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Naruto/Peggy Sue Fics/Fanfic Recs
These are recommendations made by Tropers for Naruto Peggy Sue fic, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page. Chunin Exam Day by Perfect Lionheart False Memories by Relden Calder Time and Again by KyLewin. The Tragedy of Repetition, by Rurouni12065 For The Love of My Friends by Foxie-sama Reload by Case13 Do You Remember Love, by DigiFruit
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These are recommendations made by Tropers for Naruto Peggy Sue fic, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page. Chunin Exam Day by Perfect Lionheart * Has its own page now * Recommended by Catt, Cherico reluctantly * Pairings: Naruto/Harem * Synopsis: Naruto finds he is flung back in time and must repeat the entire Chunin exam over and over and over, until he gets it right and possibly saves Konoha in the bargain. * Comments: One of, if not the most reviewed Naruto Story on, it spans an epic 70 odd chapters, and is nearing its conclusion. It can go from funny to awesome to insightful. Goes out of its way to explore and rationalize the setting. However, due to the author being a little bit over-sensitive, he has been known to waffle on as a sort of revenge against negative reviews, leading to some pointlessness. Also, be warned that a lot of bashing takes place, especially Sasuke, Kakashi, and the canon author in particular. Many critique the shallowness of his female characters. This fic is highly controversial with a sizable Fandom and Hatedom. You have been warned. Please keep comments to the discussion page rather than rehash flamewars here. * Status: Last updated Mar 2010 False Memories by Relden Calder * Recommended by User:Heliomance, User:Rogue 7, User:Magic Kirby * Synopsis: At the Chuunin exams, the Kage's Box where the Hokage, his wife, the Kazekage and the Kage's aides are sitting gets attacked by person or persons unknown.Fifteen years in the past, Naruto, Hinata, Gaara, Shikamaru and Temari wake up with all the memories they accumulated up to the attack - despite the fact they're just ten years old. Features excellent characterisation, very good grammar, and a fascinating plot that never breaks verisimilitude. Not dead, but tends to go several months between updates. * Comments: Okay, I might be biased. I know the author and I'm beta reading for the fic. Still, go check it out. * User:Rogue 7: Quite good so far, but a bit short to be saying "never breaks verisimilitude". I'd like a break next chapter or so so that we can see if Gaara and Temari did in fact get sent back (Dear lord, Gaara's characterization is going to be interesting as hell. He's suddenly shoved back into his old, sleep-deprived body, and everyone still thinks he's a monster, plus he's got Shukaku clawing at his brain. How's he gonna take that?) And props for not making Hyuuga Hiashi into a jackass- I admit to generally liking most of the folks in Konoha, and having him as the bastard he was was the one part of "Team 8" I don't hail as pure genius. * Status: Last updated September 2011 (note: there is no link to chapter nine in the earlier chapters, but it can be found here) Time and Again by KyLewin. * Recommended by User:Inkki Bookman, Clendy82, User:X Shouldve Died, User:Shay Guy, User:Fish Called Waldo, Psalm of Fire, User:Akatsuki Daybreak, Chuckg, Serbii, Life of Pi, Racheakt, User:Hush, boonerunner * Pairings: Kinda blatant of Naruto/Hinata and Sakura/Sasuke, with hints/jokes on Naruto/Gaara and Naruto/Sasuke. * Synopsis: Essentially this story is a deconstruction of the usual Naruto goes back in time fanfiction. The main difference is that, unlike most other Peggy Sue fics, Naruto not only has a hard time readjusting to his 12 year old body for the first few days, but he also doesn't even believe that he is in the past; instead, he is convinced that he is trapped in some kind of super illusory world. It gets better and worse for Naruto and his friends as he tries to change the village's fate for the better. * Comments: This fanfic is worthwhile change of pace and style from your usual Naruto Peggy Sue stories you might have read before. A great way to kill a number of hours. Complete, but has an actively updated sequel. * Clendy82: I don't often give CMOA status to most of the fanfics I've read, but one here is worth mentioning: All throughout the story, Naruto is constantly building up to a final battle with Orochimaru during the Chuunin Exams that he is sure will set everything right. However, when he finally gets there and he seems to be victorious, it turns out that the Orochimaru-in-a-Grass-ninja-body he had just beaten was, in fact, a real Grass ninja! It's not so much the event itself that is the CMOA, but the heightened sense of tension that comes from reading the next several chapters, constantly wondering which body he has actually taken over. * User:X Shouldve Died: The characterization is faithful to the point of being scary. Hinata went through the entire alternate time line and wound up suffering through a loveless marriage rather than confessing how she feels about Naruto. Naruto never catches on. * User:Akatsuki Daybreak: The sequel, Here and Now, is out, and if the first chapter is any indication, it will reach the same heights as the original. * Life of Pi: Seconded. As of chapter five of Here and Now, KyLewin makes Orochimaru hundreds of times more sinister and evil than Kishimoto ever could hope to. * User:Anonymous: Pretty good, but Dear Lord is it Dark Fic. A LOT of Wangst too until you get to the most recent chapters which are still very grim. * Someone made an incredible AMV that