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Last time on Fandemonium... Meanwhile by the edge of the shield... ML: Ohhh, my head... ML: What the hell happended? ML: Where's that other me? Unten can be seen walking by the other side of the sheild. Unten: (Walks off) Nob head... ML: RETURN TO ME AT ONCE YOU BENEVOLENT BLUE BEAR YOU! Unten then raises two fingers aginst Locke. ML: B@$***d... MLv3: I wonder what I should do with Xero, he knows too much. Xero: Oh do I? MLv3: Whoa! How long were you standing there? Xero: I'll be asking the questions around here. MLv3: Ok... Xero: I know you aren't who you say you are. Xero: So I will test you. Luz: What?
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Last time on Fandemonium... Meanwhile by the edge of the shield... ML: Ohhh, my head... ML: What the hell happended? ML: Where's that other me? Unten can be seen walking by the other side of the sheild. Unten: (Walks off) Nob head... ML: RETURN TO ME AT ONCE YOU BENEVOLENT BLUE BEAR YOU! Unten then raises two fingers aginst Locke. ML: B@$***d... MLv3: I wonder what I should do with Xero, he knows too much. Xero: Oh do I? MLv3: Whoa! How long were you standing there? Xero: I'll be asking the questions around here. MLv3: Ok... Xero: I know you aren't who you say you are. Xero: So I will test you. Xero: In what year did the first Civil War start? MLv3: I don't know! Xero: Damn! Alright, When was the Neverworlder born? MLv3: Enough of this foolishness! Xero: Oh no you don't! Xero then strikes Locke v3 down with his sword. MLv3: I could have told you about your past... Locke v3 then shuts himself off. Xero: I knew you were an imposter! Xero: Locke wouldn't have known about my past! Xero: ...I-I don't think... Xero: Ahh! The f**k with you! Xero then walks off. Meanwhile in the camera room... Steel: I knew it! I bloody knew it! Steel: I wonder why Henry had a mental breakdown and started talking to himself... Steel then looks at the camera. Steel: What? Don't look at me like that! I'm not crazy! Pesh then walks in. Pesh: Your totally mad! Steel: BLASPHEMY! Locke then makes his way back inside. ML: Okay everyone I have a new challenge! Clyde: Not bloody likely! ML: And why not!? Xero: Because your an imposter! Xero: Time 'im up. Locke and Locke v3 are both tied to chairs in an empty room. ML: Where am I? Clyde: You are in a bedroom. Luz: What? Clyde: Oh, I'm sorry Luz, I had to empty your room to make this nifty *coughs* torture *coughs* chamber. Luz: Damn! ML: This is all your fault! Clyde: Tell you what, lets watch 'em. Clyde: EVERYONE GET IN LINE! Tulip: I have wanted to do this since day one. Find out next time on Fandemonium!