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{Disappointed, trying to salvage the situation} I ain't asking you to do it for free. {Busting with excitement} Now's our time, listeners, justice is coming to Goodneighbor. You'll see. {Fragile, trying to share something painful / Apologetic} It's just that the show... Well, it helped me through some pretty tough times, you know? {Happy} This. This means a lot to me. {A little despairing, pleading} You know how much things have fallen. How much we got to fight for. To make the place b-better. So you in? {Explaining - AUDIO F/X NOTE: Rapid knocking on the door at end of line} It's on. {Apologetic, pleading} The Shroud's motivated by justice, not caps. Please, you gotta help. {Understanding / Sad} Oh, sure. But check back later. {Enthusing about the PC} You look great in the costume. {A little unsteady / Grateful} No one else would help me find the costume. Even though it sounds crazy, you cared. {Busting with excitement} Another special update! No, it wasn't Bobby No-Nose who offed AJ and his goons. {Slightly apologetic} Sorry, Shroud. I don't have any upgrades ready. {Enthusing - RE-RECORD - really pump up the appreciation / Happy} You're going to do this? For real? {Excited then a little pleading, trying to convince the PC / Happy} And they actually got one, here in Boston. They made it for the TV show. Will you help? {Happy} These poly-laminate plates give serious protection. It ain't no power armor, but it's the best I can do. {A little desperate} I can give you some caps up front. Just promise you'll help me. {Chipper, trying to persuade the player} You ready to help? The bad guys aren't going to defeat themselves. Goodneighbor needs the Silver Shroud. { Excited} You better believe it! {Growing excited / Happy} Maybe at least I can keep tinkering, though. To try and make your Shroud costume even better. You'd remember him if you heard his show. They're the best detective stories in the whole world. {Excited} The Silver Shroud returns and he's going to clean up the streets. {A little pleading, desperate} If it'll get you to help. Sure. I-I may be able to scrounge up a couple things. {Miserable, beginning bit he's referring to the PC doing very bad things - so delicate / Depressed} Nothing went the way it was supposed to. AJ. Kendra. And this. I just want to go home. {Sad} You don't need to tell me that twice. {A little pleading, disappointed in the player} The Shroud's meant to make the world better, not worse. {Growing resolve} So much evil in the world. We got to keep fighting, I guess. {Thankful, thoughtful - a little frail} I been thinking about what you and Hancock said. I've decided I can't give up. But I'm no fighter. {Bubbly} I been working on improvements for the costume. You ready for me to get to work? {Idealistic, self-conscious} I just have to do something, you know? {Excited the player knows / Happy} Yeah, that's the one. They found him in an iceberg off the harbor. {A little outraged} No, he's going to do something about it. AJ's selling to kids. And his chems have k-killed people. {Excited - promising a treat to his fans } If you want to see the Silver Shroud in action, stay near Whitechapel Charlie. {Despondent, in pain / Sad} I just give up. On all of it. Crime-fighting just isn't what I thought it'd be. {Disappointed} I kept hoping you'd live up to the Silver Shroud. {Thinking} Maybe... Maybe one day we'll write another. { Breaking news story} And now a special update. The villainous assassin Kendra was recently spotted at the Third Rail. {Excited} You're back. {Sad} No. Well, maybe I would've locked the door. {Excited at the prospect / Friendly} Come back later, OK? I got some more ideas. {Delirious, recovering from being tortured} Please... make it stop... {Extremely excited, just got something priceless } There she is! Pretty as the posters. The Silver Shroud costume herself. {Grateful} I'm gonna need some time. To heal, you know? But then I got a special project in mind - just for you. {Proud, pleased} There's nothing more I can do. That armor is as good as it's going to get. {Concerned} You hear that? Sounds like the Silver Shroud has another bad guy to deal with. {A