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Birds of a Different Feather, Part I
Reviewing the past logs of those who had visited his homeland, he noticed one in particular and remembered hearing about them in his lessons with Hikari Arashi. She had once talked highly about the Soga Clan and how their heir Kaname Soga was a great Sage in his own right. Seeking him out, Naoto dispatched his swiftest Hawk summon Reiki to relay a message, a request for the Sage to teach the young ninja the way of the Sage.
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Reviewing the past logs of those who had visited his homeland, he noticed one in particular and remembered hearing about them in his lessons with Hikari Arashi. She had once talked highly about the Soga Clan and how their heir Kaname Soga was a great Sage in his own right. Seeking him out, Naoto dispatched his swiftest Hawk summon Reiki to relay a message, a request for the Sage to teach the young ninja the way of the Sage. He stopped and removed his hood, revealing a large scar across his face and his long white hair, which some call his trademark. "I forgot how abundant the natural energy was here. I bet you're getting your full Shinkairen. I'm sure you don't want to get fat" he said, laughing a little. Real funny Kaname Shinkairen said within Kaname's mind. "Though I do have to admit, the energy is pure.....and tasty" it continued. "Hmmm.....tasty....if you say so" Kaname responded as he started walking again. Anyways, why are we hear again?" Shinkairen questioned. "Sight seeing" Kaname responded. As Reiki soared into view, she revealed that she was temporarily imbued with the energy of the Swift Release, and she moved as if she were a blur. Gliding down, she saw the ninja with white hair and landed. "Are you Kaname Soga?" she asked telepathically as she fixed her feathers. "If so I have a message for you from my master," Kaname looked at the large hawk that landed in front of him seems like I've been noticed he thought to himself. Lets see how this plays out Shinakiren said, speaking in Kaname's mind. "Kaname Soga?, I've heard that name before....why are you asking about it?" Kaname said as he watched the hawk fix its feathers. Reiki explained. "My master is seeking Kaname Soga for aid in learning the secrets of the Sage arts." As she looked around the snow covered peak she knew something was afoot. "I see I see" Kaname said as he looked at the hawk. "Lets say your were to find Kaname Soga. What would your master be willing to offer him in return for teaching him the ways of natural energy?" Kaname stated. "He'd be willing to form an alliance with you on behalf of the Hidden Wave Village," she said as she looked around some more. "Unless there is something else in particular you'd prefer." "I see, a new alliance would be good for my village. His as well. However, it still seems as if he is getting the better deal of this. His village gains a ally and he learns the ways of natural energy" Kaname stated, noticing the hawk looking around as he did "are you expecting some one?" he questioned. Before she could answer, the area directly to her left started to distort and the very air cracked and shattered as her master appeared at her side using his unique space-time technique. "The Land of Merchants isn't particularly my village, as am not the Admiral, but I am a member of its Jōnin Council." Naoto explained as he saw the snow for the first time as his home was in the south. "So this is snow, huh?" he wondered out loud as he turned to the male before him. "Hello, I am Naoto no Mikoto, and I suppose you are Kaname?" he said as he extended his hand in friendship. Kaname watched as the man appeared next to the giant hawk that's a very interesting technique he thought to himself after the man appeared. "I see, I see" Kaname said as he listened to what the man said. "I guess, it would really be up to the leaders of your village to determine if they wish to form an alliance. In any case, you're correct" Kaname said as he reached out and shook the man's hand. Shaking his hand, he nodded at Reiki and she spread her wings, taking flight to return home in Tengoku Valley. "I do not think my Lordship would be opposed to an alliance, as we never turn away a potential customer or new commerce resource," Naoto spoke as he walked too and fro. "And I do have in my repertoire a number of techniques found nowhere else in the Shinobi world," he said as a way to peak Kaname's interest into training him. "You see the Hawks of Tengoku are noble, and have allied themselves with my people for a number of generations, but they have a doctrine to never teach humans the way of Senjutsu so that path is lost to me, however one who already knows of the art is allowed to enter their domain and train solo if they pass a particular test, are you following what I am saying?" He explained to the experienced sage. "I could say the same for my village, extra resources and a place to spend some down time is always good" Kaname said as he removed snow from his shoulder. "A number of unique techniques found nowhere else" he said slightly with a smile, reverting to his old self. "So, if I am hearing this correctly, you wish to be taught how to gather and balance the energy, so you can train in the hawk's domain?" he questioned. "In a sense, yes that is what I'd like to do in the long run," Naoto said as he grinned and his chakra started to crackle and surge with excitement. "How is your skill with Space–Time Ninjutsu?" Naoto asked as he knew what he'd imprint on Kaname if he were to train him. "I see" Kaname said "his chakra seems familiar" he thought to himself as he could feel Naoto's chakra. "How is my skill with space-time ninjutsu? One would say it's like a second nature to me, and one of the first types of jutsu I used." Walking over to Kaname, he bit his finger and used his blood to act as a catalyst to use his seal, which he used to grant his signature. This technique was embedded within Kaname's Yuraigan and the knowledge was placed into his mind. After imprinting his signature technique and how to activate it within his new allies mind he smirked. "Why don't you try out your new technique?" Naoto asked as his small wound healed instantly. "Interesting. This isn't the first time the Transcription Seal has been used on me before" he thought to himself the knowledge of the Light Speed Dash Technique flow though his mind. "A very interesting technique you have here" Kaname said as he closed his eyes. He opened his eyes, revealing the Yuraigan, a dōjutsu unknown to the world. It began to glow, a slight grin appeared on Kaname's face as his body burst into particles of chakra and reappeared a distance behind Naoto. "A very interesting technique indeed. I can have some fun with this" Kaname said with a small grin. "So is this enough of a deal for you to train me in how to use Senjutsu?" Naoto asked as he closed his eyes and reopened them, revealing his Dōjutsu, known by some as the Seizongan, however its true name was the Reisei. As he did so his eyes became blue with five crescent moons equidistantly placed around the center. "Interesting, a dōjutsu I've never seen before. I wonder what it is capable of Kanme thought to himself as he looked at Naoto and his unique eyes. " I have to see what they can do" Kaname said under his breath. "Since you have imparted knowledge onto me, I will do the same for you and teach you the ways of sage mode" Kaname said. Taking a combat stance, Naoto held his left arm up in front of him before revealing the bladed fingers. Infusing his Wind chakra into his blades using Chakra Flow, they started to hum faintly. He held up his right hand and beckoned for a friendly sparring match to size up the opposition before training. "A little sparring match before training in order to test out each others abilities." Kaname said as he looked at Naoto and his unique sword "I'm all done for a sparring match, I too would like to see what you are capable of. However, this is not the place for it. I'm sure the guardians of this land wouldn't be too happy with it." He stated as he looked around "Even I don't want to deal with them. So how about we move to a different location." Nodding, Naoto thought about where to go. "I know the place," he said as he walked over to Kaname and placed his hand on the Shinobi's shoulder before wising them both away to an unmarked island in the southern seas. Arriving, Naoto looked around. "Now no one can bother our fight." Kaname looked around to the place he was just transported to "nice area" Kaname said as he gaze returned to Naoto, his Yuraigan deactivating as he did. "much warmer then my place" Kaname thought to himself "anyways, I'm ready when ever you are" he state looking at Naoto.