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Red name Red Name
You earn a Red Name when you have lots of Evil morality points. Usually this is a result of PK-ing another player. if you have only a few Evil morality points then you may have an orange name. The consequences of a Red Name are: * your character appears to all other players just like any mob in the game. So you may be attacked by any other player regardless of whether they have /pkon or /pkoff. * you may not join in any party * you earn EXP at a slightly slower rate (~10% decrease) To restore your morality score to neutral you may do any or all of the following: __NOEDITSECTION__ Obtained when you PK another player,turning your name red Go to Altar of Godess and donate to return to normal
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Obtained when you PK another player,turning your name red Go to Altar of Godess and donate to return to normal You earn a Red Name when you have lots of Evil morality points. Usually this is a result of PK-ing another player. if you have only a few Evil morality points then you may have an orange name. The consequences of a Red Name are: * your character appears to all other players just like any mob in the game. So you may be attacked by any other player regardless of whether they have /pkon or /pkoff. * you may not join in any party * you earn EXP at a slightly slower rate (~10% decrease) There are no consequences for an orange name, therefore many players who PK only infrequently will successfully avoid earning a Red Name by maintaining a positive morality score. To restore your morality score to neutral you may do any or all of the following: * kill mobs of a higher or equal level than you * die often * donating a large quantity of items at the Altar of Goddess * use Immorality Soap __NOEDITSECTION__