little imploring} Doing the right thing is never easy, but we gotta to make Goodneighbor a better place. {Coy} Oh, I have an idea who should wear it. {A little fragile, thankful / Grateful} You helped me out when everyone else just laughed at me. And you're from the olden days, like me. {Excited, then crashes to nervousness / Happy} After all these years, the Silver Shroud is born again! But... there's just one problem. {Proud, excited} I've built my own custom machine gun. Even better than the one in the show. {Excited} The Shroud's sure to interrogate him to find the evil-doer's whereabouts. I got a special delivery for you. Come see me at the Memory Den. {Very excited and impressed / Surprised} Oh man, that's amazing. You're just like Mister Abominable from Episode 83. {Geek enthusing about geek stuff} You should. They're the best detective stories in the whole world. {Getting excited} We're patrolling streets. Meeting with the mayor. Just like the radio show. { Breaking story} You hear the gunshots outside the gates? {Over the moon / Happy} And memorabilia, too? You're something else. Together with my gun, everything's all set. {Tries to build up to an excited revelation} Then you heard the work of... the Silver Shroud! {Enthusing / Happy} What? You already have it? There she is. Pretty as the posters. The Silver Shroud costume herself. {Trying over-hard to get others excited} So don't be shy. You hear of an evil plan? A nefarious scheme? See Kent Connolly at the Memory Den. {Happy} Got a new flak jacket to put under the trenchcoat. Old war military issue type stuff. You just got to see it in action. {Miserable / Depressed} I knew it was bad out there... But this, I don't even think the Silver Shroud himself could fix this disaster area. { Enthused, VERY excited. AUDIO F/X: Goes on air at the beginning of this line} Great. Great! The Silver Shroud's dispatched justice already. Miss Selmy has been avenged! {Happy} Ma made a 12 pound turkey. And then we all listened to, "The Silver Shroud vs. Captain Cosmos." Even pa was there. {Grudging sincerity - the PC did BAAAD things} But you saved me and all, so I do wish you the best. {Bitter} Maybe you got to get your hands dirty to do anything in this crazy mixed up world. {Worn out, recovering from being tortured} I just need time to recover, you know? {Geeking out, excited - he thinks Manta Man is lame!} He's the best. Better th-than Grognak and Manta Man combined. { Excited!} The Silver Shroud's bringing justice to Goodneighbor. You bad guys better look out. {Has been tortured, just rescued by the PC - very shaky / InPain} I never been so happy to see anyone in my entire life! {Reverent about the costume, hesitant / Happy} But to make this work, I still need the most important piece. The genuine Silver Shroud costume herself. {Recalling a very bad time, clearly he's not really over it} Mainly I focused on survival. It got real bad after the bombs fell. For a long while... I tried not to think of the good old days. {Unsteady / InPain} I thought I was done for, for sure. {Very excited} All these years and I'm this close to bringing the Silver Shroud to life. Thanks, guys. {RE-RECORD - He struggles and manages to get the gun out of his mouthQuick warning, he doesn't think he'll have much time to speak - Terrified} Don't do it, Shroud, it's a trap. Save yourself! {Interested } Oh, you're not Irma. {A little concerned} Where's the armor, Shroud? {Friendly, generous} Cost? Free, of course. After all we've been through, I wouldn't have it any other way. {Happy} I salvaged some mint combat armor and these plates should really be a step up in protection. {Thinking / Happy} Let me see... Calling all Silver Shroud fans. I got an urgent mission. If you're a true fan stop by the Memory Den and t-talk to Kent Connolly. {Elated / Happy} Together with my gun, everything's all set. {Trying to get through to the player, idealistic} With the gun, I'm just another armed hooligan. But if the Silver Shroud came to life and helped people it would give everyone hope. {Geeking out} He was a cave man. Got frozen in an iceberg from prehistoric times. When they thawed him out he went on a rampage. {Disappointed, hopeful / Sad} It's not like I'm asking you to dress up as Grognak the Barbarian. I'll be here if you change your mind. {Sad} I was t-tortured. Almost died. It's not like the radio plays at all. {Trying to convince the player } We're going to make this a decent place to live again. { Talking with someone in the booth, trying to get PC's attention} Friend of the show, Jerry, is here. {Despairing, pleading} The whole world's fallen. Fallen hard. We got to fight to make the place b-better. So you in? {Then springs the question, then excited} You up for being the Silver Shroud? You already got your own origin story and everything. What with the cryovault and all. {Still coming off being so happy - excited} Before the bombs fell, they were filming the Silver Shroud pilot over at Hubris Comics. {Excited but nervous} Another headliner. Hancock seeks a special meeting with our hero, the Silver Shroud. ... {Solemn promise} Death is coming for you, Wayne. {Happy} There she is! Pretty as the posters. The Silver Shroud costume herself. {Soft "No" to the player asking for more money} When you're done I got a reward all squared away. Will you just help me out? {Despondent} Too bad. Th-The city could use you. Here me out a second. I've come to realize something. {Confused, disbelief / Disbelief} You mean, when they first aired? How? The last broadcast was hundreds of years ago. {Miserable, Really punch the gratitude at the end, the PC saved his life} I'm going back to Goodneighbor. If you need anything, Shroud, just drop by. And thanks. {A little unsteady / Sad} Sadly, that's not the first time I've heard that. {Geeking out, excited} He's from the radio shows! I've listened to all 419 episodes. And the holiday special. {Unsteady, hopes getting dashed} I'm not so sure this is all going to work. {A little dubious in the last question} Oh sure, there are a lot of us ghouls that lived back then. But none of us look as good as you. Are you really that old? {Confident about the first, uncertain about the second / Friendly} The armor plating is good, but it could be better. {Still disappointed, but perks up at the end} Me wearing the suit is probably a terrible idea. But... {Trying to be hopeful} Things may look bad, but we got to try and make it better. I got a question for you. {Bitter-sweet} It was just great... to see the Shroud in action. Even for a little while. I'll fire up my radio station if I make any progress. {Busting with excitement} It was the Silver Shroud! See his calling card if you don't believe me. {Then springs the question, then excited} You up for being the Silver Shroud? You're just like him! Except you probably haven't been in a blimp shot down by mobsters. {Hopeful, uncertain / Happy} And maybe I can make a few other improvements. {Nervous, fearing the PC killed someone innocent} Word is Cato's last mark got whacked. Please tell me you had nothing to do with it. {Urgent, sorrow over Selmy - grim} Everyone heard how Wayne Delancy m-murdered poor Miss Selmy and her kid, over a few lousy caps. {Defensive, insistent} I know how it sounds. {Excited, then a little bit down} I'll call in any bad guys I see. Sadly, in Goodneighbor that won't take long. {Takes it too heart, but too much pain right now / Depressed} You... You're right. But I'm tired. I just want to go home. Listen, the costume's at Hubris Comics. You get that and there'll be some caps in it for you. If not, I-I understand. {Disappointed in a puppy dog sort of way, the player helped a scummy drug dealer} You made a deal with Rex? We were supposed to be stopping him. {Miserable / Depressed} I just want to go home. {Takes the criticism, fragilely trying to continue} Yeah, yeah. But I-I do have a better idea who should wear it. {Excited} Kendra won't be murdering nobody no more because the Shroud delivered his final justice. {Thinking / Apologetic} If you don't got the costume, Shroud, not much I can do. I'll be here when you get it. {Miserable, beginning bit he's referring to the PC doing very bad things - so delicate} But there ain't no good people left. The way you... Well, with AJ and Kendra. I just want to go home. {Afraid} I... I can't... I'm just... {Muffled "Yes" - said with a gun in his mouth, scared} *Kent makes a "yes" sound while a gun is in his mouth.