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Fanon Vacation/Eps. 6
The next day, 3.14 and 4.13 are still arguing and throwing pies at each other 3.14: (sleepily throws pie at 4.13) Take..this 4.13: Oh yeah....take th- th- (starts snoring) 3.14: Ugh, I'm so tir- tire- t- ZZZZ.... Player and McBoo watch from a window. Player: Well, it's about time they stopped! McBoo: Yeah, they were fighting all night. I think I heard Clyde complaining about them last night. Player: I'm glad it's over. McBoo: (gets a sly grin on his face) Player: McBoo, what are you thinking? McBoo: I just had this idea. Player: Tell me. McBoo: (whispers into Player's ear) Player: Hey great idea!
n5: n6:
The next day, 3.14 and 4.13 are still arguing and throwing pies at each other 3.14: (sleepily throws pie at 4.13) Take..this 4.13: Oh yeah....take th- th- (starts snoring) 3.14: Ugh, I'm so tir- tire- t- ZZZZ.... Player and McBoo watch from a window. Player: Well, it's about time they stopped! McBoo: Yeah, they were fighting all night. I think I heard Clyde complaining about them last night. Player: I'm glad it's over. McBoo: (gets a sly grin on his face) Player: McBoo, what are you thinking? McBoo: I just had this idea. Player: Tell me. McBoo: (whispers into Player's ear) Player: Hey great idea! Player and McBoo go to Karma's room and knock on the door. Flame opens it. Flame: What do you want? McBoo: Can I ask you something? Flame: Certainly, come in. McBoo tells Flame his idea and asks if Flame will help them. Flame: Sounds good. I'll help. McBoo: Excellent, oh this is gonna be good! Meanwhile... 3.14: zzzzzzzzzzz..... 4.13: zzzzzzzzzzzz..... Flame takes out a walkie-talkie Flame: OK, 4.13 and 3.14 are still asleep, but I'll make sure. Flame hides and pulls out a sack of pebbles. Flame throws a pebble at 3.14 3.14: zzzzz... Flame throws a pebble at 4.13 4.13: zzzzz... Flame: Okay, their absolutely asleep. Flame Out. McBoo: Good. McBoo: Player, how is the stuff coming along? Player: Great. I'll have it ready in about 4 more minutes. Player Out. McBoo: Okay, I'll do my part now. McBoo Out McBoo goes into their room and sets their alarm clock to 7:10 McBoo: That should do it. Flame sneaks out of the room. McBoo puts a monster mask on 3.14 and 4.13. McBoo: Perfect, this is perfect! McBoo follows Flame. Player: Okay, McBoo. The stuff is ready. I'll sneak it into the room now. Player Out Player sneaks into the room and puts 2 pies at the feet of their beds. Player draws a funny picture on their stomachs and sneaks out. Player then joins McBoo and Flame in the hallway. Flame: What now? McBoo: Now...we wait. McBoo: It's 7:09. 3...2...1... BRRRRRIIIIINNNNNGGGG 3.14 & 4.13: GAHHHHHHH! They look at each other Both: AAAAAAAUUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! They jump off their beds and land in the pies. Both: ACK! They slip and tumble down and up the hall and stairs. They go into the bathroom and wash they stuff off. Both: OK! Why'd you draw this picture on my stomach. Why you little.... They start fighting again. McBoo, Player and Flame laugh uncontrollably for the rest of the day....