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Oscillating Matter
All molecules in existence are energies that vibrates/oscillates in the space time continuum. That is, any matter above the temperature of zero degree Kelvin vibrates. 0° Kelvin, also known as "Absolute Zero", translates into −273.15° Celsius and −459.67° Fahrenheit. What we call physical matter is nothing more than energy that’s sort of atracting or repeling each other. Negative energy attracts Positive energy and sticks to it's orbit, as Complementary opposites. Our senses are vibrational perceivers. Our bodies are energy translators. File:Phase change - en.svg
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All molecules in existence are energies that vibrates/oscillates in the space time continuum. That is, any matter above the temperature of zero degree Kelvin vibrates. 0° Kelvin, also known as "Absolute Zero", translates into −273.15° Celsius and −459.67° Fahrenheit. What we call physical matter is nothing more than energy that’s sort of atracting or repeling each other. Negative energy attracts Positive energy and sticks to it's orbit, as Complementary opposites. Our senses are vibrational perceivers. Our bodies are energy translators. There’s no real colors out there. There’s just vibrational energy. If it’s vibrating a little faster or a little slower, our eyes can detect that change and the respective frequencies are drawn in our mind as different shades and hues of color. Color is how our bodies translate specific ranges of frequency. Energy can be picked up by scientific tools and mapped out onto computer screens, charts, diagrams, and so on. Our bodies do something similar. Our eyes and ears pickup the energies and our brain simply draws it on the screen of our minds. Our saliva digests the food through chemical reaction which lets us taste it. Taste is just the change in vibration through chemical reaction. “ Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” Albert Einstein File:Wave transfer.gif Vibrations/Oscillations/Waves are repetitive variation, typically in time, of some measure about a central value. Another way to describe it is a disturbance that travels through space and time, accompanied by the transfer of energy. They are measured in two ways: * Frequency is the number of Oscillations of a repeating event per unit time. * Amplitude is the magnitude of change in the oscillating variable, for a single Oscillation. within an oscillating system is the force of occurrences. Depressurizing(decreasing pressure) or Heating (increasing temperature) leads to faster vibration of the particles (ions, atoms or molecules). In reverse, Pressurizing(increasing pressure) or cooling(decreasing temperature) will lead to slower vibration. In the process of manipulating the speed of vibration, the state of existence of the matter could change. File:Phase change - en.svg