* {Geeking out} It took the Shroud and Manta Man combined to take him down. {Wistful, starry-eyed / Happy} You ever listen to the Silver Shroud? That's who we need. No matter how bleak things got he'd save the day. {Busting with excitement} Calling all Silver Shroud fans. A once in a lifetime announcement. So that's where you'll find it. You're the best. {A little dejected} The Shroud's supposed to be a hero. Not a villain. {Voice raised - someone's opened the door, Anxious, excited} You got the Memory Pod loaded up? {Excited / Happy} Here's some... calling cards, I guess. When you dispatch justice leave them behind. That way everyone knows the Silver Shroud has returned. {Happy} It's been a pleasure, Shroud, truly. You stay safe. {Grateful} Things didn't always go the way I pictured... but thanks, Shroud, for saving my life. {Thinking} He'd... He'd. Episode 23. {Raised volume, irritated - AUDIO F/X NOTE: Even louder rapid knocking on the door at end of line} We're recording in here. {Excited, nervous - slightly pleading} The Shroud's gone away on an important mission, but don't lose heart. He'll be back. {A little dejected} Things really aren't getting better. { Irritated, interrupted in his broadcast - AUDIO F/X: Goes off air at the end of this line} Aw, man. {Very, very excited / Happy} The costume and gun are yours. So, you patrol Goodneighbor's streets and I'll call in any crimes on my radio station. {Stumbling a bit, then excited} S-Sorry. But you know the show, best detective stories in the world. {Insecure, assumes he did something wrong} You drifting off there? People do that with me. Sometimes. {Nervous, a little guilty } Be careful. The comic book store is in a real bad part of town. {Still feeling the pain} Just too painful. But it's all we got now, so we got to try and make it better. I got a question for you. {Busting with excitement} It's happening. Even the doubters got to believe - the Shroud's flesh and blood. {Growing excited} That's just... great! {A little nervous, insecure} Uh. We still talking? {He's interrupted as armed men barge in, a little panicked} She won't be... Wh-What? Oh god, what's happening? {Wistful} Maybe one day... I'll start working on some new gadgets. {Unsteady / InPain} You and me both, Shroud. But I don't know... {Thinking aloud} Maybe one day I could... Hmmm... {Confusion, alarm - cut off as a gun is put in his mouth} Wh-What are you doing? Wh... errg... Here. I wasn't gonna welsh on our deal. {Excited} Just listen to the radio station, Shroud. {A little disappointed, gets over it fast / Thinking} Now you're just playing with me. Though, that would be pretty neat. You know what would be even neater? {Emphasize "real". Very excited. About to spring a surprise next line - so a little coy. / Conspiratorial} What if the Silver Shroud was real? With his black trench coat and gleaming silver submachine gun? {Outrage at Kendra's atrocities} The same Kendra who bombed Little Joe's shack and killed four innocent drifters. { Proud, happy} Here's a Silver Shroud update. In case you missed it, Kendra's reign of terror is over. {Unsteady, in pain / InPain} My leg is killing me. But it could of been so much worse. {Excited!} Change is coming to Goodneighbor! {This is hard for him to admit, recognizing he can't live his dream / Depressed} I'm just not Silver Shroud material. I could be Rhett Reinhart or-or his butler Jarvey Blake. But the Shroud is strong, capable. {Wishing the PC listened to him} I hope you try to do the right thing. Even when it ain't easy. {Gushing about his life's work} I'm still working that out. Some details I want to run by you. Well, after you give me the costume, that is. Calling the Silver Shroud. Calling the Silver Shroud. {Trying to empathize with the PC} Boy, if you just woke up. The world these days, must take some getting used to. { Excited} So, Jerry. Go on. Tell the listeners about what we were talking about. {Excited / Happy} Time to fight crime! {Apologetic, then excited / Apologetic} Oh sorry. I can't do nothing now. I'll fire up my radio when I have something for you. {Putting this simply} We can't let AJ kill kids. {Happy