can be used as a trailer for Time And Again. In fact, they made it specifically for the fanfic. Only problem is, YouTube's copy is disappointing, because those idiots at Warner Music Group took away any authorization of their music, so you'll need to download the full version from Anime Music Videos dot Org if you want to hear the song that goes with it. * Now has it's own page, much in need of Wiki Magic. Thusly... * Frodo Lives: Eh. YMMV. First book can be summarized by "I have been sent back in time with an opportunity to right an incredible wrong, so I am not going to tell anyone so that I can pretend to be a kid again.". Second book can be summarized by: "Orochimaru always wins. Even though I was a f*cking dumbass who didn't bother training and told people the absolute minimum that I could, it's not my fault - Orochimaru always wins.". The author took the wangst and stupidity knobs and turned them up to 11. The first story gets better in the middle before crashing at the end, but the second one is lame all the way through. I can not recommend them. * Status: Completed with sequel last updated Apr 2010. The Tragedy of Repetition, by Rurouni12065 * Recommended by User:Red Viking, boonerunner * Pairing: Naruto/Anko * Synopsis: Instead of waking up in his twelve-year-old body, Naruto (who goes by Nanashi) exists as a separate entity to his younger counterpart. * Comments: Puts a refreshing spin on the Set Right What Once Went Wrong time-traveling fics. In addition, this is perhaps the first fic this troper has read that not only pulls off a believable Naruto/Anko pairing, one where she doesn't come across as a creepy pedophile. * Status: Last updated Apr 2009 For The Love of My Friends by Foxie-sama * Recommended by User:Whatshisface, User:Magic Kirby * Pairings: NaruHina * Synopsis: For Naruto, time was always of the essence, especially when he knew everything that would come to pass and only had a certain amount of time to change it all. WILL NOT BE CONTINUED. * Comments: An excellently written fic. Be warned, it's a Peggy Sue fic, but the story is actually very believable and the characters stay in character. Recommended to any Naruto fans. * Officially A Dead Fic. Still worth the read. * Even though it may be a Dead Fic it spans 57 chapters and over half a million words, there is plenty of story to read before it cuts off. * Status: Officially discontinued as of Feb 2010 Reload by Case13 * Recommended by FLCNPNCH, User:X Shouldve Died, User:Draga, User:Kajeet, User:Rin Simyaldee,boonerunner, Kazeto, Frodo Lives, User:USA Bobcat * Synopsis: Naruto and Sasuke have been trapped for an undefined length of time in a cycle of Peggy Sues. The end result is a very, very crazy Naruto who uses the power of SCIENCE! and an equally crazy Sasuke who has no gender identity - or, at most, a decidedly female one. At the start of one repeat, Naruto convinces Sasuke(-chan) to go on a road trip; their ultimate goal is a Ramen Festival in Suna. Inuzuka Hana joins them as the Only Sane Man. Then we're introduced to Naruto's most frightening creation - Keisei. Hilarity Ensues. * Comments: You have to read it for the banter between Naruto and Sasuke(-chan) alone. And the bit where Neji meets the yo-yo. And Sasuke's love of The Princess Bride. And Naruto channeling Darth Vader, complete with red lightsaber. But the best part about this fic? Naruto and Sasuke, while very, very powerful, are definitely NOT gods - something that becomes clear when Naruto and Kisame manage to really piss off Tsunade. The end result is not pretty. * Itachi's quest to get laid in the more recent chapters is jaw-dropingly fucking hilarious. Dips into the dreaded technobabble from time to time, but other than that, it's a solid read throughout, thanks to Case's suburb prose. * What I love about this fic is that it takes a very used idea like time travel fics and could be considered the Deconstruction Fic of them. Most time travel fics have it where Naruto goes back in time and either tries to save a friend or save the village with his mighty power and knowledge of the future. In this fic Sasuke and Naruto go back in time pretty much to party and use their powers to do things like change genders (I'm looking at you Sasuke). If you're a fan of time traveling fan fics or just Naruto fan fics in general I think this is one of the best of the best. * My favourite fic. Ever. Early humour is amazingly funny, with some of the reactions of the normal, unlooping ninja to the duo's antics being especially hilarious. But what seems like a barely there excuse for cracky wonder is soon replaced by a momentous plot that really delivers. Long chapters with lots of action really make this an interesting read. The characterization is excellent, but the real prize is the originality. Case takes an overdone plot and pushes it into great new territory. Naruto and Sasuke(-chan) have a unique dynamic that is part heterosexual life partner and part massive UST. I can go on and on about this fic, but for brevity's sake - read it. * Might be a dead fic, after the author got decidedly fed up with the fandom. Left us with a rather interesting bit of Word of God though. In that the loops are over, and they're playing for keeps this time around. Too bad nobody told them that eh? * While the premise might not appear interesting for some, just give it a chance. It has just the right amount of crackiness and seriousness, and Sasuke's and Naruto's personalities only add to fun. Fangirls' reactions to Sasuke acting like a female and being on friendly terms with Naruto are also hilarious. * Status: Last updated Sept 2009 Mixed With the Lightning of Slaughter by Dayadhvam * Recomended by Cherico, Athenaswings * Synopsis: Sasuke goes back in time and goes slightly crazy as a result. * Comments: One of the better Sasuke time travel fics out there. * A little difficult to follow at times due to Sasuke's "Flashbacks" or "Flashforwards" or whatever you want to call them. This might be intentional, however, given the theme. * A fascinating deviation from standard time travel fanfiction, Dayadhvam removes italics that would distinguish flash forwards from his previous timeline from the events of the current present. In spite of having memories from the future, Sasuke is far from a god sue and is kept in the characterizations that conflict between his 12 year old self and his older evil self. Using quotes from the manga at proper intervals the author shows that time travel is not perfect and can cause a paradox within the user's perception of the past, present, and future. An absolute must for anyone that loves suspense. * Status: Last updated Mar 2010 Do You Remember Love, by DigiFruit * Recommended by User:Red Viking, boonerunner * Pairings: Naruto/Sakura * Synopsis: The shadow clone technique was forbidden for a reason: it is a curse because it splits your soul between clones. When you die, you find yourself alive again in place of a shadow clone in order of creation with the memories of your previous lifetime completely intact. What does this mean for Naruto, who created thousands of clones during his original lifetime? * Comments: Very interesting take on the Peggy Sue fic. By the time this story begins, Naruto has already gone through several cycles and periodically changes things not to set things right, but so there will be some variety within his new lifetime so he won't grow bored. * Status: Complete Tight Spot by hakanamu * Recommended by Esmenet * Pairings: None so far * Synopsis: Naruto once believed he saw Sasuke as more of a brother than Itachi ever did. But stuck in the 13-year-old ANBU captain's body on the day of Uchiha Clan Massacre, could he really do any better? * Comments: What really makes this fic is the author's attention to detail; I haven't seen a single thing that contradicts established canon. He even manages to get away with fewer than ten original characters, using minor canon ones instead. Definitely one of the best Peggy Sue fics, and, curiously, one of the best Itachi ones. * Status: Last updated Jun 2009 The Beginning Again by.Absolutely Insane Romantic * Recomended by User:Halinmonk * Pairings: Sasusaku * Synopsis: Revenge escalates into something infinitely more dangerous, and Sakura is given the chance to travel back in time and somehow set everything right once again. * Comments: Despite a relatively flimsy excuse for time travel, this manages to be one of the most well written time travel fic on the net. Sakura and company are written in incredibly in character, and the description of the apocalyptic end of the village at Saskue's hands makes for a well reed. Even the most difficult to write characters are in-character in one of the situations that demands OCC-ness the most. If for nothing else read for the interesting take on how Sakura sees everything, and the witty humor that was lost in the time skip. * Currently being rewritten as After the Fall. * Status: Rewrite last updated Mar 2011 All Is Relative Except the Stubbornness of a Demon by Uncle Stojil * Recommended by kalasu * Pairings: Undecided, but leaning towards NaruIno * Synopsis: The Kyuubi doesn't want to die. He cannot even grasp the idea of himself dying. He's meant to be immortal and he has no intention whatsoever to go against his very nature. True, he's stuck inside Naruto, but the boy has absolutely no say in this matter. * Comments: This story takes the idea of the Kyuubi sending Naruto back in time to stay alive, and runs with it, showing a Naruto who lost count of his lives after the first thousand or so, and is now just living for the hell of it, while still doing his best to make the lives of everyone around him the best he can make. This story is brilliant, with no-one out of character at any point in the story, and still manages to get in some humour as well. * User:Shay Guy: I've only read the first chapter, but I'm already in love with this version of Naruto, his attitude toward life, the degree to which he clearly loves all the people around him, the adamant refusal to character-bash, the aversion of the "One True Love" concept (Naruto has had several different wives over the centuries and loves them all, and this love isn't treated as more "real" than any other)'s a breath of fresh air. * Clendy82: Totally agreed for pretty much the exact reasons User:Shay Guy puts out above. Far and away the best Naruto-based Peggy Sue story I've ever come across. The Shipping angle is incredibly original from a Fanfic point of view in that while he may have a true love this time, it doesn't mean it will be the same in his next life, nor does it mean that any one pairing is better than the other. Also very refreshing in that, unlike other Peggy Sue fics, Naruto doesn't try to create an ideal life or fix all of his past mistakes, instead just taking events as they come and delighting in the originality of each new life. The only negative is it's relative brevity thus far; it's the kind of story that deserves to be enjoyed with a hearty Archive Binge. Hopefully we can look forward to many updates in the near future. Highest recommendation. * I've always hated the overpowered mary sue version of Naruto though. I mean seriously.. MOKUTON!? * Naruto's power level isn't relevant given the nature of the story. There is nothing for him to "set right". He's already saved the world