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Light Bee Light bee
To date, the only light bee to be seen in Sonic the Comic is one utilised by Rouge the Bat. The agent was paid by Master Scholar of the Drakon Empire to disrupt the Hill Top Zone's High Academy and destroy a priceless mural to lower morale. Prior to the actual operation, Rouge secretly visited the facility and installed a series of smoke bombs to cause panic. Then, from Twilight Towers, Rouge programmed the light bee to attend the ceremony, convincing the Household Keepers that Rouge was there. A Light Bee is a small hologram projector that projects hologramatic recreations of the dead, which contain the personalities of the deceased crew members. This small physical presence allows holograms to sit down on chairs and lie down on a bed and allows them to be carried when necessary, for example in the episode "Meltdown", when Rimmer needed to be held in order to be transported via the Matter Paddle with Kryten. The Inquisitor killed Rimmer by shooting his light bee with an energy beam. (RD: The Inquisitor)
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A Light Bee is a small hologram projector that projects hologramatic recreations of the dead, which contain the personalities of the deceased crew members. This small physical presence allows holograms to sit down on chairs and lie down on a bed and allows them to be carried when necessary, for example in the episode "Meltdown", when Rimmer needed to be held in order to be transported via the Matter Paddle with Kryten. It can be traced in order to facilitate rescue and upgraded easily, as Legion did when he installed the Hard Light Drive, and it is both waterproof and resistant to stomach acid, as demonstrated by Lister when he ate Rimmer's Light Bee, which may have implied that he knew this beforehand. Kryten first described Rimmer's light bee when the Dwarfers used the Matter Paddle to teleport to Waxworld. Because Rimmer was unable to touch the paddle, Kryten instead held Rimmer's light bee so they could scout ahead to see if the planet had a breathable atmosphere. When the light bee's projector was turned off, Rimmer was still able to speak in a mouse-like voice. After Rimmer detained Lister and The Cat and wiped out the entire population of the planet, Lister swallowed Rimmer's light bee, commenting that he'll come out in "a couple of days", even planning on eating a curry (implying that the light bee is waterproof and can withstand stomach acid). ("Meltdown") Lister, under the control of the Lows, reached inside High Rimmer's hologram to extract his light bee and crushed it in his hand. Rimmer's image faded away as he did this. ("Demons & Angels") The Inquisitor killed Rimmer by shooting his light bee with an energy beam. (RD: The Inquisitor) Kryten was seen thawing out Rimmer's light bee (which was apparently frozen for the past two centuries) in a cooking pot, then placing it on the floor in order to restart Rimmer. It was later seen again when Rimmer ran out of power. (RD: Psirens) Legion improved Rimmer's light bee such that it projected a hard light hologram, which finally allowed Rimmer to touch things and also made him nearly indestructible. ("Legion") The hologram version of Ace Rimmer is last seen in the form of his light bee, which is sent off in a little pod to an entire graveyard of, presumably, other Ace light bees or cremated ashes, forming the ring of a planet. ("Stoke Me A Clipper") In order to force a reluctant Rimmer into going through the dimension portal, Katerina Bartokovsky uses a holo-remote to force his light bee into it, causing it to ricochet around the television store on the other side. ("Back to Earth: Part 2") Rimmer's light bee can be seen for a brief second when The Creator shoots him and the others in his plan for their end. (RD: Back To Earth, Part Three) Similar to Ace, the last shot seen of Howard Rimmer is his now non-functioning light bee. ("Trojan") When Rimmer is deactivated by an EMP wave, his light bee can be seen. ("Twentica"). * Meltdown * The Inquisitor * Demons & Angels * Psirens * Legion * Stoke Me a Clipper * Back to Earth, Part Two * Back To Earth, Part Three * Trojan * Twentica To date, the only light bee to be seen in Sonic the Comic is one utilised by Rouge the Bat. The agent was paid by Master Scholar of the Drakon Empire to disrupt the Hill Top Zone's High Academy and destroy a priceless mural to lower morale. Prior to the actual operation, Rouge secretly visited the facility and installed a series of smoke bombs to cause panic. Then, from Twilight Towers, Rouge programmed the light bee to attend the ceremony, convincing the Household Keepers that Rouge was there. The device was first activated once it had passed the security gates. From a security camera, Dunzi spotted her and ordered Wals and Ingham to intercept, but believed she had teleported away before they could apprehend her. In reality, the hologram had shut down with contact from their weapons and the bee was free to visit another area. It switched on once again inside the Venerable Palace, leading the Bounder Brigade to begin an all-out assault on her. They were again confounded when the bee deactivated, despite her appearance being on the cameras. The light bee committed its final actions inside the main auditorium, appearing to activate the smoke bombs (presumably actually detonated from elsewhere). Dunzi and the Keepers faced off against "her" and retaliated when Rouge appeared to shoot Dunzi. The bullets sailed through the hologram and destroyed the mural, leaving the light bee nothing else to do but switch off for good.