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Usury descibed any interest on a loan in pre-modern Europe before the Protestant Reformation. After that it meant excessive or illegal rates of interest. (Hyde, p 110) Usury in it's original meaning, was the practice of taking interest for monetary loans. It was originally condemned in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Usury is the greatest enemy of Christianity and the nuculer weapon of the Jews who are hell bent on destroying Jesus' Legacy! Usury is one of the thirteen primary Arcanoi from Wraith: The Oblivion. Those who master Usury can trade the very forces that wraiths thrive on. Usury is, without a doubt, a very useful ability. With Usury, a wraith can exchange Pathos with another, heal their Corpus, or turn Corpus into Pathos and back again. The only real restrictions on this ability are that it only grows more powerful with experience, and that a Usurer must be touching their target for it to work. Usury is the fee, denominated in money, for the use (loan) of money. It is often considered to mean lending money at interest, but it also covers extending credit at interest. In has been modified by modern usage to mean the extraction of interest on a loan above the maximum rate permitted by statute. This area of law is complex, particularly since, during the period of high inflation in the 1970s, the Federal government passed a law exempting national banks from state usury laws. Every state has its own usury law setting a maximum rate of interest that may be lawfully charged.
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Usury is one of the thirteen primary Arcanoi from Wraith: The Oblivion. Those who master Usury can trade the very forces that wraiths thrive on. Usury is, without a doubt, a very useful ability. With Usury, a wraith can exchange Pathos with another, heal their Corpus, or turn Corpus into Pathos and back again. The only real restrictions on this ability are that it only grows more powerful with experience, and that a Usurer must be touching their target for it to work. Usurers have something of a dodgy reputation in the Shadowlands. While their powers hold much potential for noble and respectable acts, more than one Usurer has fallen prey to the suggestions of their Shadows and indulged in outright theft of wraithly forces. It is because of these schemers that Usury has become an art viewed with suspicion and scorn. The Hierarchy in particular has dealt with too many troublesome Usurers, leading to its keeping an eye on those who know the arts of Usury. When Usury goes wrong, it usually results in a reverse flow from what the Usurer intended. For example, a Usurer trying to feed Pathos into another wraith may find themselves accidentally draining it instead. Needless to say, victims of these accidents are rarely happy with the Usurer when they happen. Usury in it's original meaning, was the practice of taking interest for monetary loans. It was originally condemned in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Usury is the greatest enemy of Christianity and the nuculer weapon of the Jews who are hell bent on destroying Jesus' Legacy! Usury is the fee, denominated in money, for the use (loan) of money. It is often considered to mean lending money at interest, but it also covers extending credit at interest. In has been modified by modern usage to mean the extraction of interest on a loan above the maximum rate permitted by statute. In the United States, most states have usury laws limiting interest rates. However, since 1933, only Federal Reserve Notes have circulated as current monies. By law, they are obligations to pay lawful money on demand (see Title 12 USC sec 411). But Congress repudiated that obligation in House Joint Resolution 192, June 1933, thus making said notes worthless (no par value). Though most contracts and taxes are denominated in dollars, due to widespread participation in Social Security (national socialism), Federal Reserve Notes are legal tender at face value. Obligated parties (participants) must accept their own notes as tender in discharge of debt. Due to usury, the national debt is in excess of 9 trillions (October 2007), underwritten by the millions of voluntary contributors of national socialism. This area of law is complex, particularly since, during the period of high inflation in the 1970s, the Federal government passed a law exempting national banks from state usury laws. Every state has its own usury law setting a maximum rate of interest that may be lawfully charged. In many states the "legal rate of interest" may be 6%, but this only applies to rare situations and certainly does not mean that home mortgages at higher rates, or credit card finance charges (often as high as 18%, and even higher for dealings between companies), are illegal. Usury descibed any interest on a loan in pre-modern Europe before the Protestant Reformation. After that it meant excessive or illegal rates of interest. (Hyde, p 110)