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Attack Of The Ghost Krab
Attack Of The Ghost Krab is the fifth episode of Squidbond & Plank007. * Squidbond * Plank007 * Ghost Krab Story Plank007 and Squidbond check out the Ghost Krab as he plans a attack. "3... 2... 1..." A voice whispered in the cold. The door burst open to find a interior room. "What the hell." The voice said, revealing it to be Squidbond himself. "Boo." A ghastly voice told him and another agent, Plank007. "Who was that?" Squidbond shouted as the door closed itself. "Right, stop playing games." "Okay." The ghastly voice agreed, it appeared itself to be a ghost. The ghastly voice laughed.
n4: n6: n7:
Attack Of The Ghost Krab is the fifth episode of Squidbond & Plank007. * Squidbond * Plank007 * Ghost Krab Story Plank007 and Squidbond check out the Ghost Krab as he plans a attack. "3... 2... 1..." A voice whispered in the cold. The door burst open to find a interior room. "What the hell." The voice said, revealing it to be Squidbond himself. "Boo." A ghastly voice told him and another agent, Plank007. "Who was that?" Squidbond shouted as the door closed itself. "Right, stop playing games." "Okay." The ghastly voice agreed, it appeared itself to be a ghost. "Open Fire!" Squidbond roared as he shot until the bullets landed on the floor. The ghastly voice laughed. "What is he laughing at?" Plank007 asks Squidbond. "I'm a ghost, the bullets will land on the floor." The ghastly voice told them. "Commander Eugene Krabs at your service." "From now on, I'm going to call you 'Ghost Krabs'." Plank007 calls him. "Sounds nice, I'll keep it." Ghost Krab recalls. [incomplete]