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Gilbert Huph
He is first seen walking toward Mr. Incredible shouting angrily and furiously hands him a record. A day later he called him again to his office and tells him that he is not happy and also his customers made him also not happy as he continued talking to him. Mr. Incredible notices a mugging man just outside the building. As Mr. Incredible tells him he'll be back but Gilbert threatens him to get fired and grins evilly. As the mugging man leaves Gilbert was pleased at what he said and not losing his job. Mr. Incredibles is Mad at Gilbert for letting a villain escape since he let Bomb Voyage escaped 15 years ago and Angrily grabs him by the neck and Accidentally throws him into 5 walls. This cause Gilbert to be hospitalized. He also tells Agent Rick Dicker that Mr. Incredible is fired. Dicker
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He is first seen walking toward Mr. Incredible shouting angrily and furiously hands him a record. A day later he called him again to his office and tells him that he is not happy and also his customers made him also not happy as he continued talking to him. Mr. Incredible notices a mugging man just outside the building. As Mr. Incredible tells him he'll be back but Gilbert threatens him to get fired and grins evilly. As the mugging man leaves Gilbert was pleased at what he said and not losing his job. Mr. Incredibles is Mad at Gilbert for letting a villain escape since he let Bomb Voyage escaped 15 years ago and Angrily grabs him by the neck and Accidentally throws him into 5 walls. This cause Gilbert to be hospitalized. He also tells Agent Rick Dicker that Mr. Incredible is fired. Dicker is saddened that Mr. Incredible loses his job because of Gilbert for letting the mugged man escaped. it is unknowned what happened to Gilbert Huph afterward probably he recovered and go to work. However after the death of Syndrone formely Buddy Pine Mr. Incredible's former sidekick and Number one fan Gilbert was fired by his boss where he worked for letting a mugged man escaped and insulting a super hero. It is unknown if his boss reinstated Mr. Incredible or not.