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Emerald Vol 1 11
Cynthia Dwarn enters her husband’s lab. She looks above herself, seeing a metallic suit sticking to the ceiling. She is shocked when it talks to her. Dwarn: Cynthia! I finally did it! I made it stick to surfaces! It’s amazing! It’s spectacular! Cynthia: It scared me. Be careful when you get down. Dwarn removes his legs, then flopping them down, and then detached his his hands, and made a sturdy drop to the ground. Dwarn: I’m learning to control this. Look, Cynthia! It can spray sticky material as well! Dwarn: Of course! David would be impressed. David: You finally finished it? ~~ Stephanie: Why? ~~ ~~
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The Fate of Three
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The Showdown between Emerald and Virus commences!
Cynthia Dwarn enters her husband’s lab. She looks above herself, seeing a metallic suit sticking to the ceiling. She is shocked when it talks to her. Dwarn: Cynthia! I finally did it! I made it stick to surfaces! It’s amazing! It’s spectacular! Cynthia: It scared me. Be careful when you get down. Dwarn removes his legs, then flopping them down, and then detached his his hands, and made a sturdy drop to the ground. Dwarn: I’m learning to control this. Look, Cynthia! It can spray sticky material as well! He sprays a clear liquid, which becomes a sticky substance. It stops a spider on the wall from walking down. He squishes the spider with his arm. The armor removes the sticky substance just fine. Dwarn: I made it so this armor could not get stuck with the material as well. That would be inconvenient. Cynthia: Well, Seth, I need to drive our son to school. Do you wanna say anything to him before he goes? Dwarn: Of course! David would be impressed. Dwarn goes to his son’s room. David is all packed for school. His eyes widen as he sees his father in the armor he created. David: You finally finished it? Dwarn: Yes, I did, David. Expect to see this to be used all across the globe to rescue others and enforce peace. David: My friends would freak out about this thing! So it actually can stick to walls? Dwarn: Ask your mother about that. I need to remove this thing. It’s getting hot. David: Maybe fix some vents into there for air conditioning? Dwarn: That’s a wonderful idea! David smiles. Cynthia, his wonderful mother, jingles the keys, and David gets going. Dwarn: Of course, I already thought about that. Dwarn removes the helmet and looks at it. It’s shiny and new. Made of a incredibly versatile but hard plastic substance, no metals can pierce it. ~~ James slaps a folder near Stephanie, and her eyes bat toward it. She raises an eyebrow. Stephanie: What is this? James: Stuff I borrowed from JTC about this Virus guy. Stephanie: Did you steal this? James: Heavens no! I know Dwarn, remember? Stephanie: But does he know you’re? … Well you know. James: The only two people in the world who knows of my secret identity is me and you. YOUR secret identity, on the other hand, is in a crisis. Trusting people you don’t even know. Stephanie: I had no other choice. James: Yes. I shouldn’t be so harsh on you. Anyways, just look at these files. You should be prepared for that awards ceremony on your courage for saving the governor and our mayor. Stephanie: Oh yes! I picked out such a nice dress for it. James: You oughta bring your suit. Stephanie: Why? James: The Triad. They’re always there. Everyone knows about this awards ceremony. You need to be protected. Stephanie: But then I cannot dress up. James: Just bring it some way. I’ll be there too. I’ll be taking Carolina. Stephanie: Carolina? Why didn’t she come here first? James: Just something we arranged. Nothing too special about it. Stephanie gives him a look, and goes to pushing buttons on the register. Stephanie: Good day today. Must be for some awards ceremony going on. James: I would suppose so. James positions his bow tie while looking into a mirror. He smirks. James: Gotta dress to impress. ~~ Virus breathes heavily as he injects a needle into his system. He moans in a relief. A sense of pleasure enters into his body. Virus: That should hold me for a few hours. This is all I’m good for now. A horseman of pestilence. He breathes in and out slowly. He slowly regains strength and energy. He takes a suit he had and dressed up. He puts on his gloves, armed with his syringe claws and carrying a spare breathing