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The Twoleg Prophecy 2/Part Two
John ran down the streets of his hometown, his talisman bouncing up and down his chest. The jacket he was wearing for protection from the cold fit him tightly, revealing the light muscles that he had gained in the few weeks he had been training. I’ve got to hurry… He thought as his stride widened as he tried to run faster. I… don’t want to… keep her waiting… As he ran down the streets, he saw a floral Shoppe that he remembered from when he was still at the orphanage. He had gone there once to buy flowers for Miss Wilson. John walked to the man, taking time to straighten himself up a little.
The Twoleg Prophecy 2 Part Two: The Return
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The Twoleg Prophecy 2 Part Three: The Final Goodbye
John ran down the streets of his hometown, his talisman bouncing up and down his chest. The jacket he was wearing for protection from the cold fit him tightly, revealing the light muscles that he had gained in the few weeks he had been training. I’ve got to hurry… He thought as his stride widened as he tried to run faster. I… don’t want to… keep her waiting… As he ran down the streets, he saw a floral Shoppe that he remembered from when he was still at the orphanage. He had gone there once to buy flowers for Miss Wilson. He dashed inside, the atmosphere surprisingly cold for a floral Shoppe, the man at the register looking at the fit young man with an air of confusion. John walked to the man, taking time to straighten himself up a little. “One red rose, please.” He huffed, and he took a moment to wrench a few Euros he had earned awhile ago, glancing at the prices on the wall, he figured he had just enough. This would be worth the price, though. “Here.” The man gave him a single rose, which John took out of his hand with barely contained haste, and he almost shoved the right amount of money right across the check out table onto the floor. As John ran out of the store, the man yelled to him with mild amusement, “For someone special, I assume?” John took a moment to nod, and ran off. The man just shook his head, chuckling softly. John ran, butterflies fluttering about in his stomach, as he recognized the intersection. He was almost there. He ran across the street, and slowed down as he reached his destination. He softly shoved the rose into his jacket, making sure not to smash it, and casually walked into the restaurant. It was a quaint place, the earth-toned colors and random pictures of people, places and things hung on the walls. The furniture had a charming feel to it, and the whole place had unmistakable warmth to it, not only from the atmosphere but from the friendly glances from the staff. “Hey, John! I thought you weren’t coming.” John blushed as he recognized the voice, and turned to face it. The voice that had called out to him came from a beautiful girl, her eyes the color of a summer sky and black hair that flowed like a waterfall from her head to her shoulders. “Hi, Ada.” He greeted her. He walked casually over to her, not even trying to hide his smile. He sat down at the table, and Ada smiled as she saw something inside his jacket. “What do you have there?” She asked, sort of guessing what it was. John smiled, and pulled out the surprisingly-not-smashed rose. “For you.” He handed it to her as she smiled. “John! You shouldn’t have…” She blushed. “Yes, yes I did.” John replied, softly holding her hand, smiling at her. John felt like his hand was burning at the touch of the forbidden hand. If only you knew… This isn’t for you, Ada. It’s for me. I’d thought starting a new relationship this soon would help… He faked a smile in her direction. But… I think just four moons, let alone one to get over someone is too short a time… He thought as he stared at the girl across from him, slowly regretting the decisions he had made in the past four moons.