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Land of Shadows
According to the great nations, the Land of Shadows is highly dangerous and forbidden to enter under any and all circumstances, no one is to enter the land of shadows. The rumor floats around that everyone that belongs to the nations that goes into the land of shadows, never makes it back out. Usually because of the dense fog, those who are visiting the country without an escort will get lost and then either starve to death or they are captured by the inhabitants to the country and then imprisoned or killed.
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According to the great nations, the Land of Shadows is highly dangerous and forbidden to enter under any and all circumstances, no one is to enter the land of shadows. The rumor floats around that everyone that belongs to the nations that goes into the land of shadows, never makes it back out. Usually because of the dense fog, those who are visiting the country without an escort will get lost and then either starve to death or they are captured by the inhabitants to the country and then imprisoned or killed. The Land of Shadows contains what is called the Seven Storms of the Shadow. Each of which are extremely dangerous places that when one has managed to navigate them all, that person is praised as a legendary shinobi by the people of the hidden shadow. For now only one person has done this, which is the first Crakage, Yoruko Sensui. The Seven Storms include, Nightmare Mountain, Gravestone Cave, Quicksand Pits, Treacherous Ocean, Valley of Storms, Volcano Lake and the Green Hades.