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Combat level Combat level Combat level Combat level Combat level
Combat Level (CL) refers to the level that a player or NPC is at. Characters start at CL 1 and can advance to CL 90. Levels can be progressed by gaining Experience (XP). For a combat career XP can be gained by fighting, for a trader by crafting items, and for a entertainer by performing. The CL of a player corresponds to their base statistics, i.e. a CL45 player will have a strength, precision, agility and luck rating of 45, assuming they have no items or expertise to boost their rating. Some careers don't have any direct bearing on CL. Those careers are: The formula for determining a player's combat level is: Summoning and Prayer are both rounded down after being multiplied by 1/2. The final quotient is never rounded up. For example, after using the formula, a player's level is 87.975. Their combat level will appear as 87. Although most monsters have their levels calculated using the same formula that players use, a select few have levels manually set by Jagex that do not reflect their true stats. Tiedosto:Multicombat.png Combat level, eli taistelutaso koostuu 8 eri tasosta. Ne ovat Hyökkäys, Voima, Puolustus, Elämä, Kutsunta, Kaukotaistelu, Taikuus ja Rukous. Taistelutaso kertoo hahmon "taistelukykyisyyden", mutta pienempitasoinen pelaaja voi silti pärjätä isompitasoiselle (varsinkin hirviölle). Esimerkiksi jos olet PvP (player vs player) niin jos combat levelisi on 70, niin voit käydä noin 4 levelistä isompaan tai pienemmän kimppuun. F2P:ssä tämä taistelutaso on korkeimmillaan 126, mutta P2P:ssä taas 138 kutsunnan takia. Jos haluat laskea Combat levelisi, mene tänne. A player's, monster's, or NPC's combat level is a number calculated using their stats to show roughly how difficult they are to defeat. All players start out at combat level 3, with the maximum combat level for players being 138, although NPCs can have considerably higher levels. Combat level is calculated by taking into account the following skills: * Attack and Strength or Ranged or Magic * Defence * Constitution * Prayer * Summoning (not applied toward combat level in free worlds) A player's, monster's, or non-player character's combat level indicates the difficulty in defeating him, her, or it in combat. Levels that are lower than yours display shades of green, levels that are slightly lower than one's display yellow-ish, levels that are equal to one's are displayed as yellow and levels that are higher than yours display shades of orange to red. All new players start out at combat level 3, and the maximum level for RuneScape 2 is level 126, while in RuneScape Classic, it is level 123. The combat level of another player or a monster is used to give an idea of the strength of that player/monster. Een Combat level van een speler, monster of een NPC duidt de moeilijkheidsgraad aan om hem of haar te verslaan in een gevecht. In RuneScape begint elke speler met een combat level van 3 met het maximale van 138. Dit was tijdelijk anders met de evolution of combat omdat de berekening van combat level helemaal veranderd was. De combat level van monsters kunnen nogal verschillen met die van spelers, aangezien de hoogste combat level, 10000, van Vorago en Yakamaru is, in feite is het hoogste level 50,000 van Telos als hij op 4000% enrage zit. Het combat level van een speler kan bekeken worden in het Combat options scherm bij het Bestand:Combat_scherm_icoon.png icoon. Combat level van monsters en andere spelers kunnen gezien worden door met de rechtermuisknop op de personage te klikken. Combat level refers to the level derived from the skills that deal with fighting. There is a formula to calculate combat level. * 1 level in Attack, Strength, Hits or Defense is equal to 1/4 of a combat level. * 1 level in Magic or Prayer is equivalent to 1/8 of a combat level. * If ranged multiplied by 1.5 is equal to Attack + Strength combined, 1 ranged level is worth 0.375 combat levels, and attack and strength aren't counted. Combat level is calculated by taking into account the following skills: * Attack * Strength * Defence * Hitpoints * Ranged * Magic * Prayer * Summoning Levels that are lower than the player display shades of green, levels that are slightly lower than one's display yellow-ish green, levels that are equal to one's are displayed as yellow and levels that are higher than yours display shades of orange to red. It is commonly believed that monsters/players that are 10 levels below you are displayed in green (greenest green) and monsters/players that are 10 levels above are displayed as red, the reddest red. frame|venstre|Combat level grensesnittet En spillers Combat level indikerer vanskelighetsgraden for å drepe personen. Nye spillere starter i level 3, og den høyeste combat levelen er 200, mens på Runescape Classic var det 123. Spilleres combat level regnes ut etter de følgende skills. Defence + Høyeste combat skill + 2
