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Blood Warrior
The Blood Warrior is considered the ultimate ‘tank’. Blood Warriors have superior defensive abilities than the other two warrior classes, at the cost of some offensive power. The Blood Warrior has many personal buffs, most of these are personal buffs focusing on damage mitigation. Blood Warriors are able to create a link between themselves and either a friend or a foe. If the link is made with an ally, the Blood Warrior will act as a bodyguard for that specific character. If the link is made with a foe the Blood Warrior can redirect incoming damage to an enemy. Blood Warriors are a central theme to the series, as the main protagonist Hiro Hiyorimi is transformed into one in the first episode of the series. Only deceased beings can be made into Blood Warriors, Vampires and Werewolves are exceptions to this.
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Blood Warriors are a central theme to the series, as the main protagonist Hiro Hiyorimi is transformed into one in the first episode of the series. Only deceased beings can be made into Blood Warriors, Vampires and Werewolves are exceptions to this. The Blood Warrior is considered the ultimate ‘tank’. Blood Warriors have superior defensive abilities than the other two warrior classes, at the cost of some offensive power. The Blood Warrior has many personal buffs, most of these are personal buffs focusing on damage mitigation. Blood Warriors are able to create a link between themselves and either a friend or a foe. If the link is made with an ally, the Blood Warrior will act as a bodyguard for that specific character. If the link is made with a foe the Blood Warrior can redirect incoming damage to an enemy. Taking damage is the primary source for the offensive abilities of the Blood Warrior. As the Blood Warrior grows in power he will be able to make additional links to friends and foes, thus increasing his defensive or offensive abilities. The Blood Warrior receives many combat skills that focus on establishing blood links and using them effectively. “A single Bloodwarrior may have a hard time. Will almost certainly die unless he can control his abilities. The Scars' power is intoxicating and can be use again and again without limit. I’ve seen many a Bloodwarrior go on a murderous rampage only to burn himself up completely. In a group though, a Bloodwarrior is essential. We can stay in combat for a long time and crush our enemies. Our Scars allow us to weaken opponents and soften them up for our teammates, while they look out for us. But as said: alone, without any support, it’s going to be harder and those who are too eager… Well, they will die.” – Master Bloodwarrior Alkard Pettera, The Academy, Hawksmouth