hundreds of times, and destroyed it dozens of other times. No matter what he does though, or how skilled he gets, he will keep going through the same cycle over and over, so for all his powers, he can ultimately change nothing other than himself. * User:Arcane Azmadi: The concept truly is brilliant, especially when you let Fridge Logic in to think of all the things Naruto would have done over his near-infinite lives (a throwaway OC is introduced for one scene who Naruto apparently married seven times in past lives). Sadly, it's a Dead Fic, having not been updated in over 2 years (just as things were about to get really good too). * Status: Last updated Jun 2009 Yet again with a little extra help by Third Fang * Now has its own trope page. * Recommended by Gore17, Kurtulmak, Epic Fighting Troper * Pairings: Naru/Hina * Synopsis: Things didn't go so well this time after Danzo betrayed Konoha and joined Akatsuki. As the Kyubi was being removed from Naruto however, an unexpected stranger arrived to change all for the better... maybe. * Comments: I've never really liked Original Characters, but Ghost, Scabbard, Shadow, Waltz and Crypt are just so damn funny!! Good for a laugh, its a bit darker than canon in places, but overall it's lighter. The OC, while extremely powerful, mainly act to guide the characters to become stronger so they have a better chance. Oh, and Sasuke and Sakura aren't complete jerks; they were at the beginning but they become much nicer throughout it. Oh, and Ghost has entered a relationship of sorts with Anko and Hana, the poor bastard. Oh, and the Hyuuga Clan is in a bit of turmoil, looks like revolution. * Kurtulmak: A superpowered scene-stealing OC, who knows the setting through fiction, sweeps into Naruto's universe, sets about fixing problems, bossing people around, and powering up the main cast, all while hooking up with two hot chicks. Sounds like a dozen lame fics you've banged your head into a wall in vain hopes of forgetting, right? Well, be prepared to be pleasantly surprised. Thanks to Refuge in Audacity and Fridge Brilliance, this manages to be one of my favorite comedy and action fics. Ghost's family is a force of anarchy and surrealism that slowly infects the cast until all of Konoha's genin become infused with Crazy Awesome. Worship the Log. * User:Triple Elation: Yes. Yes, that is what it sounds like. I gave up reading it at chapter 20-something, because I couldn't get past that. It's kind of a big deal. If the particular brand of surrealistic, over-the-top humor employed here is your cup of tea then you're going to have a blast reading this fic, but if you're in it for the compelling storytelling, that's going to be a problem. The first 20-odd chapters, at least, pretty much operate on Chuck Norris Facts logic: there is no plot, only a list of events the God-Mode OCs allow to happen. There is no character development, only a set of realizations to be spoonfed by the God-Mode OCs. There are no challenges, only things that the God-Mode OCs haven't gotten around to effortlessly dealing with yet. That said, by all means go and give it a shot -- a lot of positive reviews say you should. * I will say that this fic made me addicted to Naruto fanfiction. A feat in and of itself. Yes, the OCs are significantly plot-moving in the first 20 or so chapters, and continue to push their ideas on how the situation is to proceed later on, but they're mostly relegated to backstage actions and setting the scene by the time Land of Wave arc begins. Recommended for humor, awesomeness, and senseless violence that never sticks (Tom&Jerry would have been so proud), directed on the OCs. * Status: Last updated Feb 2012 It's For a Good Cause, I Swear! by Sarah1281 * Recommended by User:TTG, User:lanky, Quote Marx, Creek917, Fire Lizard In A Bottle, boonerunner, User:Unclouded TJ, User:Magic Kirby, Athenaswings * Synopsis: After receiving a time travel jutsu as payment for a mission, the original four members of Team 7 each get a chance to go back to one event in their life and change it. Surely they will use such an awesome power responsibly...right? will they actually fix the problems, or just make more? Has now been completed. * Comments: The author must be commended for the excellent characterizations; she obviously has a strong hold on all the characters. The humor is great as well. I found myself smiling/laughing every few seconds, especially when Team 7 picks on each other or knowledge from the future to bug someone or freak someone out! The plot is well-crafted, and has a very Original Flavor feel to it. I just have to reiterate the great humor. The Therapy Jutsu gag in particular stood out to me, as well as the near-constant ribbing of Sasuke about his quest of vengeance from the original timeline. * lanky: You'll laugh quite a bit. The plot of having characters "arrive" in a changed timeline makes for a crapton of jokes, including a certain accusation of murder which becomes a recurring gag. That said, some of the throwaway lines are surprisingly well-thought out and integral to the motivations of the characters, which just makes this so much more interesting. * Fire Lizard In A Bottle: I spent a very enjoyable day reading through this, and the part of the next rereading my favorite parts. I laughed hard, and there were several touching moments between the characters, despite themselves. Not only one of the best Naruto fic's out there, but one of the best fics I've ever read, period. * User:fantasyweaver: The best part of this is that it's complete. And I loved how Kakashi actually cares about his students in this one. I want a oneshot that explains the squirrel gag though. Plus