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138 Combat levelup.ogg
Levelling combat 138
Een Combat level van een speler, monster of een NPC duidt de moeilijkheidsgraad aan om hem of haar te verslaan in een gevecht. In RuneScape begint elke speler met een combat level van 3 met het maximale van 138. Dit was tijdelijk anders met de evolution of combat omdat de berekening van combat level helemaal veranderd was. De combat level van monsters kunnen nogal verschillen met die van spelers, aangezien de hoogste combat level, 10000, van Vorago en Yakamaru is, in feite is het hoogste level 50,000 van Telos als hij op 4000% enrage zit. Het combat level van een speler kan bekeken worden in het Combat options scherm bij het Bestand:Combat_scherm_icoon.png icoon. Combat level van monsters en andere spelers kunnen gezien worden door met de rechtermuisknop op de personage te klikken. Het combat level van een speler wordt berekend door de toename van bepaalde gevecht-skills(zoals hier onder vermeld). Het combat level wordt berekend door de volgende skills: * Attack * Strength * Defence * Constitution * Ranged * Magic Combat levels die lager zijn dan die van een speler zullen groen aantonen (als een speler met de rechtermuisknop op een andere speler klikt). Levels die een paar levels lager zijn, zullen geel-groenig zijn, spelers die een paar levels hoger zijn zullen oranje aantonen en spelers die hoger zijn zullen rood aan tonen. The formula for determining a player's combat level is: Summoning and Prayer are both rounded down after being multiplied by 1/2. The final quotient is never rounded up. For example, after using the formula, a player's level is 87.975. Their combat level will appear as 87. This will give a maximum combat level of 138 for any player with level 99 Attack + Strength/Magic/Ranged, 99 Defence, 99 Constitution and 96/99 Summoning and Prayer. Free worlds do not take a player's Summoning level into account. Therefore, the maximum level for free players is 126, even if a player has trained Summoning to level 5. Although most monsters have their levels calculated using the same formula that players use, a select few have levels manually set by Jagex that do not reflect their true stats. Levels that are significantly lower than the player display shades of green, levels that are slightly lower than one's display yellow-green, levels that are equal to one's are displayed as yellow, and levels that are higher than yours display shades of orange to red. In the Wilderness, levels outside the combat range will appear white. The difference in colours can be seen up to 10 levels higher or lower than your current combat level after which it will either show the brightest shade of green or red depending on whether the combat level is lower or higher. In the Wilderness, a player's combat level is shown slightly differently. Unless a player has a summoning pouch in their inventory or a summoning familiar summoned, the combat levels gained from summoning will not be part of the players main combat level, instead, the levels they would have gained from summoning are shown as +X after their main combat level. For example, a player with no summoning pouch or familiar would be level 79+6 instead of 85. frame|venstre|Combat level grensesnittet En spillers Combat level indikerer vanskelighetsgraden for å drepe personen. Nye spillere starter i level 3, og den høyeste combat levelen er 200, mens på Runescape Classic var det 123. Spilleres combat level regnes ut etter de følgende skills. Defence + Høyeste combat skill + 2 Leveler som er lavere enn spillerens egen level vises som grønne, mens leveler som er nære, men likevel under spillerens egen level vises som gul-grønn, leveler som er like som spillerens egen vises som gule, mens leveler som er høyere vises i farger fra oransje til rød. Man antar at leveler som er 10 nivåer lavere enn deg vises som grønne, og de som er 10 nivåer høyere enn deg vises som røde. Combat Level (CL) refers to the level that a player or NPC is at. Characters start at CL 1 and can advance to CL 90. Levels can be progressed by gaining Experience (XP). For a combat career XP can be gained by