to recollect the Good Ol' Days / Sad} Reliving old memories. Like Thanksgiving 2071. {Trying to reassure the player, worried} Whatever it's about, be careful Shroud, we're all with you. {Disappointed, a little dejected} People are talking about the Shroud. And not in a good way. {Bubbling with excitement, dreamy / Happy} I got a plan to bring him to life. So he can fight bad guys and give the rest of us a symbol of something better. {Appreciative} You got no idea how much this means to me. {Despair at the beginning / Sad} Yeah, there's so much crime. And violence. What we need is a real hero. I got a question for you. {Trying to be persuasive} You suit up and clean the streets. Together, we can make a real difference. You'll see. So you in? The Silver Shroud needs you. {RE-RECORD: Really need to sell he's been shot and is now panicking. Think Reservoir Dogs pain/blubberyHe's just been shot and now he's panicking} Oww, oww, oww! Oh my god, do it, Shroud. Do it. My knee! Ahh! {Coy and excited} I got a better idea who should wear it. {Bitter-sweet} We had a good run of it, didn't we? {Considering, then bitter / Sad} Maybe in some parts. Like Diamond City. But over here. We got a ways to go. I got a question for you. {Miserable, has completely given up} I'm going back to Goodneighbor. Really, thanks for saving me. But I'm just done. {Excited at the prospect} We still got a lot of work to do. {Thankful, thoughtful - a little frail} I ain't ready to get back out there and fight crime... But I've been thinking. {Trying to get others excited as he is} Until then, do what *you* can to help Goodneighbor. Together, we can do it! {Bitter / Sad} It's rough in the best of days. B-But now... {Despairing, acknowledging weakness / Sad} Goodneighbor's crazy. Thefts, m-murders, worse. Sometimes you just got to escape a little to make it through the day. {Bitter / Sad} N-No argument here.
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Player Default: But there ain't no good people left. The way you... Well, with AJ and Kendra. I just want to go home. Player Default: I'm not dressing up in tights, pal. Radio_Kent: This is the Shroud's headquarters? So you must be the Silver Shroud's little friend. Radio_Kent: Another special update! No, it wasn't Bobby No-Nose who offed AJ and his goons. Radio_Kent: We're recording in here. Player Default: What sort of upgrades are we talking about? Player Default: Are you all right? Radio_Kent: The Silver Shroud returns and he's going to clean up the streets. Player Default: I haven't listen to the show. Player Default: I'm in, Kent. Player Default: What's your plan, exactly? Player Default: What would the Shroud be without his faithful friend Rhett Reinhart? Radio_Kent: Calling all Silver Shroud fans. A once in a lifetime announcement. Radio_Kent: Here's a Silver Shroud update. In case you missed it, Kendra's reign of terror is over. Player Default: Who's Mister Abominable? Player Default: I'm still not interested. Player Default: It's rough in the best of days. B-But now... Player Default: First the reward, then I'll give you the costume. Player Default: That sounds familiar. Player Default: Aren't there other survivors from that time? NPCMKentConnolly: I been thinking about what you and Hancock said. I've decided I can't give up. But I'm no fighter. Kent: I just have to do something, you know? Radio_Kent: On your knees, dirtbag. Player Default: Really? After all this, you're just giving up? Player Default: You know you're completely nuts, right? PlayerVoiceFemale01: I got your costume, Kent. And some other goodies you might like. Player Default: Don't sell yourself short. Player Default: Good on you for trying to make the world better. Player Default: Wasn't he... a cave man? Kent: But to make this work, I still need the most important piece. The genuine Silver Shroud costume herself. Radio_Kent: Don't do it, Shroud, it's a trap. Save yourself! Radio_Kent: The Silver Shroud's bringing justice to Goodneighbor. You bad guys better look out. Player Default: That's an understatement. Player Default: Oh sorry. I can't do nothing now. I'll fire up my radio when I have something for you. Player Default: If you just quit then