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Mormon myths Mormon Myths
Common LDS Myths Numerous myths have been circulated about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and some are just out and out bizarre. Here, some of the more common myths about the LDS Church will be addressed. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, widely known as the LDS Church or the Mormon Church, is the largest and most well-known denomination originating from the Latter Day Saint movement founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. The church is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, and has established congregations and temples worldwide, reporting approximately 13 million members on its rolls.
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Common LDS Myths Numerous myths have been circulated about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and some are just out and out bizarre. Here, some of the more common myths about the LDS Church will be addressed. * Myth: None of the Church of Jesus Christ’s ministry is paid. Answer: This is actually not true. The General Authorities are offered a living allowance because they provide full-time service. Mission Presidents receive basic financial support while they serve. However, those who serve at a local level, such as Bishops and Stake Presidents, are not paid. * Myth: The Mormon Church is a correct title. Answer: This is untrue. The proper name for the Church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and this has been the official name of the Church since 1838. The Church actually discourages the use of the term “the Mormon Church.” While referring to a member of the Church as a Mormon is generally acceptable, most members prefer to be called “Latter-day Saints” or "LDS." * Myth: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not a Christian church. Answer: When given the name of the Church, it is a wonder some people deny that Latter-day Saints are Christians. The entire focus of the Church is centered around Jesus Christ, the Atonement, and the resurrection. * Myth: Latter-day Saints practice polygamy. Answer: Absolutely not. The practice has been banned from the Church since 1890. Any member found practicing polygamy is excommunicated from the Church. Polygamists who claim to be Latter-day Saints are not telling the truth. Polygamist sects have no affiliation with the Church. * Myth: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is racist. Answer: This is absolutely not true. In 1978, President Spencer W. Kimball stated that every “faithful, worthy man in the Church may receive the holy priesthood.” Before this time, blacks of African descent were not able to receive the priesthood. This situation was not the desire of the members of the Church or its leadership. When President Kimball and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles received the revelation to extend the priesthood to all worthy male members of the Church, they had already been praying fervently for some time for that blessing. The Church’s position toward all races has always been to embrace them. Latter-day Saints treated Native Americans with respect at a time when many did not, and founding prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., actually ran for President of the United States on an anti-slavery platform. Members of the Church come from all over the world, and no one is denied access to the blessings of the Church because of his race. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, widely known as the LDS Church or the Mormon Church, is the largest and most well-known denomination originating from the Latter Day Saint movement founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. The church is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, and has established congregations and temples worldwide, reporting approximately 13 million members on its rolls. Adherents, usually referred to as Latter-day Saints, LDS, or Mormons, are Restorationist Christians, but do not consider themselves part of the Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant traditions. The church teaches there was a Great Apostasy, or loss of the original authority to lead Christ's church. Jesus Christ is viewed as the head of the church, leading it today through revelations given to a hierarchy of priesthood leaders. The highest-ranking leader is the President of the Church, who is considered to be a prophet and an apostle. Latter-day Saints believe that four books of scripture have divine authority: the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. According to their beliefs, Jesus is the son of God and Mary, a virgin. They believe Jesus lived a sinless life, and that his suffering and crucifixion was an atonement for the sins of all humanity. They believe in Jesus' literal bodily resurrection, and that he currently sits at the right hand of God the Father. They believe Jesus is united in purpose with the Father, but that they both have separate bodies of "flesh and bone," rather than solely spirit. The church has also distinguished itself from other Christian denominations by their practice of temple ceremonies (such as baptism for the dead and the Endowment), eternal marriage, and teaching that Jesus visited and preached in the Americas after his resurrection.