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Hotel Lepic
Hotel Lepic was a hotel in Paris, France. The Night Porter and Hotel Inspector worked there. In September 1908, Miss Seymour and her ward, Indiana Jones stayed in an upstairs suite at the hotel. After a day at the Louvre where they met Norman Rockwell and a trip to the puppet theater, Miss Seymour returned to the hotel, leaving the boys to stay at the theater. When the boys didn't return after the last show, she began to worry, and called the Hotel Inspector, who summoned the Police Inspector. Both inspectors met with Miss Seymour in a ground floor salon of the hotel.
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Hotel Lepic was a hotel in Paris, France. The Night Porter and Hotel Inspector worked there. In September 1908, Miss Seymour and her ward, Indiana Jones stayed in an upstairs suite at the hotel. After a day at the Louvre where they met Norman Rockwell and a trip to the puppet theater, Miss Seymour returned to the hotel, leaving the boys to stay at the theater. When the boys didn't return after the last show, she began to worry, and called the Hotel Inspector, who summoned the Police Inspector. Both inspectors met with Miss Seymour in a ground floor salon of the hotel. Later than night, Jones slipped past the Night Porter and entered his room, sneaking a bite to eat from a cold tray while tiptoeing around the sleeping Miss Seymour. He hid in a wardrobe, pretending to have fallen asleep in there while working on his essay on Leonardo da Vinci. The next morning, Miss Seymour woke up in her chair in the suite's anteroom, and discovered Jones asleep in the wardrobe, but didn't fully believe his story. His punishment was to stay in the room all day, and read Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. In the evening, after dinner, Miss Seymour bid him good evening and locked him in his room. Hoping to attend a party being thrown by Pablo Picasso at Le Lapin Agile, Jones climbed out the bathroom window, and scrambled over the rooftops, and scaled down on a rain gutter which came loose and dropped him onto a lower level balcony. From there he made his way back inside the building to the street. Miss Seymour later came into Jones' room to check on him, and discovered his absence. She noticed a note on his desk about the party, and went out to search for him.