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Armored Core
The Armored Core series is a mech-combat video game series developed by From Software. It started on the original Play Station, and over the years, has been on the PS2, PSP, PS3, XBOX360, and mobile phones. With the exception of Armored Core 2, each numbered sequel seems to take place in a different continuity, separate from previous, and later, numbered titles. The games in the series and their plots are: Armored Cores are the titular highly-advanced, mechanized fighting vehicle (mech) utilized in the Armored Core game series. Armored Cores are almost always the deciding factor in battles they present themselves in, and possess extraordinary firepower for their size and weight. The exact size for an Armored Core (typically abbreviated "AC") is highly variable, but the given average height for a Fourth Generation AC is about 10 meters (approximately 32.8 feet) tall, and the current Fifth Generation is slated to be at an average of 5 meters (approximately 16.4 feet) tall.
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Armored Core
Armored Core
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The Armored Core series is a mech-combat video game series developed by From Software. It started on the original Play Station, and over the years, has been on the PS2, PSP, PS3, XBOX360, and mobile phones. With the exception of Armored Core 2, each numbered sequel seems to take place in a different continuity, separate from previous, and later, numbered titles. The games in the series and their plots are: Armored Core - In the distant future, the majority of Earth's population has been wiped out in an event known as the 'Great Destruction.' In the wake of destruction, humanity has been forced to live underground, and corrupt corporations battle for supremacy. You play as a 'Raven,' a mercenary of the Ravens' Nest group, who pilots an Armored Core (AC), the eponymous Humongous Mecha. * Armored Core: Project Phantasma - A Raven operating out of Isaac City receives a mysterious request, to 'infiltrate the Amber Crown.' No corporation or sender name is given, and due to the amount listed in the monetary reward, the danger is obviously great. * Armored Core:Master Of Arena - In one of the corporation's more violent battles, several innocents are killed in the crossfire. One man loses his entire family, and a few months later, he decides to take revenge on the pilot responsible, the Raven known as Hustler One, pilot of the AC named Nineball. Armored Core 2 - Sixty-seven years after the first game, Earth's second largest corporation, Zio Matrix, attains the plans for a research project on Mars, dating back before the Great Destruction. They launch the terraforming project, which causes the Martian atmosphere to approximate Earth's. The other corporations learn of the project, and follow Zio Matrix to Mars, bringing the battle between them from Earth to Mars. As a Raven, a mercenary of the group Nerves Concord (similar to the Ravens' Nest of old), you don't care about any of that. It's all about the money. * Armored Core 2: Another Age - Five years after Armored Core 2, the corporations have all fallen in favor with the Earth government after the incidents on Mars. The people, still living in subterranean cities are tiring of being ignored and armed revolts are a daily occurrence. Armored Core 3 - Set in a post-apocalyptic future, society lives in a subterranean society known as Layered. It is ruled by an AI construct known only as the Controller, which dictates nearly everything that goes on in the world. The major corporations Mirage and Crest, and the smaller Kisaragi vie for dominance. The Controller's strange actions seem to indicate that it is going haywire. You play a Raven of the game's mercenary group, this time known as 'Global Cortex' * * Armored Core 3 Portable * Armored Core: Silent Line - Following the destruction of the machine-run society of Layered, mankind seems to be back on it's feet, and has begun repopulating above-ground cities. All seems to be well, and reconnaissance teams are sent out frequently, to determine what has changed. One area, however, seems to be unable to be scouted, and is dubbed the 'Silent Line,' as all communications past that point go silent. As a Raven of Global Cortex, you're employed to find out what is behind all this. * Armored Core: Silent Line Portable * Armored Core: Nexus - Years have passed since the incident at Silent Line, but as always, the corporations are still at war with each other. Navis, a new corporation, is obviously much smaller than it's competitors, but has complete control over a new resource. As a Raven of Raven's Ark, you are employed by various corporations to deal with this. * Armored Core: Nine Breaker- During a rare lull in the war between corporations, humanity is finally in a state of relative peace. All the world is happy for this change, save one organization. This organization does not want the world to return to the state of constant war, but does not want the Ravens, who will man the front lines in the event of a future emergency, to become complacent. The goals of this organization are- to hone the skills of the best, and provide a sufficient, capable fighting force should the need arise again in the future. Often thought of as the worst game in the series. * Armored Core: Formula Front - As the newly hired architect for a new team in the Formula Front league, your job is to design and assemble the team's ACs. * Armored Core: Last Raven - In the wake of Navis' attempt to recover and use lost technology, the world has been left in ruins. The major corporations have merged into one super-corporation known as 'The Alliance.' Fed up with corporate rule and oppression, one Raven known as Jack-O forms an organization of his fellow Ravens known as Vertex, out of the ashes of the Raven's