the in-character Deadpan snarking never gets old. Actually, anything by this author is reccomended. * Leonite: I rarely ever laugh so hard I stop reading for a short bit. Only two fanfics have done that, and this is one of them. Naruto's fight in the preliminary rounds of the Chunin exams is hilarious, as is the Vengence and Gaarra's friend's running gags. Never have the words "not on the list" been so funny. * User:Stratagemini Most of the author's stuff is pretty good, but this fic takes the cake. I was quite literally laughing out loud as I read it. Even the most 'useless' of characters is hilarious. A definite must read. * Kazeto: It's pretty much a crack fiction with a serious plot (or rather, recreation of what was left of it). And it is a very good read if you are looking for something funny. * jcogginsa this needs its own page, it's that good. * Status: Complete Ascendant by Samurai101 * Recommended by Sarah1281, boonerunner, M.W.Midnight, Athenaswings * Synopsis: Itachi's just died...and woken up thirteen again. The only problem is his thirteen year-old self doesn't like the idea of sharing his mind and body with his clan's killer. How hard would you fight to save your family from yourself? ::AU:: * Comments: Even if the story does start off a bit slow plot-wise, it is fascinating to watch the two Itachi's interact with each other, with the younger one starting off convinced he's hallucinating and the older one thinking he's having a dying dream. The Uchiha are portrayed as much more complicated characters than they usually come off as and they actaully have some legitimate grievanes beyond wanting more power. The massacre seems to be much more intricate than just Itachi carrying out an order to stop a coup and the suspence of watching Itachi try and stop what he knows is coming without really understanding what's going on and seeing the signs of what's to come already is great. * Status: Complete Fox in the Rain by esama * Recommended by isadorathegreat, kjjejones42, boonerunner, Athenaswings * Pairing(s): Eventual Naruto/Jiraiya, apparently. * Synopsis: Naruto is ready to die but Itachi and Nagato aren't satisfied; he made promises and they make him keep them. * Comments: This story is fascinating because Naruto is physically sent back in time, not to his childhood, but to when Jiraiya is still teaching a much younger Yondaime and Nagato hasn't yet become Pain. Naruto's skill set also changes dramatically because of the time displacement and his almost-death. It becomes a big plot point in the story, along with the usual Fix Fic tendencies. * kjjejones42: What I found especially interesting about this fic is how unlike many other Peggy Sue Fics the main focus is not on making Naruto stronger so he can fix his own, personal problems, but rather how it has a Naruto who is already strong and is sent back to fix problems on a wider scale also, it ends up that Yahiko's dream of peace inspires Naruto to follow him rather than the other way around. The writing and characterisation in this fic is simply beautiful, and the apparent Naruto/Jiraiya is nonexistant so far so you shouldn't be put off by that. * Status: Last updated Dec 2011 End of one world by esama * Recommended by isadorathegreat, Frodo Lives * Synopsis: With his fire cold and all he left behind in ruin, Sasuke gives up his life and trusts in his brother's word. * Comments: Sasuke watches most of the world's inhabitants being burnt and/or eaten to death for a while. Then, he decides to use a secret ninja art to travel back in time to his genin days and turn Naruto into a Hokage (or "his Hokage", as he puts it). Sasuke also plans to use the Team 7 interactions and bonding time to get him out of the habit of being emotionless and cold-hearted. While the premise sounds cracky and a little ridiculous, the author handles the plot and characters quite well, offering some interesting interpretations of various motivations and events at the same time. * Sasuke is a facinating character in this fic. He knows he is broken and that his clan was horrible at the time of its destruction. He is doing everything he can to help Naruto be the best he can be so that naruto can guide Sasuke and a new Uchiha Clan properly. Haku in particular really understands where Sasuke is coming from. Not at all cracky in execution. * Status: Last updated Jan 2010 Cloud Age Symphony by withRainyEyes * Recommended by Defade, boonerunner * Synopsis: Naturally, Uzumaki Naruto chose the more complicated parts of being a sealing master: time travelling. Which is exactly why he's mastered such and is trying his hardest not to mess anything up. And also naturally, nothing is going to plan. * Comments: Somewhere between all the time-hopping Naruto does, he ends up in Minato's era - and finds it harder and harder to let go. This piece of work is quite different from the usual Peggy Sue fics in that Naruto isn't actively trying to change anything - having been warned by Jiraiya about possible consequences -, he's content just to be there and spend time with his father. The author's writing is beautiful, and really sets an unique atmosphere and tone for the story. Certain sentences really tug at your heartstrings, especially when Minato's team starts reminding Naruto more and more of his own team, before Sasuke left and shattered the unique dynamic they had. This leads to interesting realizations. However, one complaint that has been often filed against this story was how mellow Naruto was portrayed as. This is by no means a completely dark and depressing story, but Naruto has definitely deviated quite a bit from his cheery self. This troper didn't mind, but YMMV. * Status: Completed The Naruto Omake Files Innortal Style by Innortal * Recommended by Catt, User:Magic Kirby * Synopsis: Random Tales, no consistent synopsis. New Intros: This group is based on a Groundhog's Day concept, if time was looping, and certain members were aware of this. These are their insanities. * Comments: So far there are five stories in this, and though the first four are good, the true gold comes from the New Intros story. Naruto is looping through time, and has fun on the way. Eventually Sasuke and Sakura join him in the loops and similarly keep themselves entertained, in vrious way, including but not limited to; breaking Kakashi, corrupting everyone they can get their hands on, and even at one point creating a mirror image village of Konoha. Be warned, this also has crossover elements to it, including Bleach, Eva, Harry Potter, and most especially Ranma. * Status: Last updated Mar 2010 Naruto: Game of the Year Edition by Majin Hentai X * Recommended by Bloodfist, User:Unclouded TJ, Tanebi * Pairings: Naruto/Harem * Synopsis: People play games everyday. But what happens when Naruto is trapped IN one? Can Naruto break the cycle, and end, the game of the year? * Comments: Naruto's entire life is a game. He finds this out by dying in the first minute of the story and getting scored for his performance in life. He does not score well. It's not all bad, though, because he can try his life again... through a new game. The interesting thing about this story is that Naruto has no idea what the hell he's doing. He goes from event to event trying not to screw things up royally. He's not very successful, going so far as to even cause a glitch in the game, making it crash. TWICE. Word of warning though: Naruto manages to fend off Orochimaru in the forest (for a change) but ends getting fucked up in the process. If that doesn't bother you, you'll most likely enjoy this. * Now has its own page here. * Fire Lizard In A Bottle: Decent fic, but it has really intense highs and lows. The first chapter had me laughing very hard. The presence of Sasuke's OC sister isn't fully explained, and the sheer amount and tastelessness of the gay/transsexual jokes (I'm not usually offended by low humor, but this was about a chapter's worth) really put me off. Despite having a beta/cowriter, the grammar mistakes are numerous to the point where names are not capitalized much of the time. It's still imaginative and still mostly funny, but YMMV. * The sister is supposed to be marginally hidden content of some sort. Like the Viridian Forest fight in Pokemon. * The Animaniac Dude: first off, I'm amazed this got on here. Majin and I feel honored. secondly, I'm not exactly sure where we've put an entire chapter's worth of gay jokes, but as for the Trannie jokes, we're talking about Haku whose entire (lack of) gender is a glitch. it served a purpose, most of the surrounding swipes at naruto's confusion over the situation were just Rule of Funny. Metsuki's existence serves a purpose, one that has yet to be revealed. as for the grammar errors, Majin likes to make Last-minute changes and posting that without me taking a look at it. we'll go back and take a look at it, though, now that you've mentioned it! thanks for pointing it out! * Nacht Ritter: There seem to be quite a few things in this fic that look like they were pulled straight out of the mid twentieth century. Chapter 9 has a particularly egregious example of Double Standard - on its quest to get Naruto laid, Kyuubi essentially calls a girl a disease ridden whore. Because she had a reputation as a flirt. In spite of those moments, however, the story is definitely one of the better Naruto fics out there. * Thats more of the case of the Kyuubi, holding a double standard though, not neccesarily the authors or story. Anyway, I really enjoyed this story, and while the grammar and spelling are a bit off sometimes, its for the most part correct. Reccomened 100%! * Icsifil: The Gay jokes are a little too frequent, and not limited to Kyuubi, to feel that it's just part of the characters' personalities. Regardless, the story has a whole load of world-building and a creative, interesting plot. * Status: Last updated Dec 2011 Two Steps Back, by H.E. Gray * Recommended by Ninjasquirl, boonerunner * Synopsis: Begins with the usual Peggy Sue style, Leaf is destroyed and someone one wants to fix it, however, it's a blind Sasuke who has just destroyed Leaf that decides to do it, by going back in time to adopt chibi Naruto. * Comments: Once Lil' Naruto enters the story, it never stops being a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming. Never. There is an OC, but she will grow on you like you've never been grown on before. * Status: Last updated Feb 2011 In Myriad Ways by Charles Bhepin * Recommended by FLCNPNCH * Synopsis: It's a Peggy Sue with a twist: Naruto slowly goes completely insane. Sent back in time by the Shinigami to just before the Chuunin Exam, Naruto...well, just read it for yourself. * Comments: Keep in mind that this is just the (epic awesome) prologue, and that there probably won't be any more until the author's other project is complete. It's a Naruto fanfic by Charles Bhepin. Charles freaking Bhepin. For those who don't know who he is, he's the guy that made Shinji and Warhammer 40 K. Yes, that Charles Bhepin. As such, this promises to be the most ridiculously awesome Naruto fic in history. * User:Shay Guy: Did I spot a Take That or three against Chunin Exam Day? :-) * User:USA Bobcat: Like the quip by the Shingami:"even now I wait over a golden throne," and wait and wait and wait! But this means that Naruto is in the 40k 'verse, and we all know what