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History of the Protection and Liberation of United States
In the beginning, there was two members from the alliance GOLD ( Global Organization for Liberty and Defense) called Left_Behind of Shilo and Gavsta. Both of these members had an idea to make and manage their own alliance which is now known as PLUS (the Protection and Liberation of the United States). Both sharing the same dream in making an alliance, they dropped out of GOLD and formed PLUS. They officially created the alliance on March 10, 2007. As many new alliances, PLUS had to deal with lack of ambassadors and the usual rouge attacks. PLUS was becoming known.
In the beginning, there was two members from the alliance GOLD ( Global Organization for Liberty and Defense) called Left_Behind of Shilo and Gavsta. Both of these members had an idea to make and manage their own alliance which is now known as PLUS (the Protection and Liberation of the United States). Both sharing the same dream in making an alliance, they dropped out of GOLD and formed PLUS. They officially created the alliance on March 10, 2007. The Premier of the new alliance was Left_Behind. The first Minister of Internal Affairs would be Gavsta. The following ministers were as followed; Minister of Defense was MaxEDeath, Minister of External Affairs was Nick449, and the Minister of Recruitment was Lord Tavis. As many new alliances, PLUS had to deal with lack of ambassadors and the usual rouge attacks. PLUS was becoming known. Only 6 days after PLUS formed, they became a protectorate of GOLD. GOLD was growing in strength tremendously during this time. This treaty enabled PLUS to become stronger and improve the already wonderful relationship it had with GOLD. It also allowed PLUS to gain CN¡¦s respect. Also on this date PLUS officially announced that it is an alliance on the CN forums.