causing the girls to run away.
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Heather makes it to the parking lot and then to the farry and gets on but an unseen force makes her fly off and Heather runs into the water. The flim then starts off with a old man stopping on Blair Witch Road and then Heather starts beating on the door and falls to the ground. She is taken to the hosiptal with no memory of what happend in the last flim and some blood on her matches to Bree Caplin and Sheriff Dan Hanks his deputy Beth go to the Blair Witch Woods to search for the missing kids. Bree tells her friends and Dan changes his mind and says that she and her friends go. Heather, Beth(Alex Reid), Juno(Nora-Jane Noone), Holly(Myanna Buring), Sam(Natalie Mendozza), Rebecca(Merna Survi), Wanda(Tara Reid) and Diana(Denise Richards) park there car in the parking lot and Heather has aflashback of her in the water by the farry and they enter the woods and Heather has a flashback as she sees the sticks and the pond and tells them that there going the wrong way but her friend sthink that shes crazy and Heather go's the other way. While Beth and her friends are at the church the witch flys at them causing the girls to run away. Heather is running and she finds the house and go's in and no body is there and Heather runs in the woods and falls down a hill and crys and she turns around and the witch is standing there and Heather runs and a stick that is hannging from a tree gos in her face and she falls to the ground and knocks herself out. Beth and her friends camp by the river and they here animal noises, babies crying, girls laughing and the grudge noise and they go outside and nothing is out there and they freak out and when Beth looks at Rebecca the witch is standing behind her and she grabs Rebecca and they disspaer into the ground. Heather wakes up and she is tied to a tree and she gets out. Beth and her friends go to the church and stay there and everyone gos looking for Heather but Wanda. While there walking they here little girls laughing and when they turn around the witch is standing there and she flys past them, At the church Wanda here's the noises she heard earlier and creaking noises and runs out of the church and falls down in the graveyard and when she turns around the witch is there. While the girls pass the pond Beth sees what happend at the end of the last flim and then the witch and Heather disspearing and she runs to the blood pond and the witch comes out and pulls Sam and the girls run and Beth falls down the hill Bree did with out the girls notcing. Heather gos back to the house and gets locked in and finds her friends and Mia, Natalie, Elizabeth, Olivia, David, Ben, Luke and Erick, Wanda, Rebecca and Sam and the basement door locks behind her. Holly and Diana run to the parking lot and try to start the car but it wont and the witch is in the car and she grabs Holly and Diana runs to the farry and an unsene force throws her into the watre and under the farry. Beth wakes up and walks to the house and find Heather and the others and lets them go and they all find the witch in the fork in the road and Heather sets her on fire, Bree stabs her to death, Beth strangles her to death and the others kill her too. Then they all put her in the bloody pond. A year later it shows that Heather and all her friends now live in the witchs house and they built more houses by the house and turnded the church into a research center for Linda Blair.