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Sri Lanka Video/Theories
The Sri Lanka Video may provide clues of the nature of the Others. The theories broadly fall into the categories that the Others: 1) are part of the DHARMA Initiative, 2) were part of the DHARMA Initiative, but are no longer, or 3) are a different group from the DHARMA Initiative. Also the first two theories suggest that the villages mentioned in the second half of the video will be found on the Island; these may be related to the four-toed statue.
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The Sri Lanka Video may provide clues of the nature of the Others. The theories broadly fall into the categories that the Others: 1) are part of the DHARMA Initiative, 2) were part of the DHARMA Initiative, but are no longer, or 3) are a different group from the DHARMA Initiative. Also the first two theories suggest that the villages mentioned in the second half of the video will be found on the Island; these may be related to the four-toed statue. For example the first half of the film may be an orientation film for the Others, providing training for a life in the jungle at a secret facility that may be an island. This theory suggests that the audience in the second half may be include the Others, and some fans claim that the Benjamin Linus is briefly visible. This view is complementary to the theory that Cindy, who was a flight attendant on Flight 815, was a member of the DHARMA. As for the purpose of the Others, Mittelwerk tells his group they must keep up a cover story; the Others are already known to have a type of cover story, because of the fake beard and fake village. In this view, the Others may be Mittelwerk's damage control team to get DHARMA's mission back on track. His words, "we have done our level best and yet," and "it is time for radical action," both imply that success has not been achieved and damage control is necessary. He also uses wording to indicate that he believes he has good intentions, paralleling the frequent use of the word "Good" by the Others, lending support to theory that the Others are part of Mittelwerk's group. Alternatively, the orientation film may not be intended for the Others. In contrast, Mittelwerk's team may be being sent to respond to the Others, who may have originally been part of the DHARMA Initiative, but have since become an independent group that has taken actions viewed as "radical." The similarity of Mittelwerk's speech to the Others believing they are "good people" also supports the notion that they were formerly part of the DHARMA Initiative. However all theories claiming the video is in any way directly related to the Others is subject to uncertainties in the timeline because the producers of Lost have stated that time on the Island may not pass normally. Therefore it is unclear when the video was created in relation to the known storyline on the Island, despite the facts that Flight 815 crashed in 2004, while Rachel Blake's adventures occur 2 years later, in 2006. It is plausible that although only a few months have passed on the Island's timeframe, it may be 2006 in "the real world." These theories are further confounded with the possibility of a Milgram experiment at various levels, in other words, an intentional effort by the investigators to attempt to cause the subject to act against his or her normal conscience. Such a possibility is plausible in light of the discovery of the deceptive nature of the Pearl and Swan Stations, and the Pneumatic Tube Dump. In other words, Mittelwerk's team may be being evaluated as they are being duped to spread a deadly virus as part of a larger experiment.