happens when Charles Bhepin involves 40k in a story. * Status: Last updated Dec 2008 Perchance to Dream, by TaikoHawk * Recommended by User:J Blaze, boonerunner * Synopsis: Uchiha Itachi hadn't planned for this possibility, but then, if he'd had his way, he would be dead. How this had happened was a useless question. What mattered was, what would he do now? To be or not to be... It all hinged on his choices. Time travel. * Comments: This fic contains little to no of the titular title character, but it hardly matters. Instead, TaikoHawk sends Itachi back in time, who finds himself eleven again, and facing an Uchiha clan on the verge of rebellion. Unlike a lot of Peggy Sue fics, the author takes the time to explain how and why the time travel took place using Madara's space/time jitsus for a plot device that works. With some really amazing fight and training scenes, and an absolutely gut-wrenching climax, this isn't one to miss! Also, Contains numerous Crowning Moments of Awesome and Heartwarming including Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi, all kept very in-character and realistic in their response to the protagonist. Highly recommended for its spotlighting of various minor Uchiha, such as Mikoto and Shisui. Especially satisfying if you're an Itachi fan or upset at canon's answer to his final fate. * Now with added sequel goodness. * User:Eddie Current: This is one awesome take on Itachi pulling a Peggy Sue, and the sequels really plays the For Want of a Nail caused by Itachi's changes to the hilt. Konoha does not get a perfect future, by any means. * Status: Completed, with several sequels also completed. A Moment in History by Darth Malleus. * Recommended by Darman * Synopsis: As the Kyuubi no Yoko descends upon the Hidden Village of Konoha, as Madara begins his plans to bring 'peace' to the world, he is unaware of three figures, watching him from atop the Hokage Mountain. * Comments: A short but emotional fic, with Team 7 traveling to the moment of the Kyuubi attack, will they be able to save their loved ones? * Status: Completed Fragments by kiraiakuma * Recommended by Random832, User:Unclouded TJ * Synopsis: Every ending is a new beginning, and often the endings of different stories come together for a new one. But this one might have some rather worrying implications for the world. * Comments: Basically - Naruto goes back in time from the standard timeline, Sasuke goes back in time from a timeline where he had the Kyubi instead, and an alcoholic Sakura goes back in time from a timeline so crapsack that allying with Madara was the best option. They all end up in the same timeline, on the day of the Genin exams. It Gets Worse. Epicly so. * User:Unclouded TJ: Rather well done and loves to flip-flop between serious and comedic. Unfortunately, it's bordering on a Dead Fic. * Status: Last update September 2010. Team Tensai by Wingwyrm * Recommended by: User:Much Good Little Time, boonerunner * Synopsis: Direct from "They've gone back to the past. They've gone too far back into the past and they just don't want to wait around years and years, so they figured they might as well start early. Team 7, gen, time travel. WIP. Angst/Drama/Humor." * Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke all managed a jump back into their younger selves - as in, their five-year-old-selves. And they're not waiting around, they're getting started on fixing things right f---in' now. * Pairing(s): Not currently applicable. * Tags: Dark Fic warning for some of the supplemental stories, and especially for the background alluded to as the story itself continues. It takes the route that in canon (dark spoiler, you have been warned it's seriously horrific) Naruto was raped as a child on several occasions. * Status: Completed Triage by Guile * Recommended by capeclare * Synopsis: Sakura is sent back in time by the 6th Hokage Hatake Kakashi's seal work and Naruto powering the time travel device to the day she graduated from the academy. From there Sakura makes a plan on how to alter and save them all from a crapsack future. This fic avoids a lot of the cliche's and Sakura comes across as a motivated and mature shinobi trying to come up with a plan, it is also less idealistic than most as part of Sakura orders when sent back were to either save Sasuke or kill him, which I find refreshing, her travel has not gone unnoticed by the present day Kakashi though. Recently updated and very well written. * Comments: Dellanotte: Very much seconded. Sakura's personality is spot-on, and though she is resourceful she is by no means a Mary Sue. The Konoha she came from is especially a case of Nightmare Fuel, given that they were desperate enough to even attempt this, though some parts are clearly outdated (Orochimaru took over Sasuke, Sakura doesn't know about Jinchuriki). A good read, though still fairly early in The Stations of the Canon (Tazuna just showed up.) * Status: Last updated July 2011 Teach Your Children Well by AvocadoLove * Recommended by capeclare * Synopsis: After Madaras final attack on the village, Rokudaime Kakashi uncovers a time-travel scroll. Now he's Team Seven's sensei again. And this time, he's going to do things differently. A very good fic that has a great author. There is actually no Sasuke bashing, though Kakashi is still considering killing him if it comes to that and he does not seem to be trying to just remake Sakura and Naruto to what they became in the future, which is also a nice change. Definitely worth the read. * Comments: Dellanotte: Recommended all the way. The Kakashi who goes back is a jaded, even more tragic figure than ever thanks in no small part to the hours he's spent