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Republic of the Sphere
In the fictional BattleTech universe, the Republic of the Sphere is a nation that rose from the ashes of the Word of Blake Jihad. Founded by Devlin Stone, it is divided into 10 Prefectures, each of which is designated by a Roman numeral. The Republic is ruled by an Exarch, of which Devlin Stone was the first. The second Exarch, Damien Redburn, was chosen by Devlin Stone and ratified by the council of Paladins. The third Exarch of the Republic, Jonah Levin, was elected by the council of Paladins. His election came shortly after the assassination of Paladin Victor Ian Steiner-Davion, whose death was investigated by Jonah Levin on the orders of Exarch Redburn. Continuing down the ruling structure of the Republic, every Prefecture is ruled by a Lord Governor. All military matters are handled b In the fictional BattleTech universe, the Republic of the Sphere is a nation that rose from the ashes of the Word of Blake Jihad. Founded by Devlin Stone, it is divided into 10 Prefectures, each of which is designated by a Roman numeral.
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October 2008
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October 2008
October 2008
In the fictional BattleTech universe, the Republic of the Sphere is a nation that rose from the ashes of the Word of Blake Jihad. Founded by Devlin Stone, it is divided into 10 Prefectures, each of which is designated by a Roman numeral. The Republic is ruled by an Exarch, of which Devlin Stone was the first. The second Exarch, Damien Redburn, was chosen by Devlin Stone and ratified by the council of Paladins. The third Exarch of the Republic, Jonah Levin, was elected by the council of Paladins. His election came shortly after the assassination of Paladin Victor Ian Steiner-Davion, whose death was investigated by Jonah Levin on the orders of Exarch Redburn. Continuing down the ruling structure of the Republic, every Prefecture is ruled by a Lord Governor. All military matters are handled by a Prefect. Within each Prefecture, there are many planets, each ruled by a planetary Governor, and local defense in the hands of the local Legate. The Exarch is assisted in the running of the Republic by Senators within the Republic Senate, two per world, representing each Prefecture. The guardians of the peace within the Republic are the Paladins and Knights of the Sphere. The Republic Armed Forces are commanded by Commanding General Tina Magnusson-Talbot. Each Prefecture contains three combined arms regiments: an elite Hastati Sentinels, a veteran Principes Guards, and a parade unit, the Triarii Protectors. Each one is named after a different type of Roman infantry. The Hastati were light infantry, the Principes the heavier veterans, and oddly the Triarii the grizzled elites. There are 18 Paladins who are chosen to serve the Republic. 17 of those are known public figures, while the remaining Paladin, known as the Ghost Paladin runs the Intelligence Service of the Republic, the men and women known as the Ghost Knights. The current Ghost Paladin at the time of the election of Exarch Levin is Paladin Emil, who works under the cover of the concierge of the Hotel Duquesne, the hotel of choice for the Republic in housing its dignitaries and high ranking personnel. Known Ghost Knights include Knight Reo Jones, under the cover of a disgraced Knight-to-be, and Mason Dunne, the man behind the Battle of Basalt, restoring that planet to Republic rule. Amongst the Paladins, a notable figure is the 'Black Paladin,' Daniel Peterson, who went under the alias Ezekiel Crow for most of his political life. A Paladin of the Republic, he betrayed the very Republic he had sworn to defend, on the Planet Northwind. Countess Tara Campbell of Northwind and of the Highlanders, unknowing of his intentions, had fallen for him. Shortly after his betrayal on Northwind, he attempted to assassinate Paladin Jonah Levin on Terra, and interfered with Terra's planetary defense against the Steel Wolves. He was foiled when Countess Northwind defeated him and destroyed his 'mech. Unknown to her, he did not die. In an attempt to redeem himself, he ended up on the Republican world of Liao, fighting a Capellan Confederation assault and dying there. Due to the deaths of Paladins Victor Steiner Davion and Ezekiel Crow, the Paladin Council was now short of Paladins, which were needed for an election for the next Exarch to be held. Thus Knights Janella Lakewood and Gareth Sinclair were elevated to the position of Paladins of the Sphere. After the fall of the HPG grids the Republic was evidently torn apart by warring factions within the government; most notably, the Senate tried to achieve a coup over the ruling Paladins through subversion. The Knights and Armed Forces of the Republic retreated back to "Fortress Republic," a newly declared region of space encompassing only slightly more than Prefecture X. The Republic dissolved as a major political body after the Fortress' declaration. It continues to fight as a minor faction in this age of destruction under the banner of the "New Republic Territory." The collapse of interstellar communications in 3132 led the Republic to splinter into several factions including: * Bannson's Raiders: Mercenary unit funded by the politically ambitious and ultra-wealthy businessman Jacob Bannson. Formerly allied with House Liao, the alliance has recently fallen apart. * Dragon's Fury: Draconis Combine allied faction, folded into Draconis Combine after leader Katana Tormark is named Warlord of the Dieron District. * Northwind Highlanders: Republic planetary defense and former mercenary unit. Now, completely absorbed by the Republic military. * Swordsworn: Federated Suns allied faction, led by Lord Governor Aaron Sandoval. * Spirit Cats: Clan Nova Cat allied faction. Folded into regular Nova Cat forces following the assassination of Galaxy Commander Kev Rosse. * Stormhammers: Lyran Commonwealth allied faction led by Landgrave Jasek Kelswa-Steiner, and based near Skye. * Steel Wolves: Clan Wolf allied faction, formerly led by Galaxy Commander Anastasia Kerensky after defeating Galaxy Commander Kal Radick. The Steel Wolves were disbanded by Kerensky so that she could from a mercenary unit from its core. * Wolf Hunters: Mercenary unit lead by Anastasia Kerensky, created from part of the Steel Wolves. In the fictional BattleTech universe, the Republic of the Sphere is a nation that rose from the ashes of the Word of Blake Jihad. Founded by Devlin Stone, it is divided into 10 Prefectures, each of which is designated by a Roman numeral.