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Unpaid check
In my business, Guru! Software, I am happy to say that I usually receive payment promptly from clients with whom I do business. However, recently I ran into a problem client; and though it did not involve an exorbitant amount of money, still they had not paid as agreed. Also, when I contacted them on numerous occasions, they avoided a direct resolution of the matter. When I made the call to the client, I was calm, yet I knew I had to be firm. I also decided to speak in a friendly manner when the individual in accounts payable answered the phone. --Roy Posner 19:36, 20 August 2008 (UTC) H
n7: n8:
In my business, Guru! Software, I am happy to say that I usually receive payment promptly from clients with whom I do business. However, recently I ran into a problem client; and though it did not involve an exorbitant amount of money, still they had not paid as agreed. Also, when I contacted them on numerous occasions, they avoided a direct resolution of the matter. Now that I had reached the end of the rope with the customer, I needed to come up with a new strategy to deal with the situation. The only option that appeared open to me was to take legal action, which I had not done with a single client in two decades of business. Still this was what I strongly believed I had to do. When I made the call to the client, I was calm, yet I knew I had to be firm. I also decided to speak in a friendly manner when the individual in accounts payable answered the phone. When we began the conversation, I simply identified myself and my company. (We had spoken several times in the past, and she knew who I was.) Before I had a chance to say anything more, she immediately said (in a happy tone) that she had mailed the check the previous day! In other words, I did not even have to express my intention for her to act on it! What happened? When I shifted to psychological toughness and away from weakness, I released the necessary energy that aligned with the intentions of another that I experienced as a life response. In fact, it occurred before I had a chance to express my intention to the woman on the phone! That is the power that inner strength has over money. It attracts it; while weakness only repulses or delays it. --Roy Posner 19:36, 20 August 2008 (UTC) H