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Lady Kaira Mo'nor
Lady Kaira Mo'nor is a Forsaken female most of her life is shrouded in mystery. What is known is that she grew up in the Arathi highlands and owned a small farm in that region and unusually, her tenants were Dwarves. This secluded region suited her needs as she was an ardent student of the dark arts and living away from prying eyes enabled her to study without distraction.
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Lady Kaira Mo'nor is a Forsaken female most of her life is shrouded in mystery. What is known is that she grew up in the Arathi highlands and owned a small farm in that region and unusually, her tenants were Dwarves. This secluded region suited her needs as she was an ardent student of the dark arts and living away from prying eyes enabled her to study without distraction. Many years ago she was visiting one of the libraries in Lordaeron, unfortunately, this coincided with Prince Arthas' return from Northrend. Like most residents of that city, she was slain and brought back as a member of the Scourge. When Arthas' hold on his Scourge minions weakened she found herself back in control of her life and returned to her land to find it, happily, deserted. Once more she took residence and resumed her infernal studies. One of her proudest accomplishments was the creation of a small domain within the Twisting Nether. In this domain she built her own reliquary where she stores prizes treasures and small constructs which represent memories she wishes to keep. Physical Traits: One look tells the casual observer that, in life, she was a rather attractive woman. Though death has left it's mark on her. Her skin is a dry, pallid grey. Her once golden hair now hangs lank and oily from her skull, she wears a mask at all times, for what reason no one is sure but it is widely believed that it hides the worst part of the rot on her face.