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The Long Road Home/Chapter Five
Roland calls him insane and the king finally loses patience with him and tries to make him bow to him by torturing him. Sheemie feels the wickedness being carried out and follows it to its source and attacks the Crimson King. He and Roland flee from Le Casse Roi Russe and Roland returns back to his world. However Sheemie is nowhere to be seen. Much of what happened to Roland in the sphere is forgotten by him and he takes the night watch while Cuthbert and Alain sleep. However he doesn't watch his surroundings, but instead watches Maerlyn's Grapefruit with undying attention.
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Roland calls him insane and the king finally loses patience with him and tries to make him bow to him by torturing him. Sheemie feels the wickedness being carried out and follows it to its source and attacks the Crimson King. He and Roland flee from Le Casse Roi Russe and Roland returns back to his world. However Sheemie is nowhere to be seen. Much of what happened to Roland in the sphere is forgotten by him and he takes the night watch while Cuthbert and Alain sleep. However he doesn't watch his surroundings, but instead watches Maerlyn's Grapefruit with undying attention. They finally reach Gilead to find the city in mourning as the agents of Farson sent news of the gunslingers' deaths to the city. Roland meets his father who notices he has been changed, and not for the better and cries his pardon. Cuthbert and Alain nearly tell his father that he carries the Grapefruit, but they keep their mouths shut. It ends with Roland alone in his room, staring intently into the Grapefruit once more.