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The process of deleveling in Scions of Fate involves the player who wishes to delevel to kill his/her self so that they lose enough experience to go backwards one character level. The purpose of deleveling is so that the player will lose a random ability point when they delevel. A random ability point will only be lost if all ability points were previously used up before the deleveling. After deleveling, the player will also very likely be close to leveling again, so once the player brings his/her self back up to the level they just lost, they may put their ability point gained from leveling into their desired ability. Repeating the deleveling process ensures that you lose a random ability point that you can put into whichever ability you want at the next level up. Your entire ability list Deleveling means falling back to a lower level by losing EXP. It can be accidental or intentional (by dying over and over again until you lose enough levels to reach some target, lower level). About 25 deaths are required to lose enough EXP to down-level. This number ranges from 18 up to 33. Since you do not lose experience points at level 5 or below, the lowest level you can delevel to is 5.
Deleveling means falling back to a lower level by losing EXP. It can be accidental or intentional (by dying over and over again until you lose enough levels to reach some target, lower level). About 25 deaths are required to lose enough EXP to down-level. This number ranges from 18 up to 33. Since you do not lose experience points at level 5 or below, the lowest level you can delevel to is 5. The process of deleveling in Scions of Fate involves the player who wishes to delevel to kill his/her self so that they lose enough experience to go backwards one character level. The purpose of deleveling is so that the player will lose a random ability point when they delevel. A random ability point will only be lost if all ability points were previously used up before the deleveling. After deleveling, the player will also very likely be close to leveling again, so once the player brings his/her self back up to the level they just lost, they may put their ability point gained from leveling into their desired ability. Repeating the deleveling process ensures that you lose a random ability point that you can put into whichever ability you want at the next level up. Your entire ability list may be redone with this process, though, because only a random ability is lost at the deleveling, and not a chosen one, it can be time consuming to delevel to redo abilities, especially at higher levels when leveling is slower. Also, deleveling can be used if a player doesn't have enough Ki points, and instead of continuing leveling without enough Ki points, the character will delevel to a previous level to gain the skill points again. Monsters don't give exp or Ki if you are 10 levels ahead and for easy kills, you may want to be within 10 levels to get the Ki points from them. * * HOWEVER WITH THE NEW PATCH YOU CANNOT DO THIS ANYMORE! SORRY!