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KotNR NPC Bounty Page
Ladies and gentlemen... Well, you players, anyway. Be it known that your GM is a lazy bastard. The hardest part of GMing, for me, is coming up with stats for NPCs. Therefor, I have decided to unload that burden to you, the player. Therefor, I have decided to levy a bounty - literally - upon NPCs. Specifically, the stats thereof. Therefor, I need the following, and the following bounties will be paid for them. Please work in the CL order given. It does me no good to have the stats for a 10th level NPC if you guys are 2nd level - unless you want to face a 10th level NPC, of course...
n4: n5: n7: n9: n10: n11:
Ladies and gentlemen... Well, you players, anyway. Be it known that your GM is a lazy bastard. The hardest part of GMing, for me, is coming up with stats for NPCs. Therefor, I have decided to unload that burden to you, the player. Therefor, I have decided to levy a bounty - literally - upon NPCs. Specifically, the stats thereof. Therefor, I need the following, and the following bounties will be paid for them. Please work in the CL order given. It does me no good to have the stats for a 10th level NPC if you guys are 2nd level - unless you want to face a 10th level NPC, of course... Remember that these NPCs are intended to be generica for you to do battle with. If you really want to minmax them, that's on your heads. Of course, if they're grossly ineffective, I won't accept it. Unlike Player Characters, generate these mooks on all standard rules - no freebies, 25 point buy. When you have made an NPC sheet, edit the page by putting them under their appropriate heading, in order of CL and titled by their CL and any specials (such as "CL 3 Twin Lightsaber Dark Jedi" or "CL 5 Aqualish Nonheroic 2/Soldier 3") The CL formula for nonheroics is Nonheroic 4 = CL 1, and every two additional Nonheroic levels is CL + 1. I only need NPCs up to the average player level + 3 in CL Until otherwise noted, the bounty is 50 credits and 20 XP per CL of statted enemy. So, if you did a whole track of them up to CL 5, you'd get 750 more credits, and 300 XP. Note that while you can only reap the XP benefit once, for moar money, you can make more templates at the lower CLs - but you have to do the whole track over again. (IE, no making CL 1 - 5 for XP and credits, then making 20 CL 5s.) This applies to additional NPCs of any given category, such as if you have a burning desire to stat out more Dark Jedi. You get XP and credits for doing other stacks, too. Regarding PrCs: PrCs are limited to one for any kind of mook. Any non-mook, I'll probably be making myself. ;) Sith Lord is absolutely out of the question, though Sith Apprentice is acceptable. Jedi PrCs are right out. Notes on spamming: While your efforts will never be totally wasted, I don't want someone to shoot ahead by three levels by fulfilling all of this, either. No more than half of the XP to your next level can be reaped at one time - after that, the XP gets spread among the rest of the players. You still get the money, though! ^_^ So if you feel like being prolific, go ahead. Your fellows will thank you. If you bring in enough bounties, I may even give you a fiat reward.