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Fading Cries
It was a cold night in the middle of leaf bare. Starfire woke up with a jolt as the rusling of the trees in the awful wind. Walked into the clearing to see the leader sitting with his back turned to her. Starfire ran over into a clump of ferns near him and listened to what he was saying. "I have a clan to protect," he mumbled. "I musn't leave, I musn't leave!!" He got up and looked around and them crawled over to his den between 2 rocks.
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It was a cold night in the middle of leaf bare. Starfire woke up with a jolt as the rusling of the trees in the awful wind. Walked into the clearing to see the leader sitting with his back turned to her. Starfire ran over into a clump of ferns near him and listened to what he was saying. "I have a clan to protect," he mumbled. "I musn't leave, I musn't leave!!" He got up and looked around and them crawled over to his den between 2 rocks. Starfire got up and trotted swiftly to the fresh-kill pile. Empty. Her belly rumbled. I must feed the clan first. She walked over to the entrance of the camp to see Moonclaw on guard. She walked past him with pride to hide her suspiciousness. "what are you doing out here?," he asked. "im on a...... nightly hunt, thats all," she replied quickly. "okay, but be back before sunrise. Emberstar wants you on a sunhigh patrol." Starfire padded into the dark, cold forest. The air was cold, and the prey was scarce. She looked around for a decend mouse but all she found was a scrony little mouse that would feed a kit. She burried it and went off looking for more. Just then, she turned to see a pale gray cat with glowing green eyes. "you have come, finally"