mask in case he needed it. He gestures to his other Triad henchmen who are dressed up formally. Virus: This is going to be a bad case of Deja Vu. ~~ Stephanie arrives at the ceremony, dressed up in a beautiful grey velvet dress. She wears her Emerald necklace. She sees James holding his arm around Carolina’s as they come through the doors of the capitol building. They meet under the rotunda. Stephanie: So when did this happen? James: What? I’m being a gentleman. Do you object to that, Steph? Carolina: I don’t object to it. (She giggles.) Stephanie: I need to go meet with the mayor and governor. James, you need to come too. She tags James along with her. While looking in the crowd, she sees a familiar face, with stitches over it. It’s the Virus. Stephanie (whispering): James, we’re going to need to get the mayor and governor out of here. Possibly the citizens, too. James (whispering): Oh, those Triad men are persistent alright. I knew they’d show! Stephanie: I need to go get my costume. You warn the men of the hour. James: I can get my suit on faster. Stephanie: Doesn’t matter. This guy needs to be dealt with properly. Stephanie runs off, and James hurries to the governor and mayor. Brown: Oh, greetings Mr. Barmms! Mayor: Ah, the man of the hour! Where is your sister? James: No time for this, folks. Those terrorists from the park are back. Mayor: What!? James: Get everyone out of here this instant. Governor: But we planned everything! James: Do it. I recognize those men as the same ones. You must clear the crowd. Carolina looks at her watch, and heads up some of the stairs. Security comes in and tells everyone to break it up. The crowd begins to chatter and clusters toward the door. Virus, within the crowd, smiles. Virus pull out a capsule from his coat and breaks it on the floor within the crowd. Before the security captures him, a white cloud starts to fill the room. People begin to cough and fall to the floor, en masse. Many of the people’s skin starts to show a yellowish tint. Virus stands over the crowd, kicking some of them. One of the people coughs severely from the kick. He just laughs. Suddenly, he his met with a punch to the face. He collapses to the floor. He gets up and wipes off the blood on his lips. Emerald’s crystal is glowing bright, forcing Virus to squint in order to keep the light out of his eyes. She’s also wearing James’s ring to keep her immune. Virus: You! Ohoho you… Always getting in the way. He swipes at her with his syringe claw. She dodges. She tries to land a punch, but he dodges as well. He’s fast as usual. ~~ James makes it out to the back of the building. The mayor and governor are escorted by security while James looks back at the building. James: Carolina. I hope she is alright. Brown: Thank you for everything, sir! We’ll… We’ll just send the medals to you and your sister in the mail! Mayor: Yes! Salem has an amazing postal service! We’ll even pay for the shipping! Thank you, Barmms! James: You’re welcome! ~~ Emerald focuses on Virus. He’s wearing his mask now, in order to block out the bright light and breathe his illness. Virus: You’re quite the fine looking young lady, Emerald! Emerald: Thanks, you look like a truck hit you! Virus slashes her arm, but it gets covered by crystal. The tips of his syringes break. He is stunned. Emerald smiles, and punches him hard in the face. Two Triad men come up behind her to tackle her. She pushes them off. Virus pulls out his gun. Emerald turns her body into crystal to block the bullets being shot. They project off of her. However, what she didn’t know was the substance of the gas. The gas caught a spark flying off of her and begins to burn. Emerald’s eyes widen as the flame starts up in the cloud. The sick people are out cold, some of them dead. Out of nowhere a blast of wind and water comes, extinguishing the gas that was going to engulf the people. Emerald turns around. It’s a man in an exo-suit. Dwarn: Stand down, O’Reale. You’re going to come with me. Virus looks at the mechanical suit. It makes Dwarn taller and, frankly, is intimidating. Virus points a gun at him and fires near the head. The bullet hits the eyeglass, breaking it. Dwarn: No! No, I can’t see out of that now! Virus takes off his left glove. It’s blistered and wrinkled, showing a disgusting texture. He comes toward Dwarn. The mouth of the suit is exposed. Virus: You fool. As he comes in to inject Dwarn, Emerald flings a crystal out of her