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Speed (term)
Speed is simply how fast a character can move in a given amount of time. There are three types of speed: Combat Speed, Reaction Speed Travel Speed, & Attack Speed. The term 'Speed" is normally referred to Combat Speed. The speed at which a character can fight. The speed at which a thing crosses a certain distance, like going from the earth to the sun for example. High travel speed usually require similar reaction speed. People usually have lower travel speed than for other types of movement. -Sub-Human -Peak Human -Super Human -Subsonic (Faster than Eye) (Mach 0.1-0.5) (89-170 m/s or 200-500mph)
Speed is simply how fast a character can move in a given amount of time. There are three types of speed: Combat Speed, Reaction Speed Travel Speed, & Attack Speed. The term 'Speed" is normally referred to Combat Speed. The speed at which a character can fight. The speed at which a character can react. This usually only grants a short movement upon reaction, several movements at the same speed switch it to combat speed. Say character A shoots at character B with a gun and character B dodges. That's their reaction speed. Keep in mind, sometimes a person aim dodges and it's not as good of a feat. For example let's say character A uses a minigun on character B, but the minigun takes a second or two to charge up and Character B see's this. If Character B dodges it's considered aim dodging since he/she knew the attack was going to happen. Reaction speed is reacting to an attack you don't know is going to happen or at a very close range. The reaction speed of a character also tends to be its highest speed. The speed at which a thing crosses a certain distance, like going from the earth to the sun for example. High travel speed usually require similar reaction speed. People usually have lower travel speed than for other types of movement. The speed at which an attack moves. For example, X character is hypersonic, but he can do an attack that is a natural beam of light, the speed for the attack is different from the speed of the user, hence the attack would be light speed even if its user isn't. -Sub-Human -Peak Human -Super Human -Subsonic (Faster than Eye) (Mach 0.1-0.5) (89-170 m/s or 200-500mph) -Subsonic+ (Mach 0.5-0.8) (~300 m/s) -Transonic (Mach 0.9-1.1) (~340 m/s) -Supersonic (Mach 1.1-2.5) -Supersonic+ (Mach 2.5-5) -Hypersonic (Mach 5-10) -High-Hypersonic (Mach 10-25) -Re-entry (Mach 25-50) -Re-entry+ (Mach 50-100) -Re-entry++ (Mach 100-1,000) -Re-entry+++ (Mach 1,000-10,000) -Sub-Relativistic (1%-5% Speed of Light) -Sub-Relativistic+ (5%-10% Speed of Light) -Relativistic (10%-50% Speed of Light) -Relativistic+ (50%-99% Speed of Light) -Speed of Light -Faster Than Light (x1-10) -Faster Than Light+ (x10-100) -Massively Faster Than Light (x100-1,000) -Massively Faster Than Light+ (x1,000+) -Infinite Speed -Omnipresent -Instantaneous (teleportation)