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Iconian gateway
Only two Iconian gateways were known to have survived the destruction of the Iconian civilization, both of which were later destroyed. The first was found in 2365 inside the only remaining structure on the surface of Iconia, and was accidentally activated by Lieutenant Commander Data as he was investigating the Iconian controls. The gateway apparently acquired possible destinations automatically, including the USS Enterprise-D and the Haakona. The Enterprise-D away team used the gateway to escape, destroying the facility behind them to prevent it from falling into Romulan hands. (TNG: "Contagion" ) The physical component of the device resembled a literal door which was either suspended in space or surrounded by a frame, which in one case was composed of neutronium. (DS9 episode: "To the Death") All that was required for an individual to travel through the gateway was by stepping through the doorway whereupon they emerged on the otherside in a matter of seconds. This effectively allowed individuals to travel throughout the galaxy without the use of starships. (TNG episode: "Contagion") An Iconian gateway or Stargate was a nearly instantaneous transportation device invented by the ancient Iconians. By stepping through the "door" or "doorway", the user could travel between two destinations thousands of light years away in a matter of seconds. Various types and designs of gateway were in existance. Elias Vaughn discovered another gateway on on a classified mission to Alexandra's Planet in 2366, during an incident with the Romulans. (DS9 novel: Demons of Air and Darkness) The Iconian gateway or Interspatial portal was a "meta-advanced" technology discovered in the 2360s by Starfleet on Iconia and potentially numerous other worlds. Until the 25th century the thesis for the operation of the gateways were fully unfathomable. Circa 198,000 years ago, the Iconians were developed enough to create the gateways. Specifically this was when the initial gateways were constructed. The Iconians had interplanetary travel for 2 millennium prior but never spanned as much as they are fabled to had.
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The physical component of the device resembled a literal door which was either suspended in space or surrounded by a frame, which in one case was composed of neutronium. (DS9 episode: "To the Death") All that was required for an individual to travel through the gateway was by stepping through the doorway whereupon they emerged on the otherside in a matter of seconds. This effectively allowed individuals to travel throughout the galaxy without the use of starships. (TNG episode: "Contagion") The doorway formed by the technology was variable in size depending upon the needs of the user of the controls which allowed them to create small enough gateways that simply allowed transmissions to be sent to allowing individuals to travel from one point to another. (TNG novel: Brave New World) There were numerous different types of gateways that were constructed by the Iconians which had taken on a number of sizes and shapes. These different series varied from being large and inelegant to being small and functional with there being a few models that were able to be held in the palm of one's hand. One such model was known as the Hezlat gateways which were in orbit around planets and were noted as being among the first and largest that were constructed. (DS9 short story: "Horn and Ivory") A smaller version of the technology was developed though it was created in a similar but alternate universe. (DS9 novel: Dark Passions) Each gateway was attuned to one another and the entire network was capable of being shut down through the use of the Master Resonator which served as an emergency shut down tool. (TNG short story: "The Other Side") The controls worked both verbally and manually with straightforward commands being needed to address the command system. When shut down, the entire system began configuring the relays with the networks closed down and relays disconnected. It was capable of being reactivated but a restart command was required to be entered into the computer. (TNG short story: "The Other Side") Normally, when a gateway exhausted its power supply, it tapped into any energy source that was available. This meant that they were perfectly capable of tapping into an entire planet's resources and draining them dry. Those worlds that relied on geothermal or hydraulic power would have their ecosystems compromised as a result. In addition, the gateways were said to consume solar energy with some fears that entire stars could destabilize by the additional power demands of this ancient technology. (TNG novel: Doors Into Chaos) Only two Iconian gateways were known to have survived the destruction of the Iconian civilization, both of which were later destroyed. The first was found in 2365 inside the only remaining structure on the surface of Iconia, and was accidentally activated by Lieutenant Commander Data as he was investigating the Iconian controls. The gateway apparently acquired possible destinations automatically, including the USS Enterprise-D and the Haakona. The Enterprise-D away team used the gateway to escape, destroying the facility behind them to prevent it from falling into Romulan hands. (TNG: "Contagion" ) The second gateway was discovered in 2372 by the Dominion inside a stone ziggurat on the planet Vandros IV in the Gamma Quadrant. A group of renegade