hand, cracking the metal surrounding the syringe claws and making Virus drop the needle. Virus stoops to pick it back up, but it only allows him to take a sharp upper-cut from Dwarn. His knees buckle and he drops to the floor. Dwarn: Haha! Now look who’s saved the day! Emerald: Dwarn! Oh, thank you. These people could have been killed- Dwarn: They’re probably already dead, “Emerald.” Emerald: What? Dwarn: The cloud of illness. Emerald goes to check on the victims. Emerald: You… You’re right. Dwarn: ‘Tis a shame, too. Dwarn goes to comfort Stephanie, but his suit is hit by a projectile from a Triad Henchman. Dwarn: What? The projectile beeps. His suit gets engulfed by a flash of electricity, zapping Dwarn who is inside. AUughaUGHaughAughAugh! The exo-suit begins to malfunction. It starts to spray water everywhere. He jumps up into the air and sprays. It gets on all the paintings in the rotunda. Dwarn: STOP! Stop! Then the bullets start coming out. Dwarn is rather surprised, as he locked that function beforehand. A wave of bullets comes toward Emerald, which she deflects with her crystal skin. The cloud of illness again ignites, this time not hesitating to burn the innocent victims. Emerald is blasted 10 feet in the air to splat on the floor. Dwarn tries to get the water to that direction, but it’s too late. The survivors are burning. Finally, Emerald creates a long crystal to swipe out the flames with air. Some of it spreads to the trees in the lobby. Emerald: (Not gonna work. I have to stop who’s starting it all.) She then looks towards Dwarn’s suit. Her eyes lower. Dwarn: No! You… You can'y destroy my suit! Emerald charges and begins to stab into the hard plastic. Dwarn tries to get her off. Dwarn: NO! You’ll only make it worse! She pulls off the gloves, then some of the torso armor. Finally, she removes the helmet, which turns the whole thing off. Dwarn splats on the ground, the heavy suit no longer being supported. Dwarn: No! No! You destroyed it! My life's work! Emerald looks at the helmet. Emerald: Then make it Emerald-proof next time. She crushes the helmet and drags Dwarn from the scene. All the innocents there are dead. Except one. ~~ James looks inside the building and finds Carolina looking at some of the pictures of past governors. She’s primarily interested in Mark Hatfield. James looks at her in a tired, exhausted, yet curious way. James: What are you looking at Hatfield or? Carolina: Oh nothing. I was wondering where you went? James: I went to meet with the mayor. Carolina: Where is Stephanie? James: Who knows? Carolina: Oh, I hope she is alright. James: Did you not hear anything that happened? Carolina: What happened? James: People are dead, Carolina. Many, many people. ~~ Dwarn is furious with Emerald. Emerald just drops him on the back of the capitol’s steps and plans to leave him. She looks at him with disgust. Dwarn: Why do you look at me like that? Emerald: I had everything under control in there! Then YOU showed up and ruined everything. Dwarn: No… No no no I helped you. Emerald: Not much. People died in FLAMES because of you. You managed to kill off the rest of the people who were alive, and now part of the capitol is on fire! Fire trucks make their way toward the capitol. Emerald looks at them. Emerald: No, I could have dealt with this. You destroyed everything. Dwarn grows enraged. He tries to get up but can’t. He’s stuck in the suit. Dwarn: You’re putting all the blame on me, you fool. You’d be NOWHERE without me. Still stuck in that hospital bed. Do you hear me? Emerald: I hear you. Now let me do my job for once, you pathetic old man. You know, what you HIRED me to do. You helped demolish part of this building. You’re no better than a termite, Dwarn. How does that make you feel? Dwarn: You’re no better than me, you… YOU TERRORIST! Emerald’s eyes widen. She did almost start the flame, and no doubt spread some of it when trying to extinguish it. Dwarn: Heh. That’s right. You’re not getting away with this. You’ll be prosecuted! Emerald walks away from Dwarn, ashamed. Dwarn calls out to her. Dwarn: Aren’t you going to help me up? Emerald pauses and turns around. Emerald: Get that load off of you, and then get up. You’re only holding yourself down if you keep that thing on your chest. Emerald walks away on the sidewalk, slowly. Each step with weight. She removes her necklace and clenches it with her fist.
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