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The Dhragolon are an ancient race existing for thousands of years. They used to be a major power in the Milky Way galaxy but have since been nearly decimated. Survivors have migrated to the Andromeda galaxy. The Dhragolon have evolved over time to make an effort to destroy anyone who becomes tainted. A race becomes tainted when a major Commandment of Kray is violated such as destroying planets or threatening others. (See below for the list of commandments.) Once a race is tainted, the Dhragolon cannot stop attacking unless the race becomes untainted somehow which is incredibly rare.
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The Dhragolon are an ancient race existing for thousands of years. They used to be a major power in the Milky Way galaxy but have since been nearly decimated. Survivors have migrated to the Andromeda galaxy. They were formerly one of the strongest races in the galaxy, with a massive kingdom covering a major portion of the Perseus arm and spawning from their homeworld Ucharpli. Although their population was not even one trillion, they still can maintain control over their portion of the Perseus arm. However, one cannot say they are the most technologically advanced empire as the Dhragolon tend to use more primitive styles of combat. Instead, the Dhragolon evolved to be one of the most humble and wisest races of the galaxy. It is commonly believed that the Dhragolon promise they will destroy all but one chosen race whom they have judged to be pure, which keeps all others in fear. This gives the Dhragolon the nickname of "Angels of Death". Other races are unsure if they are the chosen one or not, and some desperately try to expand to slow down their possible destruction while some even worship the Dhragolon or adopt their religion to please them. The Dhragolon have evolved over time to make an effort to destroy anyone who becomes tainted. A race becomes tainted when a major Commandment of Kray is violated such as destroying planets or threatening others. (See below for the list of commandments.) Once a race is tainted, the Dhragolon cannot stop attacking unless the race becomes untainted somehow which is incredibly rare. It is believed that the Dhragolon behave this way due to a long-standing psychological impact on the entire race. Upon first entering space, they encountered many dangerous empires which did practices considered unacceptable to them. While the Dhragolon attempted to tolerate these empires, they would not do the same back to them. Because of this, the Dhragolon evolved believing that such evil empires must be eradicated from the galaxy in order to bring peace. As a direct side effect, they are slow to trust other empires. They still remain cautious even of their own allies being prepared to fight back if they turn against them.