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Keth Stryker
Keth jumped down from his perch in the tree. He carried his MA5B assault rifle and 2 M-6 pistols. He wore his black and red crossed Mjolnir version VI armor. The Mjolnir project was created by Dr. Catherine Halsey. So far the project had created 6 versions. Keth ran across a field full of grunts. Grunts are part of the alien army named the Covenant. The grunts, who were unaware of a demon running at them, they didn’t raise their guns until Keth was 5 meters from them. Keth stopped short of them. He had a little surprise planted beneath them. He pulled out a detonator and said “See you in hell.” At this Keth pushed the trigger and ran away as fast as he could. The explosion of the land mines killed all of the grunts. Keth had set and primed all of the land mines earlier in the day. Keth ran
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Keth jumped down from his perch in the tree. He carried his MA5B assault rifle and 2 M-6 pistols. He wore his black and red crossed Mjolnir version VI armor. The Mjolnir project was created by Dr. Catherine Halsey. So far the project had created 6 versions. Keth ran across a field full of grunts. Grunts are part of the alien army named the Covenant. The grunts, who were unaware of a demon running at them, they didn’t raise their guns until Keth was 5 meters from them. Keth stopped short of them. He had a little surprise planted beneath them. He pulled out a detonator and said “See you in hell.” At this Keth pushed the trigger and ran away as fast as he could. The explosion of the land mines killed all of the grunts. Keth had set and primed all of the land mines earlier in the day. Keth ran into a few brutes and slowed to shoot them with his MA5B rifle. One brute kept coming until it reached him. Keth grabbed his knife and plunged it into the brute. The brute glared at him for a moment then fell to the ground. A jackal came up to him with a plasma rifle. Keth shot at the shields but they held. Keth grabbed a grenade and tossed it at the jackal. It stuck to him and exploded. The jackal died after a few rounds Keth’s rifle. Keth checked his surroundings once more and again ran for the tree. Keth ran all the way to the tree and climbed into his perch. The perch contained a SRS99C-S2 sniper rifle, communication equipment, and ammo. He had a data crystal for his AI Spike. Spike was waiting and asked for ID and number. “Spartan-010, Keth.” Spike asked him for his password and for the retinal scan. Keth typed on the key board spartans never die. Keth pulled off his helmet, he had brown hair cut short for the military limit. The scan was completed and Keth took up his SRS99C-S2 sniper rifle and checked his area for signs of enemies. Nothing came up on the scope but he checked his infrared scanner and saw 6 tall shapes. Keth smiled, he was going to enjoy this. The elites walked up the hill, at the top sat a tree. The elite leader, Yuzock Kowmungie told his troops to spread out and take the demon as he was flanked. His scouts went toward the left, his rearguard took the demon’s flank, and one of hid bodyguards took the right. His other bodyguard, Uvong stayed in front of Yuzock and together they silently walked toward the tree. Yuzock was surprised when they got to the tree, he had figure the demon would have shot them already. He took the luck and kept going. He was so close to the top he could taste it. Then Uvong stopped, Yuzock asked “What is wrong?” Uvong turned around and replied “it is too quiet, either our fellow Sangheili should be coming up or we should have a message why they haven’t come.” Yuzock checked his message display, the cold blue number 0 stood there staring back. He told Uvong to go and flank him as he waited for the signal he was in position. Uvong jumped down from the tree and slowly jogged to the other side. Yuzock waited for more than 15 minutes. It had been too long. Yuzock climbed over the edge and smelled blood. He held his gun aloft for fearing he was doomed to his brothers’ fate. He looked around then looked up and found himself staring into the tube of a sniper rifle. Keth had placed sensors at the bottom of the tree. None of the elites had arrived at the same time, so Keth easily took the all out with the silencer on his sniper rifle. Yuzock looked down the barrel of the gun and snorted. At least he would go down fighting. Keth sat back in his seat on the Falcon’s Air waiting for the commander to summon him to the bridge. On the planet of Coral, Keth had beaten many covenant troops from invading for about 2 weeks. He was growing impatient. “Spartan-010 to the bridge please, Spartan-010 to the bridge” said the intercom. Keth jumped up and ran to the nearest staircase. As he walked, Keth thought about what he was having to do just to get back to his team. He thought about how killing all the covenant troops had been the easy part, now came the debriefing. Keth stopped at the top corridor and stepped inside the room. “Welcome to the bridge spartan” said a warm voice. Commander Fluff was a tall man with traces of red hair coming from his balding head. He had a rather chubby build and always had a great attitude. “Spartan-010, reporting as per your orders Sir” Keth reported. Fluff smiled he was always happy when Keth came onto the bridge. “At ease spartan.” Keth took his at ease position and listened to his debriefing. “Your new assignment is on Earth.” Fluff said. He wasn’t smiling any more so meant something bad was happening. Keth was surprised, why send him to earth? John was protecting earth and the surrounding areas. Fluff then told Keth about how the UNSC was losing and the secret spartan 3 project. Keth took it all in and smiled, he knew that the UNSC would need more spartans eventually. “Spartan 4s are the issue now. Earth is taking anyone to be spartans. We have about 10,000 troops ready to sign up and about 1,500 troops in training” said Fluff. He was all business now. Keth had a surprised look on his face; he hadn’t thought so many people would want to sign up. Fluff looked up from his roaming glance around the room. “The Falcon’s Air is at your disposal like always.” Keth went from his at ease position to attention. “With the commanders permission I would like to take the ship to earth.” The crew looked at him with a look of pride and determination. They all needed a break and going home would be the perfect time to get some r and r. “It would be our pleasure to assist a fellow officer” Fluff said with a grin on his face. Keth gave a small grin back realizing that he had left out the last part of his mission. Lieutenant Keth are you ready for your final mission before rejoining your team?” Keth took off his helmet and replied. “Lieutenant Junior grade, Spartan-010, ready for duty.”