the bad guys have already won. Kent: After all these years, the Silver Shroud is born again! But... there's just one problem. Player Default: You and me both, Shroud. But I don't know... Player Default: I might do it if you make it worth my while. Player Default: This. This means a lot to me. Radio_Kent: You better believe it! Player Default: It's not like I'm asking you to dress up as Grognak the Barbarian. I'll be here if you change your mind. Radio_Kent: Another headliner. Hancock seeks a special meeting with our hero, the Silver Shroud. Player Default: What happens to the suit? Player Default: Not interested. Player Default: This whole Commonwealth is a... nightmare. Player Default: Maybe quitting is for the best. Player Default: You know, you should really speak plain English. Radio_Jerry: Says he's got a whole new market. Kids. Even with his garbage chems he's just raking in the caps. Player Default: As it happens, I already have your costume. Player Default: You know what would really get to Kent. Killing his friend, his hero. Right in front of him. Player Default: Why me? Player Default: Sure, Kent. You have a plan, all right. Radio_Kent: It was the Silver Shroud! See his calling card if you don't believe me. Player Default: The whole world's crazy. Player Default: What can you tell me about the Shroud? Player Default: That was close. Player Default: Looks like this chapter of the Silver Shroud is over. Player Default: How did you get used to... everything? Player Default: With all we've accomplished, would you have done anything different, Kent? Radio_Jerry: Shit? The Shroud offed Wayne? Wait. So this guy's actually for real? Radio_Kent: Aw, man. Player Default: You should. They're the best detective stories in the whole world. Radio_Kent: Everyone heard how Wayne Delancy m-murdered poor Miss Selmy and her kid, over a few lousy caps. KentConnolly: It's been a pleasure, Shroud, truly. You stay safe. Player Default: Escape? What do you mean? Player Default: Hancock's right. But still, it's better to stay out of the action. Kent: What if the Silver Shroud was real? With his black trench coat and gleaming silver submachine gun? Player Default: I got a better idea who should wear it. Player Default: If I go along with this, I could use a little extra. Player Default: Yeah, that's the one. They found him in an iceberg off the harbor. Player Default: That's probably for the best. Player Default: I got to run. Player Default: I'm glad I got here in time. Hancock: Ah, Kent, my man. Why the long face? You got what you wanted. FinalSpeakers: So you like playing cops and robbers, Kent? Host: The Silver Shroud needs you. Player Default: It seems like people are finally rebuilding and recovering from the nuclear war. Player Default: What's that going to run me? Radio_Kent: If you want to see your friend alive, Shroud, meet me at Milton General Hospital. Player Default: What're you planning next? Player Default: I was in cryogenic storage for a long time. I only just woke up. Radio_Jerry: Is this thing on? Hello? Hello? Player Default: That's the first sane thing you've said. Radio_Kent: The same Kendra who bombed Little Joe's shack and killed four innocent drifters. Player Default: Do you really need the costume? Player Default: So, I'm a time traveler. I just got back from visiting George Washington. Radio_Jerry: And...? I don't get it. Radio_Kent: And now a special update. The villainous assassin Kendra was recently spotted at the Third Rail. Radio_Kent: It's on. Player Default: Then let's do this. Player Default: Here. I wasn't gonna welsh on our deal. Radio_Jerry: Uh... Why? This Shroud guy, he gonna muscle in on the chem trade now? Player Default: I don't want to get into it. Kent: The costume and gun are yours. So, you patrol Goodneighbor's streets and I'll call in any crimes on my radio station. Player Default: I'm thinking I'll keep the costume. Player Default: I hear you. It's a mess out there.