Jem'Hadar seized the gateway for themselves and re-activated it using equipment stolen from Deep Space 9. It was believed that they intended to use the gateway to foment an insurrection and mount a takeover of the Dominion. If they succeeded, the rogue Jem'Hadar would then gain the ability to move a force of any size onto any planet in the Federation or Dominion alike. Therefore, a joint Starfleet-Jem'Hadar team, led by Benjamin Sisko and Omet'iklan, successfully retook and destroyed the gateway. This second gateway generated some type of interference that prevented the functioning of energy weapons in its vicinity. Previous to its destruction, the gateway led to Bajor (two different locations on the planet), Cardassia, Dozaria, Earth (Paris and San Francisco) and Volan III. (DS9: "To the Death") The computer voice of the Iconian gateway in "Contagion" was performed by an unknown actress. One of the images in "Contagion" is clearly recognizable as the city hall buildings of Toronto, Ontario in Canada. As the city was not acknowledged during the episode, it is unknown whether it is supposed to be Toronto or simply stock footage meant to represent an alien city following Hodgkin's Law of Parallel Planetary Development. The Iconian gateway or Interspatial portal was a "meta-advanced" technology discovered in the 2360s by Starfleet on Iconia and potentially numerous other worlds. Until the 25th century the thesis for the operation of the gateways were fully unfathomable. Circa 198,000 years ago, the Iconians were developed enough to create the gateways. Specifically this was when the initial gateways were constructed. The Iconians had interplanetary travel for 2 millennium prior but never spanned as much as they are fabled to had. In 2365, Commodore Picard and his crew discovered the first Iconian gateway and Iconia. One of the biggest archaeological discoveries in Federation history. A precursor to his eventual promotion and election as director of the Federation Archaeological Directorate. In 2372 the second gateway was discovered, although it had to be subsequently destroyed before falling into renegade Jem'Hadar hands. (Seeing multiple Federation locations in that particular gateway, it could be estimated casualties would've been over 40,000,000) In 2475, while Captain Givens and Commander Fredrick were on a geo-expedition, they discovered a gateway linking to an ancient, surviving Iconian colony in the far tucked corner of the Gamma quadrant. That discovery lead to the only known explanation to how the gateways worked: "The Interspatial portal, the formal term for it, generates localized subspace fluctuations, eventually they're able to perforate subspace and create a tunnel between two places, about the size to transporter basic equipment for colonization. Secondly, it takes about 2 or 3 kens (minutes) to stabilized the subspace link. After that link is stabilized, we begin shifting, although that site-to-site shift takes 10-20 vens (seconds) to complete. All in all, I- Well how couldn't your people figure that out?" — An Iconian prefect explaining the methodology of the gateways An Iconian gateway or Stargate was a nearly instantaneous transportation device invented by the ancient Iconians. By stepping through the "door" or "doorway", the user could travel between two destinations thousands of light years away in a matter of seconds. Various types and designs of gateway were in existance. One gateway had a range of over 70,000 light years, and theory postulated the Iconians used the gateway network as a preferred method of galactic travel. Federation scientists believed the gateways may acquire locations automatically, but remain unsure as the technology was significantly advanced. Energy weapons could not be used near some gateways due to interference. The Iconians built their gateways by using an artifact they called the Dream Gem, and technology left behind by the Preservers. The USS Pendragon discovered several gateways during its exploration of the galactic rim in the 2383. Timothy Sinclair used one to transport himself to an alternate universe the following year, and still more were discovered in the Badlands in late 2385. (Star Trek: Pendragon: "Starkindler", "Of Shadows and Starlight", "Odyssey, Parts I & II", "Above the Wrecks of Time") The first gateway encountered by Starfleet was found on the barren, ravaged surface of Iconia in 2366. USS Enterprise-D personnel Data, Worf and Jean-Luc Picard used the gateway to return to their ship in orbit. Before he left, Picard destroyed the gateway to prevent the Romulans gaining control of it. (TNG: "Contagion") Elias Vaughn discovered another gateway on on a classified mission to Alexandra's Planet in 2366, during an incident with the Romulans. (DS9 novel: Demons of Air and Darkness) In 2372, the Dominion discovered another gateway on Gamma Quadrant planet Vandros IV. Deep Space 9 commander Benjamin Sisko co-led a joint Starfleet-Jem'Hadar team to defeat a rogue Jem'Hadar faction in control of the gateway. The team successfully destroyed the gateway. (DS9: "To the Death") In one mirror universe variation the Terran Empire sent a fleet of starships to secure a gateway during a war with the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. This backfired, as the planet launched probes that attacked the ships' computers and disabled the invasion force. What the Empire had left wasn't enough to defend itself, leading to its defeat (The Gift).
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