carving names into the memorial stone, and while there may not exactly be Sasuke-bashing... There is actually a point where he would enjoy killing the kid and is planning to, which likely scares himself more than it does the readers. Sasuke manages to prove that he isn't a Complete Monster yet, though, and so far it's shaping up to be a pretty good fic. Be warned, though, the author is prone to writing Kaka/Iru. * Status: Last updated March 2012 Concessions By Systatic * Recommended by shurasan * Pairings: None. * Synopsis: Pein's final technique wasn't control over death, but time. Naruto, sent back to start his life over, has a chance to change it all. Stuck with a differing Kyuubi attack and a wary, overprotective Fourth, will Naruto be able to do as he planned? GENFIC. * Comments: An interesting take on the Naruto-Goes-Back-In-Time and Minato Lives! tropes. The author has a slow build-up for the beginning, but she/he is really fleshing out the characters and settings. If this wasn't fanfiction, I'd say that this was a professional author's work. I liked seeing the creativity in the story, as well as how Sys built Minato's character. To sum it up: Good grammar, wonderful plot so far, characters staying true to form and a slightly psychotic nanny for Naruto. What more could you ask for? * User:Unclouded TJ: I honestly found it a bit on the boring side, but that might change in the future once Systatic gets Naruto to the state of his life where he can both be taken seriously and talk in sentences. Also keep in mind this was made before the reveal of what actually happened to Naruto's mother so keep that change in mind when they get to it. * Icsifil: It is acquainted with fannon and sometimes loses logic because of it. An illustrative example is where, four months after Naruto's birth, the council members want to know who the baby is (despite Kushina's relationship apparently being well known and the baby looking like Minato) because the boy is with Minato everywhere and Minato thinks of them as nosy bigots. Other than that type of thing, it's par in terms of writing skill. You can enjoy it. * Status: Last updated Oct 2011 Second Bloom by (Just Subliminal) * Recommended by: jediofthesea, Frodo Lives * Synopsis: "Six year old Haruno Sakura was short, skinny, and high-pitched to a painful degree when she could be goaded into raising her voice. The twenty-two year old Haruno Sakura was cursing her younger self. Still, she had a whole life to get ready for. Again. AU" * Comments: Amazing. Simply amazing. The author's OCs seem as if they could have actually been canon! * Status: Last update April 2012 Fuzzy Logic by Deritine * Recommended by: User:Magic Kirby, Frodo Lives * Synopsis: AU time travel: The kyuubi no kitsune knew something was wrong, but couldn't put a paw on quite what. However, there are benefits to being a force of nature, including time itself bending to accommodate you. * Comments: to give you a better idea of what is actually like in the first chapter kyuubi seals Madara in his own body and takes it over, after turning it female of course, and travels to Konoha. Better then it sounds. * Status: Completed Odd Behaviour by Twin Trouble * Recommended by: @/Dellanotte * Synopsis: "Sakura is worried about her teammates. They've been behaving very strangely... No pairings." * Comments: Somehow, Naruto and Sasuke have come back in time, to their post-Wave bodies. You will figure this out within seven lines, aka around the time Sakura notices Naruto's wardrobe change and the fact that he and Sasuke are getting along. And trolling everyone, because apparently Sasuke now jokes. To be fair, they're now 23. * Status: Likely Dead Fic. Only two chapters, but the twins are still active on the site. Chasing Yesterday by The King in White * Recommended by: AQZT * Has its own page. * Synopsis: "Rokudaime Hokage Uchiha Sasuke is a man with nothing beyond duty to the dead. Yet when a second chance comes from the lips of a demon, his battles begin anew... Time Travel/Redo,Female Naruto" * Pairings: Sasuke/Fem!Naruto * Comments: Takes place in an AU in which Naruto was born a girl. Most of the events of canon played out as canon until the time of the Fourth Shinobi World War. In the aftermath of the war, Naruto is dead, Sasuke is the Juubi jinchuriki. Due to his actions during the time when he was evil, most of the Konoha 11 and newest generation of Konoha shinobi hate him. In the midst of this, the Juubi offers Sasuke a deal: Sasuke gets to go back in time far enough to save Naruto, and the Juubi has a new chance for freedom. * Status: Last updated April 2012 The Lives Worth Saving by cywsaphyre * Recommended by: TheForgottenOne, User:Unclouded TJ * Synopsis: "Naruto, at 26, has lived through 10 years of war. At the end, with nothing left to call home, he sends himself back to the beginning, to the day of his younger self's graduation, in an attempt to change it all. Time travel AU. *as taken from" * Pairings: None. * Comments: Starts off with the typical Naruto goes back in time to change the past after everyone killed off in a giant war. Naruto is a bit of a gary stu in this story, as everyone seems to like him immediately after meeting him, but it's balanced with the fact that he mostly wants to be left alone, which is where his gary stu-ness backfires. Overall, it's a interesting read. * Note that the future world from which this version of Naruto traveled back is extremely different from the canonverse. A major example? It seems like Sasuke never defected from the village, and that he actually became one of Naruto's two Jounin Commanders alongside Neji in the future. * Status: Last updated May 2012