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Chinese Federation (Cruenta Humanitas)
The Republic of China The meteoric rise of the People’s Republic China (just the Republic of China since Taiwan renounced its claims in 2029) in the early 21st century saw it supersede the USA in GDP in 2023, and the demands of its industry and the flexing of political muscle shaped the course of geopolitics for almost fifty years. Although the global stage has since become far more balanced, China remains the world’s largest economy. It has the world’s third largest population after the Indian Federation and the African Union, second if only fully autonomous states are included, and yet unlike similarly populous nations which are still relatively poor, China’s population is made up of an almost ubiquitous, affluent middle class.
n4: n5:
The Republic of China The meteoric rise of the People’s Republic China (just the Republic of China since Taiwan renounced its claims in 2029) in the early 21st century saw it supersede the USA in GDP in 2023, and the demands of its industry and the flexing of political muscle shaped the course of geopolitics for almost fifty years. Although the global stage has since become far more balanced, China remains the world’s largest economy. It has the world’s third largest population after the Indian Federation and the African Union, second if only fully autonomous states are included, and yet unlike similarly populous nations which are still relatively poor, China’s population is made up of an almost ubiquitous, affluent middle class. After World War III, Chinese population exploded into violent protest all along the country, providing instability for a coup that later transformed the country into the strong democracy that it is today. This Second Chines Revolution is also known as the Dragon's Awakening. As the world’s greatest economic power, China’s struggles to maintain this lead have had major impacts worldwide. Competition for resources and territory in Eastern Russia resulted in the Sino-Russian War and almost a decade of unchecked proxy warfare in Central Asia. Chinese backing for the Pakistani military coup in the late 2040s resulted in the Indian occupation there and ultimately the collapse of Pakistan. Chinese competition with Indian influence in Africa has been identified as a cause of the Sub-Saharan War. The EAA formed so that the developing South-East Asian and Pacific economies might remain competitive. Decades of power struggles left China largely without political allies (with the exception of Russia, a former enemy)by the 2080s, thus limiting its ability to wield political power, but it continued to play a major role in the global economy as a trading partner for India, numerous states throughout South-East Asia and the USA. There are hints of improvement yet China continues to deny independence for those living in the Mongolian (annexed in 2042), Tibetan and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Regions, rather it formed a federation (after the second revolution) with full autonomy for those republics.