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Raptor Squad: Episode VIII: Operation Windfall pt.1
Darkness enveloped him. In the distance a Peko Peko called out to its mate. It was soaring, high now, above the treetops. He pulled his attention back to the here and now. His lightsaber hummed in his hands, causing the hair on his knuckles to stand on end. It would be coming soon…any second now…darkness gave way to a vision, muddled and wavering, it would come from…there! “Yeah, that was real funny, you about dislocated my shoulder that time Vic…” Klux said, rubbing the whelp that was rising under his skin. Klux shrugged. “Yeah, but if they were blaster bolts I would still be Bantha Poodo.”
Raptor Squad
Bob Rodgers
What prequel? Oh ok GL made a Movie and millions loved it
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Mike Garrett, Sam Garrett, Tony Garrett, Tracy Rodgers, Alex Chinn,John Edrington
Darkness enveloped him. In the distance a Peko Peko called out to its mate. It was soaring, high now, above the treetops. He pulled his attention back to the here and now. His lightsaber hummed in his hands, causing the hair on his knuckles to stand on end. It would be coming soon…any second now…darkness gave way to a vision, muddled and wavering, it would come from…there! Klux brought his saber in a downward arc to the left, the blue blade slicing through the air with a hiss. Pain exploded in his left shoulder and he staggered back, tripping over a rise in the landing pad and dropping with a thud onto his rear. His saber dropped to the ground beside him, shutting down before it touched the duracrete. Laughter echoed through the bay and he snatched the blindfold from his eyes. Vic stood about 5 meters away picking another Galdda fruit from the bag. Behind him A’sok howled in amusement and Baal sat cross-legged on the ground watching intently. “Yeah, that was real funny, you about dislocated my shoulder that time Vic…” Klux said, rubbing the whelp that was rising under his skin. Vic looked up and took a bite of the ripe red fruit. “Maybe I’m the one that should be wearing the blindfold,” he said smiling. Klux shook his head and bent to pick up his saber. It had sustained no damage when it hit the unyielding bay floor, which was a relief…he didn’t like having to fix his saber all the time. As he approached the group, A’sok was just wrapping up his latest anecdote. “So I had to bunk with these guys in this old cave for like, a few MONTHS…and this is the type of stuff they did…day and night…’Klux you aren’t in tune with the Force, Klux open your mind to the future but keep it on the present’…I thought I was going to go out of my mind!” A’sok finished, and turned a lopsided grin towards Klux. Klux was grinning as well. “Right, and we got to listen to you go on and on about how bored you were too, and let me tell you, THAT wasn’t irritating. Noooo” he said, dropping onto the boarding ramp of the Skullduggery and taking his tunic off. He placed it at his feet and began to inspect the damage. A red whelp had come up on his shoulder and in two other spots on his chest. Klux ran a light finger over them, slowly letting the Force make its way through his body and relieving the slight discomfort. “Hit three times but you took down at least twice that many,” Baal said from next to him. The large cat had turned now and was watching Klux with large green eyes. Klux shrugged. “Yeah, but if they were blaster bolts I would still be Bantha Poodo.” “I can guarantee that the stormies on De’Jer Prime won’t be throwing fruit my friends,” Jax said, emerging from the side of the Skullduggery and leading a tech crew. He was dressed in a more traditional military uniform now, a pair of jungle khakis and long sleeved tan shirt. The rebel cell leader struck an imposing figure while at the same time appearing slight, and relatively unthreatening. Klux didn’t need the Force to know there was more to Jax Sheba’ than what he allowed to show on the surface. Vic, still facing towards the entrance of the cavern, tossed the red fruit out of the bay and watched it disappear over the edge, falling somewhere into the dense jungle below. Tierfon Station was located in a small mountain that jutted up from the jungle canopy like an island amidst a green ocean of leaves. The entire planet, which, to Klux’s knowledge, had no real name, was primarily forests and mountain ranges…a prefect place for rebels to hide. “Is this the team that’s gonna check the sensor mask?” Vic asked. Klux watched him lick fruit juice from his thumb and casually drop his hand to his sidearm. The sensor mask, as Vic had described it, was a unique piece of technology that would hide the presence of a ship from other ships. Invaluable, Klux thought, but insignificant compared to the power of the Force. “That’s correct….we have had some trouble in the past with the mask’s calibrations…our techs should fix that problem,” Jax said as the team made their way to the boarding ramp. “Ya wanna move so we can get by chief?” one of the techs asked. A sense of irritation washed over Klux and he pulled his attention from Vic and saw that the man was addressing him. ”Uh, yeah, sorry” Klux said standing and grabbing his tunic. “Hang on!” Vic called to the crew. They stopped and threw a bored look back at him. “Ten spot! Get out here!” Vic yelled towards the open hatch. A moment later Vic’s new armorer droid, Ten Spot, shouldered past Klux and hovered out into the bay. “Yes?” his metallic voice crackled and Klux could almost swear the droid cocked his domed head as he spoke. Vic walked up to him and motioned towards the tech team. “These guys are just going to do some work inside and I didn’t want you getting in their way.” The droid hovered Klux realized, just above eye level with Vic said nothing for a moment. “Oh; really?” Ten Spot replied. A’sok let out a snort of laughter and played it off as a cough. Baal eyed the droid suspiciously and Klux waited for the explosion of obscenities most sentients would spit at a mouthy droid. Vic smiled that, “I’m amused but you are two seconds away from getting shot” smile and put his hand on the droid’s shoulder. The droid looked at the hand and slowly back to Vic. “Yeah….really” Vic said, continuing to smile. The droid looked around at the others, at Klux, who just shrugged, and back to Vic. “I could always do some uh…checks…on the …ship’s hull plating...” the droid stammered. Vic smiled and brightened a bit, allowing just a bit of the smile to reach his eyes this time. “Great idea!” he said and gently pushed the droid off towards the rear of the ship. Jax suppressed a smile of his own and gestured towards the interior of the base. “If that’s all taken care of we do have a mission briefing gentlemen…and beings.” A’sok fell in next to Vic and began going on about De’jer Prime and where it might be. As Klux pulled his tunic back on Baal stepped in next to him the pain was gone now and some of the swelling had even receded. “I do not trust droids,” Baal said in a low voice, which came out almost like a growl. His eyes were still following Ten-Spot who had hovered around the back of the ship. Klux looked up at the 7-foot tall cat and smiled. “They aren’t so bad; Two-E has never given me any trouble.” Baal pulled his eyes from the droid and looked down at Klux smiling. “Yet,” he said with a toothy grin.