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If the writers of the show used Egyptian hieroglyphs intentionally, there must be an explanation within the story as to why they appear. I can't and won't profess any knowledge of ancient Egypt or its culture, so please excuse me if my theory misses key historical realities. The Island was inhabited by a society or civilization in ancient times. They built the Temple, the Ruins, the Four-toed statue, the Frozen wheel, and likely a great deal more. On many if not all of these remnants, we see hieroglyphs.
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If the writers of the show used Egyptian hieroglyphs intentionally, there must be an explanation within the story as to why they appear. I can't and won't profess any knowledge of ancient Egypt or its culture, so please excuse me if my theory misses key historical realities. The Island was inhabited by a society or civilization in ancient times. They built the Temple, the Ruins, the Four-toed statue, the Frozen wheel, and likely a great deal more. On many if not all of these remnants, we see hieroglyphs. Eloise Hawking told us there are pockets of energy around the world acting as doorways to the Island. There is one such pocket in Tunisia, as those using the frozen wheel are transported off the Island into Tunisia. The Island may have come to be populated in ancient times by a society of peoples using the pocket of energy in Tunisia as a doorway to the Island. Now here is where I'm going out on a limb. The proximity of Tunisia to Egypt is near-ish. It's not too much to imagine that those traveling to the Island via Tunisia may have had contact with ancient Egyptian culture, language and writing. Indeed, they may have themselves been Egyptian. * It's HIGHLY possible that the Egyptians came FROM the Island to North Africa sometime in the past, possibly for reasons yet disclosed. (In another time shift) And that the Island is the origin of the original Egyptian Gods/Goddesses, which are people or persons removed from the Island.