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Adranna's brothers, Dannor and Dalroth, had taken their father to Tyrion in chains, and received rank and titles upon his execution. Alone of her family, Adranna could see the unfolding fates. When she protested, she had been given to Morathi as a plaything. The Hag Sorceress had delighted in remoulding the princess' mind in a manner entirely out of keeping with her noble rank, but Adranna's true self had bubbled to the surface. Sensing Korhil's reluctance, Adranna begged him to return, to break Morathi's hold over Tyrion. Adranna promised that she had prepared magics that could shield them both from the madness of the court – Morathi's power was spread thin, and Adranna sought to exploit a chink in the sorceress' enchantments. Shamed by the princess' determination, Korhil agreed, and the
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Adranna's brothers, Dannor and Dalroth, had taken their father to Tyrion in chains, and received rank and titles upon his execution. Alone of her family, Adranna could see the unfolding fates. When she protested, she had been given to Morathi as a plaything. The Hag Sorceress had delighted in remoulding the princess' mind in a manner entirely out of keeping with her noble rank, but Adranna's true self had bubbled to the surface. Sensing Korhil's reluctance, Adranna begged him to return, to break Morathi's hold over Tyrion. Adranna promised that she had prepared magics that could shield them both from the madness of the court – Morathi's power was spread thin, and Adranna sought to exploit a chink in the sorceress' enchantments. Shamed by the princess' determination, Korhil agreed, and the pair left for Duskwide, where they came across and feigned joining with Tyrion and Morathi's aestyrion.[1a][1b][1c] Whilst she did not want to fight on Tyrion and Morathi's behalf, Adranna knew that her only chance of survival – as well as that of her ally and confidant Korhil – lay in seeming a loyal and dedicated follower of the ersatz Phoenix King. Adranna would regretfully spill blood if called upon to do so, but her reluctance would surely be of no comfort to the kin of those she killed.[1c]