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Rise4Humanity is a movement dedicated to raising public awareness of crimes against humanity all over the world and helping to stop them. Its main mission is to expose potential atrocities and other injustice that might be faced by children anywhere in the world as early as practical, laying the grounds for an impartial and effective enforcement of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights on global basis.
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Rise4Humanity is a movement dedicated to raising public awareness of crimes against humanity all over the world and helping to stop them. Its main mission is to expose potential atrocities and other injustice that might be faced by children anywhere in the world as early as practical, laying the grounds for an impartial and effective enforcement of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights on global basis. Rise4Humanity was established in March 21, 2012 and is a registered non-profit organization in the state of California. The organization launched its first campaign in March 2012 to raise awareness and provide humanitarian assistance to the Children of Syria. The campaign titled SAVE THE CHILDREN OF SYRIA is introduced on the organization's official website as follows: "The Children of Syria have become victims of violence, torture, and killings. With thousands of children killed, wounded, detained, and left without family, THE WORLD MUST KNOW about this atrocity for medical aid and humanitarian assistance to reach them. IT STARTS WITH YOU!" The website links to a YouTube channel at The organization's facebook page describes its first cause as: "Innocent children have become victims of inexplicable torture and violence in Syria. The world and our leaders must ACT NOW to stop these crimes against humanity, and it all starts with you. Share our cause and #Rise4Humanity!