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Legendary Badfic
Legendary Badfic is a collective name for the worst badfic encountered by the PPC, specifically those fics which most of their fandom—and even the fanfiction community at large—have heard of and in many cases been traumatized by. Reading any one of them is typically a painful experience and requires a great deal of Bleeprin or other brain-purging substances to recover from. Some Legendary Badfics are series, and some have actually spawned sequels, but most, thank goodness, are one-shots. Bleepfics are similarly awful to Legendaries, but are not so widely known.
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Legendary Badfic is a collective name for the worst badfic encountered by the PPC, specifically those fics which most of their fandom—and even the fanfiction community at large—have heard of and in many cases been traumatized by. Reading any one of them is typically a painful experience and requires a great deal of Bleeprin or other brain-purging substances to recover from. Some Legendary Badfics are series, and some have actually spawned sequels, but most, thank goodness, are one-shots. Most of these are Not Safe For Work due to adult content, and they are all Not Safe For Brain. It is not recommended to read any of them if you are young, innocent, or simply wish to maintain an unsullied experience of your fandom. Anyone who gives you an unsolicited link to any of these titles, especially if they are sniggering behind their hand as they do it, is not your friend. Bleepfics are similarly awful to Legendaries, but are not so widely known.