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A Meeting With Nightbird
Log Title: A Meeting With Nightbird... Characters: Flint, Nightbird Location: Utah/Arizona - USA Date: February 26, 2000 TP: None Summary: Flint has an interesting run-in with the Decepticon Empress Be sure to look in the papers for the story on Jaye murdering Flint... [GI Joe] Executive Officer Flint softly snorted, as if just waking up. "General Hawk, Flint here.. you have a moment?" [GI Joe] General Hawk says, "Sure, Flint. What can I do for you?" [GI Joe] Executive Officer Flint says, "I'll contact you point to point, wait one." [GI Joe] General Hawk says, "Acknowledged. We're in the Comm Tower."
n5: n9:
Log Title: A Meeting With Nightbird... Characters: Flint, Nightbird Location: Utah/Arizona - USA Date: February 26, 2000 TP: None Summary: Flint has an interesting run-in with the Decepticon Empress Be sure to look in the papers for the story on Jaye murdering Flint... [GI Joe] Executive Officer Flint softly snorted, as if just waking up. "General Hawk, Flint here.. you have a moment?" [GI Joe] General Hawk says, "Sure, Flint. What can I do for you?" [GI Joe] Executive Officer Flint says, "I'll contact you point to point, wait one." [GI Joe] General Hawk says, "Acknowledged. We're in the Comm Tower." (Radio) Flint transmits, "Sir, with the march about to occur, Jaye and I both realize the possibility of our identities becoming public. Because of this, I would like to ask permission to transfer Marissa to the Pit to be under the rearguard's protection until this is over," to General Hawk. (Radio) General Hawk radios, 'I understand your concern, Flint. You make the arrangements; I'll give the authorization.' (Radio) Flint radios, "There is one small complication..." to General Hawk. (Radio) General Hawk radios, 'Always. What is it, Flint?' (Radio) Flint radios, "She has a roommate, and she has put together, it seems, that I am the same person that denounced the MARS agreement a month and a half ago." to General Hawk. (Radio) General Hawk radios, 'I thought that public pronouncement was risky. What do you wish to do about it?' (Radio) Flint radios, "Not much I can do, however, she has kept it under her hat for the most part, though people may start to question if Marissa is moved, since they are roommates. My recommendation would be to move her to the Pit as well." to General Hawk. (Radio) General Hawk radios, 'I'm not sure, Flint. Has security run a background check on her?' (Radio) Flint radios, "Been done. She's clean." (Radio) General Hawk radios, '*sigh* Alright, Flint. If you can work something out where as little security is compromised as possible, I'll trust you to handle this. However, I'd better not see plans for the PIT available next month on eBay.' (Radio) Flint radios, "Marissa can handle that, I'm sure.. and I'll be sure to give her my own warning. Flint out."