Radio_Jerry: Whatever. Radio_Kent: Everyone heard how Wayne Delancy m-murdered poor Miss Selmy and her kid, over a few lousy caps. Radio_Jerry: Right. So AJ, you know the chem dealer by Bobbi's? He's doing good for himself. Player Default: Good on you for trying to make the world better. Player Default: I'm in, Kent. Player Default: Then let's do this. Kent: There she is! Pretty as the posters. The Silver Shroud costume herself. Radio_Kent: Death is coming for you, Wayne. Player Default: I was in cryogenic storage for a long time. I only just woke up. KentConnolly: Come back later, OK? I got some more ideas. Player Default: Looks like I get to be the Shroud. KentConnolly: Maybe at least I can keep tinkering, though. To try and make your Shroud costume even better. Kent: I'm just not Silver Shroud material. I could be Rhett Reinhart or-or his butler Jarvey Blake. But the Shroud is strong, capable. Radio_Kent: Tick tock, Shroud. Don't keep me waiting. We got business that needs finishing. Kent: Things didn't always go the way I pictured... but thanks, Shroud, for saving my life. Radio_Kent: If you want to see your friend alive, Shroud, meet me at Milton General Hospital. Radio_Kent: So, Jerry. Go on. Tell the listeners about what we were talking about. Radio_Kent: And now a special update. The villainous assassin Kendra was recently spotted at the Third Rail. Radio_Kent: Now's our time, listeners, justice is coming to Goodneighbor. You'll see. Radio_Jerry: And...? I don't get it. Player Default: It seems like people are finally rebuilding and recovering from the nuclear war. Radio_Kent: Oww, oww, oww! Oh my god, do it, Shroud. Do it. My knee! Ahh! Player Default: Here you go. Kent: You ever listen to the Silver Shroud? That's who we need. No matter how bleak things got he'd save the day. Player Default: Wasn't he... a cave man? Radio_Kent: Whatever it's about, be careful Shroud, we're all with you. Radio_Jerry: Uh... Why? This Shroud guy, he gonna muscle in on the chem trade now? FinalSpeakers: Oh, your friend's arrived, Kent. Do you mind if call you Kent? Here's the thing about cops and robbers. The bad guys always win. Kent: I'm going back to Goodneighbor. Really, thanks for saving me. But I'm just done. Kent: After all these years, the Silver Shroud is born again! But... there's just one problem. Radio_Kent: Sinjin, all clear. Kent: I've built my own custom machine gun. Even better than the one in the show. Kent: Boy, if you just woke up. The world these days, must take some getting used to. Player Default: As it happens, I already have your costume. Radio_Kent: It was the Silver Shroud! See his calling card if you don't believe me. Player Default: I'm glad I got here in time. Kent: Here's some... calling cards, I guess. When you dispatch justice leave them behind. That way everyone knows the Silver Shroud has returned. Kent: The costume and gun are yours. So, you patrol Goodneighbor's streets and I'll call in any crimes on my radio station. Player Default: If you just quit then the bad guys have already won. Radio_Kent: On your knees, dirtbag. Host: Calling the Silver Shroud. Calling the Silver Shroud. Player Default: Don't sell yourself short. Hancock: Hey, who hasn't been tortured from time-to-time? The price of throwing down with the Man is always a few scars. Player Default: My family and I used to listen to every new episode. Radio_Kent: If you want to see the Silver Shroud in action, stay near Whitechapel Charlie. Radio_Kent: The same Kendra who bombed Little Joe's shack and killed four innocent drifters. Kent: And they actually got one, here in Boston. They made it for the TV show. Will you help? KentConnolly: These poly-laminate plates give serious protection. It ain't no power armor, but it's the best I can do. Player Default: I hear you. It's a mess out there. Kent: I just give up. On all of it. Crime-fighting just isn't what I thought it'd be. Kent: You up for being the Silver Shroud? You already got your own origin story and everything. What with the cryovault and all. Radio_Kent: The Silver Shroud returns and he's going to clean up the streets. Radio_Kent: She won't be... Wh-What? Oh god, what's happening? Kent: I got a plan to bring him to life. So he can fight bad guys and give the rest of us a symbol of something better. Kent: What if the Silver Shroud was real? With his black trench coat and gleaming silver submachine gun?
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