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The Gunslinger Born/Chapter Five
Susan Delgado has ridden across The Drop trying to escape her emotions after Hart Thorin dry-humped her. Roland appears saying he followed her as he felt something was wrong. Roland reveals his true identity to her, and Susan ends up losing her virginity to Roland saying to him If you love me, then love me. Roland wakes to find Susan trying to cut her hair as she was instructed to do by Rhea after she loses her virginity. He stops her, hypnotizing her to discover the reason she did it. From this, he discovers that Mearlyn's Grapefruit may have a part to play in the reason.
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Susan Delgado has ridden across The Drop trying to escape her emotions after Hart Thorin dry-humped her. Roland appears saying he followed her as he felt something was wrong. Roland reveals his true identity to her, and Susan ends up losing her virginity to Roland saying to him If you love me, then love me. Roland wakes to find Susan trying to cut her hair as she was instructed to do by Rhea after she loses her virginity. He stops her, hypnotizing her to discover the reason she did it. From this, he discovers that Mearlyn's Grapefruit may have a part to play in the reason. The story turns to Rhea. She questions why Susan didn't do as instructed and sends her pet mutie cat, Musty, to The Traveller's Rest to further her plans. Retuning to Roland, he and Susan scout the oil fields, discovering the hidden oil tankers and their transports. He recounts to Susan how he believes John Farson willl use the oil to fix the machines of the Old Ones to use against The Affiliation. Susan leaves, with Roland, Alain and Cuthbert leaving too. Cuthbert loses The Lookout. Roy Depape informs Eldred Jonas that the three boys are Gunslingers, Eldred leaves to scout out the Bar K where they are staying. Musty appears with his note saying Rhea needs more drink, so Sheemie is sent to deliver some to her. Eldred arrives at Bar K and wrecks the place wondering why they use messenger pigeons instead of a Helio. However he doesn't discover the boys' guns. When the three boys return, they realize Jonas was there. However Roland says to leave him alone for now, leading to Cuthbert leaving in a rage. Marten Broadcloak appears instructing George Latigo that he is to ride to Hanging Rock and inform the Big Coffin Hunters that as son as the oil shipments are ready, they have to ship them, that they must retrieve Maerlyn's Grapefruit and kill the three boys. Cuthbert realises he has lost the Lookout and Eldred finds it.