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Naming Your Colony World
So! You've left Earth and settled a new world? Good for you! Now comes the part where you name it. You might want to follow the traditions laid down by the settlers before you: * New Something: Take a place on Earth, any place at all. Now add "New" to the beginning. Great! you've named your world! Welcome to New Detroit! Or New Paris! (Or Nova Lutetia!) New North Wales! New Newcastle! New New York! Or New New New York! Why bother to be creative when it's so much easier just to steal somewhere else's name. * Symbolica: Don't like naming it after places on Earth? No problem. Give it a symbolic name! Name it Eden, or Serenity, or Peace, or something nice sounding. Or you could name it something strong so as to show the universe you're tough. Call it Spartacus or Thor. Just don't name it
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So! You've left Earth and settled a new world? Good for you! Now comes the part where you name it. You might want to follow the traditions laid down by the settlers before you: * New Something: Take a place on Earth, any place at all. Now add "New" to the beginning. Great! you've named your world! Welcome to New Detroit! Or New Paris! (Or Nova Lutetia!) New North Wales! New Newcastle! New New York! Or New New New York! Why bother to be creative when it's so much easier just to steal somewhere else's name. * Symbolica: Don't like naming it after places on Earth? No problem. Give it a symbolic name! Name it Eden, or Serenity, or Peace, or something nice sounding. Or you could name it something strong so as to show the universe you're tough. Call it Spartacus or Thor. Just don't name it Hell, 'cause nobody will want to settle there. Except maybe Norwegians. And Michiganders. * If you do choose a symbolic name, be prepared for it to quickly become either heavily ironic, or eerily appropriate. * Mnemosyne: Can't think of anything original? Pick something random from mythology! Greek mythology is especially popular, but don't overlook the benefits of Egyptian, Norse, or even obscure Babylonian myths as a gold mine for planet names! * XK-37: Don't like names? Random letters and numbers work well, too. * Numbered Homeworld: This combines the familiarity of a name, with the laziness of a number. Does the star your planet's in orbit around have a name? If so all you have to do is count how many planets are in your system. On the second planet from the star Polaris? Your planet is now named Polaris 2. Or Polaris II if you prefer Roman numerals. * Starname: Even better, someone already came up with a name for the star long ago. Let's just call the planet the same thing, and forget the number. No, that wouldn't be confusing, why do you ask? * Egopolis: Just name the planet after yourself! Thousands of years from now your descendants will still be singing your praises every day on Planet Bob. * Named the Same: You are feeling really lazy? Just copy a name from home. Don't bother to change it, they're far enough away from each other not to get confused. * Erehwon: The old standby, inspired by Samuel Butler's 1872 novel of the same name. The perfect descriptor for that little mudball out in the back of beyond via (nearly) Sdrawkcab Name. * Planet Shout-Out: Today's pop culture is the mythology of the future, so why not name your planets after planets in famous science fiction books, movies, and television shows? * Propagandica: Name your planet after something that will give good PR like Richworld. Alternatively make a name to please the Obstructive Bureaucrat in charge of your salary like Admiralsworld. See Numbered Homeworld and Egopolis for examples of planets named that way. Examples of "New" Planets