fighting, for a trader by crafting items, and for a entertainer by performing. The CL of a player corresponds to their base statistics, i.e. a CL45 player will have a strength, precision, agility and luck rating of 45, assuming they have no items or expertise to boost their rating. Some careers don't have any direct bearing on CL. Those careers are: * Politician * Imperial Pilot * Alliance Pilot * Freelance Pilot A player's, monster's, or NPC's combat level is a number calculated using their stats to show roughly how difficult they are to defeat. All players start out at combat level 3, with the maximum combat level for players being 138, although NPCs can have considerably higher levels. Combat level is calculated by taking into account the following skills: * Attack and Strength or Ranged or Magic * Defence * Constitution * Prayer * Summoning (not applied toward combat level in free worlds) Tiedosto:Multicombat.png Combat level, eli taistelutaso koostuu 8 eri tasosta. Ne ovat Hyökkäys, Voima, Puolustus, Elämä, Kutsunta, Kaukotaistelu, Taikuus ja Rukous. Taistelutaso kertoo hahmon "taistelukykyisyyden", mutta pienempitasoinen pelaaja voi silti pärjätä isompitasoiselle (varsinkin hirviölle). Esimerkiksi jos olet PvP (player vs player) niin jos combat levelisi on 70, niin voit käydä noin 4 levelistä isompaan tai pienemmän kimppuun. F2P:ssä tämä taistelutaso on korkeimmillaan 126, mutta P2P:ssä taas 138 kutsunnan takia. Hirviöiden ja pelaajien, joiden combat on pienempi kuin pelaajan combat näkyvät vihreinä. Ne joilla on sama combat näkyvät keltaisina ja ne joilla on suurempi combat näkyvät oransseina tai punaisina. Jagex on paljastanut laskukaavat taistelutasolle. Eli jos olet P2P-pelaaja, tasosi voi olla eri P2P- ja F2P-maailmoissa. Eli hyökkäystyyleistä (sotilas, taikoja, jousimies) korkein on taistelutaso. Jos haluat laskea Combat levelisi, mene tänne. Laskutoimitukset tehdään kokonaisluvuilla, eli kun kerrotaan murtoluvulla, jäännös hylätään. Esimerkiksi jos hyökkäys on 11, niin on 14 ei 14,3. Combat level is calculated by taking into account the following skills: * Attack * Strength * Defence * Hitpoints * Ranged * Magic * Prayer * Summoning Levels that are lower than the player display shades of green, levels that are slightly lower than one's display yellow-ish green, levels that are equal to one's are displayed as yellow and levels that are higher than yours display shades of orange to red. It is commonly believed that monsters/players that are 10 levels below you are displayed in green (greenest green) and monsters/players that are 10 levels above are displayed as red, the reddest red. Image:Lvl 126 combat.png Combat level refers to the level derived from the skills that deal with fighting. There is a formula to calculate combat level. * 1 level in Attack, Strength, Hits or Defense is equal to 1/4 of a combat level. * 1 level in Magic or Prayer is equivalent to 1/8 of a combat level. * If ranged multiplied by 1.5 is equal to Attack + Strength combined, 1 ranged level is worth 0.375 combat levels, and attack and strength aren't counted. The combat level of another player or a monster is used to give an idea of the strength of that player/monster. A player's, monster's, or non-player character's combat level indicates the difficulty in defeating him, her, or it in combat. Levels that are lower than yours display shades of green, levels that are slightly lower than one's display yellow-ish, levels that are equal to one's are displayed as yellow and levels that are higher than yours display shades of orange to red. Normally, aggressive non-player characters stop attacking you when you reach higher than double their combat level. There are exceptions, however - for example, any monsters in the Wilderness will be aggressive no matter what your combat level, which is extremely annoying to player killers fighting in a single-way area. Monsters with a higher combat level than a player cannot be attacked by using a left mouse click. Instead, players need to right click and select the attack monster option (You can change this setting in the option tab). So, to be able to attack a Blue dragon with combat level 111 with a simple left click, a player needs a combat level of at least 111. It is possible to edit this in the settings under Controls by changing Attack option priority. (Default is "Depends on Combat Levels") All new players start out at combat level 3, and the maximum level for RuneScape 2 is level 126, while in RuneScape Classic, it is level 123.
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