Ark. After collecting a sizable force, he declares he will announce an all-out war with The Alliance in 24 hours. Leading the opposing force, a Raven known as Evangel has created an equally large force to combat him. You are approached by both forces and will ultimately be the one to take down The Alliance, or uphold the corporate rule. * Armored Core: Last Raven Portable Armored Core 4 - The human population experienced an exponential increase, putting a strain on global food supply. As populations increased, so did the gap between the rich and the poor. The governments of the world began to lose control of their populations, and the six major corporations stepped in, declaring an all-out war. Using advanced AC technology known as NEXT that relies on Kojima Armor, they toppled the world's governments in less than a month, and worked out a new system of government, Pax Economica. Under this system, loyalty to the corporations provides one with food and shelter, essentially forcing people to be slaves. The Ravens have essentially been destroyed, and most pilots are either forced to patrol the colonies for meager pay, or side with one of the armed rebellion groups. * Armored Core: For Answer - After the events of Armored Core 4, the desolation and destruction of the surface via pollution of both Kojima particles and production has forced many portions of humanity, but especially the rich and powerful, to live in aerial Cradles to avoid the pollution of the surface. The NEXT pilots, known as Lynx and organized by Collared, feared and renowned for their skills, have been left on the polluted surface to rot and fight in the perpetual wars. However, not everyone's going to stand for this for long. Armored Core V - After long, bloody war has polluted most of the Earth, humanity is sequestered in a portion of land that has grown into a large Megapolis simply called The City. Led by a despotic ruler called "Father", The City manages to get by even during harshest of conflicts, except when the local La RĂ©sistance takes matters into their own hands and initiates a coup. The prologue story opens with the bitter defeat of the Resistance, but later, they rose up again, emboldened by the addition of a very skilled AC pilot: you. However, things get more complicated with the introduction of a nefarious third party called The Corporation, seemingly aiding the rule of Father by supplying them with strange, often powerful technology, while at the same time, pursuing the Player Character relentlessly. Armored Core V is an online team-based multiplayer game in the same vein to Chrome Hounds. Furthermore, the eponymous Armored Cores seem to have been scaled down to a "mere" 5 meters tall, as well as making it grittier and, making them very reminiscent to Front Mission wanzers. The story for the single-player campaign mode is told through 9 lengthy Story Missions. After the conclusion of the main storyline however, the player character, and the two Mission Control character banded together to become freelance mercenaries Walking the Earth, narrated through simpler bite-sized Order Missions, amounting to an astounding 83 of them. Here too however, it follows a less-detailed B-plot detailing one of the main character's origins, the Mercenary organization Men of Honor, and a band of 13 powerful AC pilots called the Zodiac. New to the series is the ability (at a cost) to essentially repair, rearm, and remodify your AC in the middle of any Story Missions on pre-set places. Also different is the big change in controls; ACs capable of raw, astounding speed are no longer the norm. Instead, the terrain plays a very important role as ACs can now walljump quickly from places to places, and most maps feature very detailed and varying terrain unlike its predecessor. The new mechs even feature a function to essentially kick any targets, dealing damage according to speed and weight of the AC. The online gameplay has been described as "mech game meets Tower Defense", in which most online interaction between teams of player are measured in territorial assaults and controls, most of them involving invading a map guarded by turrets. If the invasion is intercepted however, the game switches into Team Deathmatch mode that pits a maximum of 5v5 players, 4 as Ravens, one as Mission Control complete with its own battle overview map. In addition, special events include Extra Missions that pit a maximum of four players against a variety of gigantic Bosses, some of which had a variant within Story Missions. Armored Cores are the titular highly-advanced, mechanized fighting vehicle (mech) utilized in the Armored Core game series. Armored Cores are almost always the deciding factor in battles they present themselves in, and possess extraordinary firepower for their size and weight. The exact size for an Armored Core (typically abbreviated "AC") is highly variable, but the given average height for a Fourth Generation AC is about 10 meters (approximately 32.8 feet) tall, and the current Fifth Generation is slated to be at an average of 5 meters (approximately 16.4 feet) tall. Armored Cores can be classified into generations, running parallel to consecutive games, to gauge how their capabilities improved or increased in variety as the series progressed. The first generations of Armored Core were unsophisticated, largely designed for straight, face-to-face combat, whereas newer model Armored Cores are extremely fast and deadly, capable of leveling armies in a single, devastating volley of fire. This can be demonstrated by the stark contrast in generational gap shown by Armored Core 4: a Fourth Generation AC is capable of dispatching most of its First Generation enemies in one shot, and can often destroy whole squads of opposing "Normals" in seconds. The Current Fifth is half the size of previous armored cores but maintains a majority of their abilities in one form or another.