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Way Down South
Begin by talking to King Roald in the Varrock Palace. Ask him if he has any quests for you. * Player: Greetings, your Majesty. Have you any quests for me? * King Roald: Well... Actually... I do. Follow me, please. * The king walks to the library, with the player following. * King Roald: *enters library and locks the door when the Player is inside* Reldo! * Reldo: Yes, Sire? * King Roald: Brief Player here of your idea. * Reldo: Yes Sire. *opens a map on the table. The map shows a strange, vast continent* * Player: What's that? * Reldo: This is the Southern Lands. * Player: The Southern Lands? * King Roald: Yes. A massive continent to the far south. We've lost contact during the middle of the Third Age. The deep Southern Sea is a fierce ocean, with
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Begin by talking to King Roald in the Varrock Palace. Ask him if he has any quests for you. * Player: Greetings, your Majesty. Have you any quests for me? * King Roald: Well... Actually... I do. Follow me, please. * The king walks to the library, with the player following. * King Roald: *enters library and locks the door when the Player is inside* Reldo! * Reldo: Yes, Sire? * King Roald: Brief Player here of your idea. * Reldo: Yes Sire. *opens a map on the table. The map shows a strange, vast continent* * Player: What's that? * Reldo: This is the Southern Lands. * Player: The Southern Lands? * King Roald: Yes. A massive continent to the far south. We've lost contact during the middle of the Third Age. The deep Southern Sea is a fierce ocean, with powerful, churning waves and many horrors of the deep. * Reldo: But we plan to make an expedition to the South. * Player: And I have to do it? * King Roald: Yes. * Player: Fine, I will go. * King Roald: You will need to sail from the Void Knights' Island to get there. But first, you must talk to Sir Amik Varze in Falador about making a fleet of ships sturdy enough for the journey.