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Fanon Vacation/Eps. 27
They woke up again. Mrs. P: Karma, Clyde, Timer, Toadtool, 3.14, Yoshbert, Mick Cool! Work time! The others went to the beach. FM and BJ started to follow, but Mrs. P stopped them. Mrs. P: You two, too. FM and BJ: Aw. . . Mrs. P: Cherry and Ybrik, you watch for bloopers. I think I can trust you. Cherry and Ybrik: Yes ma'am! The others went to the beach. Meanwhile, FM was angrily muttering under his breath. FM: "You two, too." Meh. How was I supposed to know Grooper was going to come? BJ: You said the chant, remember? FM: So what? BJ: We agreed to say the chant when we want the Bloopers. Everyone: Huh?!
n6: n7:
They woke up again. Mrs. P: Karma, Clyde, Timer, Toadtool, 3.14, Yoshbert, Mick Cool! Work time! The others went to the beach. FM and BJ started to follow, but Mrs. P stopped them. Mrs. P: You two, too. FM and BJ: Aw. . . Mrs. P: Cherry and Ybrik, you watch for bloopers. I think I can trust you. Cherry and Ybrik: Yes ma'am! The others went to the beach. Meanwhile, FM was angrily muttering under his breath. FM: "You two, too." Meh. How was I supposed to know Grooper was going to come? BJ: You said the chant, remember? FM: So what? BJ: We agreed to say the chant when we want the Bloopers. Suddenly they all saw PJ's small boat arriving. Everyone: Huh?! PJ runs up in terror when he sees the hotel. PJ: What happened? Karma: A Syndaquill that's allergic of Bloopers sneezed and it caught on fire, then it burnt down. PJ: Well, stop your work! It's time for the SUPER CHALLENGE! Timer: Oh right! I forgot about these. . . Karma: Why am I here? Wasn't I deleted? PJ: You're still in FV. Anyway, time to make teams! Mrs. P: Uh, PJ, we need to rebuild the hotel. If you'll come back tomorrow, when we're done. . . PJ: Well, ok. Seeya! He left. The others went back to what they were doing. That night the hotel was rebuilt. They saw everything in it was unharmed and went back to sleep.